[완료] purify 사용하면 성공... 빼면 실패?

uni2u의 이미지

어느순간부터 발생하는 core dump를 확인하고자 솔라리스 시스템에 purify 평가판을 설치했습니다.

core dump 내용은 다음과 같았는데요...

#0 0xfedc7598 in realfree () from /usr/lib/libc.so.1
#1 0xfedc7e64 in cleanfree () from /usr/lib/libc.so.1
#2 0xfedc6f90 in _malloc_unlocked () from /usr/lib/libc.so.1

purify를 사용하여 확인하고자 실행을 시켰더니...

signal : 11을 발생하며 죽어나던 시스템이 잘 돌아갑니다... ㅡㅡ;;

purify 옵션을 빼면 여전히 죽어나구요.

purify 를 이용해서 log를 남기도록 셋팅하였는데...

해당 로그를 살펴보면 대강 아래의 내용과 같습니다.

하지만 죽지를 않으니 대체 어디서 어떻게 문제가 발생되었는지... 가장 큰 원인이 무엇이었는지 모르겠네요...

메모리 릭에 관한 메시지도 없고...

그저 예전 core 파일을 보았을때 "in realfree () from /usr/lib/libc.so.1" 구문이 잡혀나와서...

purify에서 잡아준 "_so_send+0x18 [libc.so.1 pc=0xfea7f238]" 구문이 눈에 보입니다.

** purify 옵션을 주고 make 했을때 왜 이상없이 돌아가는지 purify 옵션을 빼면 왜 죽어나는지 무척 궁금합니다.

****  Purify instrumented /user1/prmgwv/tmax/appbin/GviScheduler (pid 10048 at Tue Nov  4 15:29:58 2008)
  * Purify 7.0 Solaris 2 (32-bit) (C) Copyright IBM Corporation. 1992, 2006 All Rights Reserved.
  * For contact information type: "purify -help"
  * Options settings: -output-limit=10000000 -messages=first -chain-length=20 \
    -show-pc-offset -show-pc -log-file=/user1/prmgwv/test/mylog.%v.%p -g++=yes \
    -purify -purify-home=/program/Rational/releases/purify.sol.7.0 \
    -gcc3_path=/usr/local/bin/g++ \
  * License successfully checked out.
  * Command-line: GviScheduler -b -10047 -s GviScheduler -d -1
****  Purify instrumented /user1/prmgwv/tmax/appbin/GviScheduler (pid 10048)  ****
Process 10051 about to exec /bin/sh as "sh".
****  Purify instrumented /user1/prmgwv/tmax/appbin/GviScheduler (pid 10048)  ****
UMR: Uninitialized memory read:
  * This is occurring while in:
        _so_send+0x18        [libc.so.1 pc=0xfea7f238]
        _tmax_writen+0x2c    [libsvrucs.so pc=0xff25e770]
        _send_csmsg_to_clh+0x4fc [libsvrucs.so pc=0xff254454]
        tpcall+0x7e0         [libsvrucs.so pc=0xff2371d0]
        CTmaxApi::TPCall(CTmaxBuf&, char const*)+0x190 [libUtils.a pc=0xb06cc]
        CTmaxApi::TPCall(CTmaxBuf&, std::string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>)+0x54 [libUtils.a pc=0xb0514]
        CviServiceDomain::GetConfigServiceName(int)+0x190 [viServiceDomain.o pc=0x91564]
        CviScheduler::GetConfigServiceName()+0xd4 [viScheduler.o pc=0x8f904]
        CviScheduler::InitService()+0x24 [viScheduler.o pc=0x8f7f8]
        CviScheduler::RunScheduler()+0x38 [viScheduler.o pc=0x8fc64]
        usermain+0x44c       [GviScheduler.o pc=0x92b88]
        _tmax_main+0x9d8     [libsvrucs.so pc=0xff20cd78]
        _start+0x80          [crt1.o pc=0x44860]
  * Reading 144 bytes from 0x112df8 (misaligned) in the heap (6 bytes at 0x112e72 uninit).
  * Address 0x112df8 is at the beginning of a malloc'd block of 144 bytes.
  * This block was allocated from:
        malloc+0x4f4         [rtlib.o pc=0x4eab0]
        _hton_data_fdl+0xbc  [libsvrucs.so pc=0xff288a4c]
        _send_csmsg_to_clh+0x188 [libsvrucs.so pc=0xff2540e0]
        tpcall+0x7e0         [libsvrucs.so pc=0xff2371d0]
        CTmaxApi::TPCall(CTmaxBuf&, char const*)+0x190 [libUtils.a pc=0xb06cc]
        CTmaxApi::TPCall(CTmaxBuf&, std::string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>)+0x54 [libUtils.a pc=0xb0514]
        CviServiceDomain::GetConfigServiceName(int)+0x190 [viServiceDomain.o pc=0x91564]
        CviScheduler::GetConfigServiceName()+0xd4 [viScheduler.o pc=0x8f904]
        CviScheduler::InitService()+0x24 [viScheduler.o pc=0x8f7f8]
        CviScheduler::RunScheduler()+0x38 [viScheduler.o pc=0x8fc64]
        usermain+0x44c       [GviScheduler.o pc=0x92b88]
        _tmax_main+0x9d8     [libsvrucs.so pc=0xff20cd78]
        _start+0x80          [crt1.o pc=0x44860]
****  Purify instrumented /user1/prmgwv/tmax/appbin/GviScheduler (pid 10048)  ****
ABR: Array bounds read:
  * This is occurring while in:
        memcmp+0x44          [rtlib.o pc=0x68c10]
        _get_realloc_symbol+0xe64 [mib.c:3867 pc=0xfefa092c]
        netsnmp_sprint_realloc_objid_tree+0xf8 [mib.c:2962 pc=0xfef9cc84]
        sprint_realloc_objid+0x38 [mib.c:3075 pc=0xfef9d150]
        CVarConvert::OidToString(unsigned long const*, unsigned)+0x1ac [libSnmpApi.a pc=0xab38c]
        CSnmpApi::AddVariable(unsigned long const*, unsigned, variable_list*)+0xac [libSnmpApi.a pc=0xa6584]
        CSnmpApi::SnmpBulkWalk(char const*, long)+0x490 [libSnmpApi.a pc=0xa5f70]
        CvpnIfCsc::GetProtocol()+0x58 [libmVPN.a pc=0x99734]
        CvpnIfCsc::GetData(CSnmpApi&)+0x90 [libmVPN.a pc=0x996b8]
        CviSchedule::GetVrfList(viTargetInfo_t*, CvpnIfCsc*)+0x20c [viSchedule.o pc=0x8d374]
        CviSchedule::PreparePoller(long, int)+0x160 [viSchedule.o pc=0x8cab0]
        CviSchedule::RunSchedule(int)+0x5c [viSchedule.o pc=0x8c8d0]
        CviServiceDomain::RunSchedule(int)+0xb0 [viServiceDomain.o pc=0x9132c]
        CviScheduler::RunSchedule()+0xd4 [viScheduler.o pc=0x8fb34]
        CviScheduler::RunScheduler()+0x1f0 [viScheduler.o pc=0x8fe1c]
        usermain+0x44c       [GviScheduler.o pc=0x92b88]
        _tmax_main+0x9d8     [libsvrucs.so pc=0xff20cd78]
        _start+0x80          [crt1.o pc=0x44860]
  * Reading 10 bytes from 0x111c20 in the heap (6 bytes at 0x111c24 illegal).
  * Address 0x111c20 is at the beginning of a malloc'd block of 4 bytes.
  * This block was allocated from:
        malloc+0x4f4         [rtlib.o pc=0x4eab0]
        strdup+0x14          [libc.so.1 pc=0xfe9fb02c]
        init_tree_roots+0x284 [parse.c:1155 pc=0xfefa8698]
        _init_snmp+0x68      [snmp_api.c:624 pc=0xfefb5290]
        init_snmp+0x58       [snmp_api.c:787 pc=0xfefb5890]
        CSnmpApi::Init()+0x38 [libSnmpApi.a pc=0xa2a70]
        CSnmpApi::CSnmpApi()+0xc8 [libSnmpApi.a pc=0xa2698]
        CviSchedule::GetVrfList(viTargetInfo_t*, CvpnIfCsc*)+0x1a0 [viSchedule.o pc=0x8d308]
        CviSchedule::PreparePoller(long, int)+0x160 [viSchedule.o pc=0x8cab0]
        CviSchedule::RunSchedule(int)+0x5c [viSchedule.o pc=0x8c8d0]
        CviServiceDomain::RunSchedule(int)+0xb0 [viServiceDomain.o pc=0x9132c]
        CviScheduler::RunSchedule()+0xd4 [viScheduler.o pc=0x8fb34]
        CviScheduler::RunScheduler()+0x1f0 [viScheduler.o pc=0x8fe1c]
        usermain+0x44c       [GviScheduler.o pc=0x92b88]
        _tmax_main+0x9d8     [libsvrucs.so pc=0xff20cd78]
        _start+0x80          [crt1.o pc=0x44860]
****  Purify instrumented /user1/prmgwv/tmax/appbin/GviScheduler (pid 10048)  ****
FMR: Free memory read:
  * This is occurring while in:
        std::string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>::~string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>()+0x1c [basic_string.h:261 pc=0xfecdce9c]
        vpninterface_t::~vpninterface_t()+0x24 [libmVPN.a pc=0x98bd0]
        CvpnIfCsc::~CvpnIfCsc()+0x124 [libmVPN.a pc=0x9912c]
        CviSchedule::PreparePoller(long, int)+0x378 [viSchedule.o pc=0x8ccc8]
        CviSchedule::RunSchedule(int)+0x5c [viSchedule.o pc=0x8c8d0]
        CviServiceDomain::RunSchedule(int)+0xb0 [viServiceDomain.o pc=0x9132c]
        CviScheduler::RunSchedule()+0xd4 [viScheduler.o pc=0x8fb34]
        CviScheduler::RunScheduler()+0x1f0 [viScheduler.o pc=0x8fe1c]
        usermain+0x44c       [GviScheduler.o pc=0x92b88]
        _tmax_main+0x9d8     [libsvrucs.so pc=0xff20cd78]
        _start+0x80          [crt1.o pc=0x44860]
  * Reading 4 bytes from 0x275ff0 in the heap.
  * Address 0x275ff0 is 177 bytes past end of a freed block at 0x275f38 of 8 bytes.
  * This block was allocated from:
        malloc+0x4f4         [rtlib.o pc=0x4eab0]
        operator new(unsigned)+0x1c [new_op.cc:48 pc=0xfed14ad4]
        operator new(unsigned)+0xc [rtlib.o pc=0x878c0]
        CvpnIfCsc::AddData(std::string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>, int)+0x34 [libmVPN.a pc=0x99508]
        CvpnIfCsc::GetProtocol()+0x3ac [libmVPN.a pc=0x99a88]
        CvpnIfCsc::GetData(CSnmpApi&)+0x90 [libmVPN.a pc=0x996b8]
        CviSchedule::GetVrfList(viTargetInfo_t*, CvpnIfCsc*)+0x20c [viSchedule.o pc=0x8d374]
        CviSchedule::PreparePoller(long, int)+0x160 [viSchedule.o pc=0x8cab0]
        CviSchedule::RunSchedule(int)+0x5c [viSchedule.o pc=0x8c8d0]
        CviServiceDomain::RunSchedule(int)+0xb0 [viServiceDomain.o pc=0x9132c]
        CviScheduler::RunSchedule()+0xd4 [viScheduler.o pc=0x8fb34]
        CviScheduler::RunScheduler()+0x1f0 [viScheduler.o pc=0x8fe1c]
        usermain+0x44c       [GviScheduler.o pc=0x92b88]
        _tmax_main+0x9d8     [libsvrucs.so pc=0xff20cd78]
        _start+0x80          [crt1.o pc=0x44860]
  * There have been 172 frees since this block was freed.
****  Purify instrumented /user1/prmgwv/tmax/appbin/GviScheduler (pid 10048)  ****
FMW: Free memory write:
  * This is occurring while in:
        __gnu_cxx::__exchange_and_add(int volatile*, int)+0x58 [atomicity.cc:97 pc=0xfed0d1e8]
        std::string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>::~string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>()+0x40 [basic_string.h:217 pc=0xfecdcec0]
        vpninterface_t::~vpninterface_t()+0x24 [libmVPN.a pc=0x98bd0]
        CvpnIfCsc::~CvpnIfCsc()+0x124 [libmVPN.a pc=0x9912c]
        CviSchedule::PreparePoller(long, int)+0x378 [viSchedule.o pc=0x8ccc8]
        CviSchedule::RunSchedule(int)+0x5c [viSchedule.o pc=0x8c8d0]
        CviServiceDomain::RunSchedule(int)+0xb0 [viServiceDomain.o pc=0x9132c]
        CviScheduler::RunSchedule()+0xd4 [viScheduler.o pc=0x8fb34]
        CviScheduler::RunScheduler()+0x1f0 [viScheduler.o pc=0x8fe1c]
        usermain+0x44c       [GviScheduler.o pc=0x92b88]
        _tmax_main+0x9d8     [libsvrucs.so pc=0xff20cd78]
        _start+0x80          [crt1.o pc=0x44860]
  * Writing 4 bytes to 0x276e30 in the heap.
  * Address 0x276e30 is 8 bytes into a freed  block at 0x276e28 of 16 bytes.
  * This block was allocated from:
        malloc+0x4f4         [rtlib.o pc=0x4eab0]
        operator new(unsigned)+0x1c [new_op.cc:48 pc=0xfed14ad4]
        operator new(unsigned)+0xc [rtlib.o pc=0x878c0]
        std::string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>::_Rep::_S_create(unsigned, unsigned, std::allocator<char> const&)+0x94 [new_allocator.h:81 pc=0xfecdc55c]
        std::string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>::_M_mutate(unsigned, unsigned, unsigned)+0x78 [basic_string.h:578 pc=0xfecdd000]
        std::string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>::push_back(char)+0x60 [basic_string.h:1360 pc=0xfecde618]
        COidIndex::GetString(int)+0x318 [libSnmpApi.a pc=0xa8104]
        CvpnIfCsc::GetProtocol()+0x344 [libmVPN.a pc=0x99a20]
        CvpnIfCsc::GetData(CSnmpApi&)+0x90 [libmVPN.a pc=0x996b8]
        CviSchedule::GetVrfList(viTargetInfo_t*, CvpnIfCsc*)+0x20c [viSchedule.o pc=0x8d374]
        CviSchedule::PreparePoller(long, int)+0x160 [viSchedule.o pc=0x8cab0]
        CviSchedule::RunSchedule(int)+0x5c [viSchedule.o pc=0x8c8d0]
        CviServiceDomain::RunSchedule(int)+0xb0 [viServiceDomain.o pc=0x9132c]
        CviScheduler::RunSchedule()+0xd4 [viScheduler.o pc=0x8fb34]
        CviScheduler::RunScheduler()+0x1f0 [viScheduler.o pc=0x8fe1c]
        usermain+0x44c       [GviScheduler.o pc=0x92b88]
        _tmax_main+0x9d8     [libsvrucs.so pc=0xff20cd78]
        _start+0x80          [crt1.o pc=0x44860]
  * There have been 285 frees since this block was freed.
****  Purify instrumented /user1/prmgwv/tmax/appbin/GviScheduler (pid 10048)  ****
FUM: Freeing unallocated memory:
  * This is occurring while in:
        free+0x324           [rtlib.o pc=0x4ee00]
        _ZdLpV+0x10          [libstdc++.so.6 pc=0xfed12800]
        operator delete(*)+0x70 [rtlib.o pc=0x8799c]
        std::string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>::_Rep::_M_destroy(std::allocator<char> const&)+0x30 [new_allocator.h:86 pc=0xfecdcad0]
        std::string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>::~string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>()+0x54 [basic_string.h:218 pc=0xfecdced4]
        vpninterface_t::~vpninterface_t()+0x24 [libmVPN.a pc=0x98bd0]
        CvpnIfCsc::~CvpnIfCsc()+0x124 [libmVPN.a pc=0x9912c]
        CviSchedule::PreparePoller(long, int)+0x378 [viSchedule.o pc=0x8ccc8]
        CviSchedule::RunSchedule(int)+0x5c [viSchedule.o pc=0x8c8d0]
        CviServiceDomain::RunSchedule(int)+0xb0 [viServiceDomain.o pc=0x9132c]
        CviScheduler::RunSchedule()+0xd4 [viScheduler.o pc=0x8fb34]
        CviScheduler::RunScheduler()+0x1f0 [viScheduler.o pc=0x8fe1c]
        usermain+0x44c       [GviScheduler.o pc=0x92b88]
        _tmax_main+0x9d8     [libsvrucs.so pc=0xff20cd78]
        _start+0x80          [crt1.o pc=0x44860]
  * Attempting to free block at 0x276e28 already freed.
  * This block was allocated from:
        malloc+0x4f4         [rtlib.o pc=0x4eab0]
        operator new(unsigned)+0x1c [new_op.cc:48 pc=0xfed14ad4]
        operator new(unsigned)+0xc [rtlib.o pc=0x878c0]
        std::string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>::_Rep::_S_create(unsigned, unsigned, std::allocator<char> const&)+0x94 [new_allocator.h:81 pc=0xfecdc55c]
        std::string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>::_M_mutate(unsigned, unsigned, unsigned)+0x78 [basic_string.h:578 pc=0xfecdd000]
        std::string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>::push_back(char)+0x60 [basic_string.h:1360 pc=0xfecde618]
        COidIndex::GetString(int)+0x318 [libSnmpApi.a pc=0xa8104]
        CvpnIfCsc::GetProtocol()+0x344 [libmVPN.a pc=0x99a20]
        CvpnIfCsc::GetData(CSnmpApi&)+0x90 [libmVPN.a pc=0x996b8]
        CviSchedule::GetVrfList(viTargetInfo_t*, CvpnIfCsc*)+0x20c [viSchedule.o pc=0x8d374]
        CviSchedule::PreparePoller(long, int)+0x160 [viSchedule.o pc=0x8cab0]
        CviSchedule::RunSchedule(int)+0x5c [viSchedule.o pc=0x8c8d0]
        CviServiceDomain::RunSchedule(int)+0xb0 [viServiceDomain.o pc=0x9132c]
        CviScheduler::RunSchedule()+0xd4 [viScheduler.o pc=0x8fb34]
        CviScheduler::RunScheduler()+0x1f0 [viScheduler.o pc=0x8fe1c]
        usermain+0x44c       [GviScheduler.o pc=0x92b88]
        _tmax_main+0x9d8     [libsvrucs.so pc=0xff20cd78]
        _start+0x80          [crt1.o pc=0x44860]
  * There have been 286 frees since this block was freed.
오호라의 이미지

Linux/Unix Purify 는 instrumentation based 입니다. Windows 버젼은 아님.

uni2u님께서 겪고 계신 상황이 instrumentation based 의 문제점이라고 할수 있죠.

다시말해 내가 어떤 문제로 인해서 이 툴(purify)을 사용하는데 이 툴이 컴파일레벨에서 자기의 코드를 조금 심죠.

이 때문에 문제가 재현이 안되는 상황입니다. 혹은 purify가 malloc()같은 함수들을 래핑하고 있어서 문제가 발생하지 않을수 도 있습니다.

아마도 죽지는 않지만 purify 리포트를 보시면 빨간느낌표가 나타날겁니다. ^^;

ps. 평가판에 제한이 없는지도 확인해보심이 좋을듯 싶군요. purify 보다 valgrind 를 추천하고 싶군요. 솔라리스라면 DTrace 를 써보심도...^^;

그리고, IBM DeveloperWorks 에 보시면 Purify 튜토리얼도 있습니다. GDB 연동까지..므흣~

Hello World.

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  • 사용할 수 있는 HTML 태그: <p><div><span><br><a><em><strong><del><ins><b><i><u><s><pre><code><cite><blockquote><ul><ol><li><dl><dt><dd><table><tr><td><th><thead><tbody><h1><h2><h3><h4><h5><h6><img><embed><object><param><hr>


  • 다음 태그를 이용하여 소스 코드 구문 강조를 할 수 있습니다: <code>, <blockcode>, <apache>, <applescript>, <autoconf>, <awk>, <bash>, <c>, <cpp>, <css>, <diff>, <drupal5>, <drupal6>, <gdb>, <html>, <html5>, <java>, <javascript>, <ldif>, <lua>, <make>, <mysql>, <perl>, <perl6>, <php>, <pgsql>, <proftpd>, <python>, <reg>, <spec>, <ruby>. 지원하는 태그 형식: <foo>, [foo].
  • Quick Tips:
    • Two or more spaces at a line's end = Line break
    • Double returns = Paragraph
    • *Single asterisks* or _single underscores_ = Emphasis
    • **Double** or __double__ = Strong
    • This is [a link](http://the.link.example.com "The optional title text")
    For complete details on the Markdown syntax, see the Markdown documentation and Markdown Extra documentation for tables, footnotes, and more.
  • web 주소와/이메일 주소를 클릭할 수 있는 링크로 자동으로 바꿉니다.
  • 사용할 수 있는 HTML 태그: <p><div><span><br><a><em><strong><del><ins><b><i><u><s><pre><code><cite><blockquote><ul><ol><li><dl><dt><dd><table><tr><td><th><thead><tbody><h1><h2><h3><h4><h5><h6><img><embed><object><param><hr>

Plain text

  • HTML 태그를 사용할 수 없습니다.
  • web 주소와/이메일 주소를 클릭할 수 있는 링크로 자동으로 바꿉니다.
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