[완료]centos 5.2에 cron을 어떻게 설치하나요?

ahsan의 이미지

IBM 쿼드 CPU에 CENTOS5.2 x86 64비트 버전을 깔았습니다.
몇일 지나서 프로그래머가 크론이 안돈다고 하여 보았더니
/usr/bin에 crontab이 없고, 폴더 어디에도 crond가 없습니다.

그래서 yum -y install cron\* 명령으로 설치를 하였더니
설치했다는 메시지만 나오고 크론데몬이 안 보입니다.
/etc/cron.hourly, /etc/cron.daily 등등의 폴더는 있고,
/etc/crontab 이 설정 파일은 있습니다.
그러나 크론을 돌리는 실행파일이나 데몬은 어디에도 없습니다.
다시 설치해 보니 이미 설치되었다고만 나오고 실행파일은 안보입니다.

어떻게 된 것일까요?

혹시 다운 받아서 설치하는 방법을 아시는 분은 알려주시면 대단히 감사하겠습니다.

bushi의 이미지

[bushi@rose ipq]$ 
[bushi@rose ipq]$ rpm -qf /etc/cron.d
[bushi@rose ipq]$ 
[bushi@rose ipq]$ rpm -ql vixie-cron
[bushi@rose ipq]$
[bushi@rose ipq]$ 
[bushi@rose ipq]$ rpm -qa|grep -i cron
[bushi@rose ipq]$ 
[bushi@rose ipq]$ rpm -ql crontabs
[bushi@rose ipq]$

[bushi@rose ipq]$ 
[bushi@rose ipq]$ yum info vixie-cron
Excluding Packages in global exclude list
Installed Packages
Name   : vixie-cron
Arch   : i386
Epoch  : 4
Version: 4.2
Release: 8.fc8
Size   : 659 k
Repo   : installed
Summary: The Vixie cron daemon for executing specified programs at set times
The vixie-cron package contains the Vixie version of cron. Cron is a
standard UNIX daemon that runs specified programs at scheduled times.
Vixie cron adds better security and more powerful configuration
options to the standard version of cron. This cron can use pam and
selinux for higher level of security.
[bushi@rose ipq]$ 
[bushi@rose ipq]$ rpm -qi vixie-cron
Name        : vixie-cron                   Relocations: (not relocatable)
Version     : 4.2                               Vendor: Fedora Project
Release     : 8.fc8                         Build Date: 
Install Date:       Build Host: xenbuilder4.fedora.phx.redhat.com
Group       : System Environment/Base       Source RPM: vixie-cron-4.2-8.fc8.src.rpm
Size        : 674750                           License: BSD
Signature   : DSA/SHA1, 2008년 02월 15일 (금) 오전 04시 17분 05초, Key ID b44269d04f2a6fd2
Packager    : Fedora Project
Summary     : The Vixie cron daemon for executing specified programs at set times
Description :
The vixie-cron package contains the Vixie version of cron. Cron is a
standard UNIX daemon that runs specified programs at scheduled times.
Vixie cron adds better security and more powerful configuration
options to the standard version of cron. This cron can use pam and
selinux for higher level of security.
[bushi@rose ipq]$ 

[bushi@rose ipq]$ 
[bushi@rose ipq]$ yum info crontabs
Excluding Packages in global exclude list
Installed Packages
Name   : crontabs
Arch   : noarch
Version: 1.10
Release: 18.fc8
Size   : 2.1 k
Repo   : installed
Summary: Root crontab files used to schedule the execution of programs
The crontabs package contains root crontab files.  Crontab is the
program used to install, uninstall or list the tables used to drive the
cron daemon.  The cron daemon checks the crontab files to see when
particular commands are scheduled to be executed.  If commands are
scheduled, it executes them.
Crontabs handles a basic system function, so it should be installed on
your system.
[bushi@rose ipq]$ 
[bushi@rose ipq]$ rpm -qi crontabs
Name        : crontabs                     Relocations: (not relocatable)
Version     : 1.10                              Vendor: Fedora Project
Release     : 18.fc8                        Build Date: 
Install Date:       Build Host: ppc2.fedora.redhat.com
Group       : System Environment/Base       Source RPM: crontabs-1.10-18.fc8.src.rpm
Size        : 2107                             License: Public Domain and GPLv2
Signature   : DSA/SHA1, 2007년 10월 25일 (목) 오전 10시 29분 48초, Key ID b44269d04f2a6fd2
Packager    : Fedora Project
Summary     : Root crontab files used to schedule the execution of programs
Description :
The crontabs package contains root crontab files.  Crontab is the
program used to install, uninstall or list the tables used to drive the
cron daemon.  The cron daemon checks the crontab files to see when
particular commands are scheduled to be executed.  If commands are
scheduled, it executes them.
Crontabs handles a basic system function, so it should be installed on
your system.
[bushi@rose ipq]$ 

man rpm
man yum


ahsan의 이미지

아주 자세히 올려 주셨네요.
시간나면 테스트 해 봐야 겠습니다.

댓글 달기

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