[완료] GRUB4DOS 관련 질문입니다.
Dell Vostro 1500을 쓰다보니,
mbr을 건드리면 Dell Media Direct 부팅이 제대로 안 될 것 같아,
꼼수로 NT Loader의 boot.ini에 grub4dos loader(이하 g loader) 를 등록해 놓고,
g loader에서 Linux kernel image를 호출하는 방법을 사용하는 것을 고려중인데요...
이렇게 하려면 Linux 처음 설치할 때 Grub을 아예 설치 안해도 될까요?
아래의 글들을 보면 그럴 수도 있을 것 같은데...
- 아 래 -
Just Joined!
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 16 Boot to hda5 linux partion from rescue disk.
Gave up on dual boot. My boss will not alow MBR write, he would freek if he saw it.
What is the command to boot hda5 with SUSE rescue CD, I can do this OK.
Could you all tell me if this not possible so I won't waste my time.
Thanks Steve.
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02-16-2005 #2 (permalink)
Linux Guru
Join Date: May 2004
Location: forums.gentoo.org
Posts: 1,813 You need a Grub boot disk. If you set it up right, you will be able to pop it in, boot and get the Grub menu to select what OS to boot. I think you'll have a problem with using the rescue disk if you want to boot your installed system, because the CD will only use it's own kernels and initrd instead of the ones you set up during install. You can, however, use the CD to get into Linux (hopefully as a live CD vs. rescue mode: I don't think you can do this in rescue) and then enter 'info grub' to see how to create a Grub boot floppy so you can boot into your installed system.
If you have a Grub boot floppy, at the Grub prompt, this might get you booted:
grub> root (hd0,4)
grub> kernel /boot/vmlin (*see notes) ro root=/dev/hda5
grub> initrd /boot/init
grub> boot*Notes: Like bash, Grub has a "filename completion" feature, where when you hit the key, Grub will give you a list of files which match what you have given so far: read the list, add a character or two, hit tab again and so on until the filename is complete. If you get no matching filenames with the above, there is a problem that will need to be sorted and it will involve finding the names of the kernel and initrd and where they are.
//got nothin'
///this use to look better
저의 경우 GRUB4DOS를
저의 경우 GRUB4DOS를 통해서 memdisk를 호출하여 도스 이미지 파일 부팅에 써먹었습니다.
GRUB을 설치하지 않고 GRUB4DOS를 사용하여 윈도우 부트로더를 통해서 리눅스로 부팅이 충분히 가능할 것으로 생각됩니다.
RET ;My life :P
네... 가능할 것 같습니다.
그런데 결국은 menu.lst를 어떻게 적어야 할지 잘 몰라서
grub을 Linux boot partition에 설치하고
거기 menu.lst를 grub4dos에 붙여 줬다는... ^^;
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