Optimize Directories ( File Access Time ) in ext3 Filesystem
글쓴이: eunjea / 작성시간: 월, 2008/02/04 - 6:18오후
보통 ext3 파일 시스템은 옵티마이징을 할 필요가 별로 없는것으로
알고 있었는데 이런 글을 보게되었네요.
e2fsck -D 옵션이 있다는 것도 처음 알았습니다. :-)
man e2fsck -D Optimize directories in filesystem. This option causes e2fsck to try to optimize all directories, either by reindexing them if the filesystem supports directory indexing, or by sorting and compressing directories for smaller directories, or for filesys- tems using traditional linear directories.
가끔 해주는 것도 좋을듯.
$ umount /dev/hda1 $ e2fsck -D -f /dev/hda1 e2fsck 1.40.2 (12-Jul-2007) Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes Pass 2: Checking directory structure Pass 3: Checking directory connectivity <span>Pass 3A: Optimizing directories</span> Pass 4: Checking reference counts Pass 5: Checking group summary information /dev/hda1: ***** FILE SYSTEM WAS MODIFIED ***** /dev/hda1: 61264/9781248 files (1.3% non-contiguous), 11223400/19537040 blocks $ mount /dev/hda1
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