The way that input Korean on the Debian system
글쓴이: 토끼아빠 / 작성시간: 월, 2008/01/21 - 5:05오후
How are you???
Now, I'm working on the Debian system...
but I can't input Korean now...(only can see Korean)
SCIM utility is already installed, but SCIM bar is not displayed...
So I can't input Korean...
If anybody know the resolution, please teach me...
데비안 유저즈( 위키의 다음 페이지를 참고하세요.
feel the gravity
feel the gravity
Thank you~~ but it need many
Thank you~~
but it need many of newer packages...
now I try to upgrade my packages...
좋은 하루 되세요!!
GNOME만 사용하시면
sudo apt-get install imhangul
export GTK_IM_MODULE=hangul2
이렇게 하셔도 됩니다.
It also require more
It also require more dependencies...
anyway Thank you very much...
좋은 하루 되세요!!
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