xorg.conf를 고쳐서 빔 프로젝트가 나오도록 하려고 하는데 :
제 그래픽 카드의 경우 ATI Radeon Mobility X1400이지만 쓰고 있는 것은 radeon이 아닌 fglrx입니다. radeon을 선택할 시에 이상하게 X server에러 어쩌고 뜨길레.. 이 경우에도 radeon 옵션 쓰면 되는건가요?
이렇게 한줄을 xorg.conf 의 드라이버 섹션에 넣고 X를 다시 시작하면 될 거라 생각합니다.
아래는 man fglrx 내용중 해당 부분입니다.
Option "DesktopSetup" "integer"
Option "DesktopSetup" "string"
This option defines the desktop setup. The driver can work with the
following modes:
"0x00000000" "single" Single head mode.
"0x00000100" "clone" Clone mode.
"0x00000101" "mirror" Mirror mode.
"0x00000200" "horizontal" Big Desktop mode.
"0x00000201" "horizontal,reverse" Big Desktop mode.
"0x00000300" "vertical,reverse" Big Desktop mode.
"0x00000301" "vertical" Big Desktop mode.
"0x00000000" Dual head mode.
The modes are:
Single head mode:
Single monitor operation only. If a second monitor is
connected, it remains dark. Only in this mode a full overlay
functionality is available.
Clone mode:
The contents of the primary monitor are duplicated on the
second monitor. If one monitor cannot display the selected
resolution, a lower resolution is automatically selected for
this monitor. The original resolution is used then as it was
specified as the virtual resolution. This means the second
screen will do panning when the mouse moves ahead.
Mirror mode:
The contents of the primary monitor are duplicated on the
second monitor. Both monitors have an identical refresh rate
and resolution.
Important: This mode is not supported on RADEON X1x00
Big Desktop mode(s):
There is a single big frame buffer that gets split either
horizontally or vertically and each half is sent to a single
monitor. Both monitors have to operate with the same video
mode settings and only one windows manager can be used. The
orientation is set with:
"0x00000200" Primary display is left.
"0x00000201" Primary display is right.
"0x00000300" Primary display is top.
"0x00000301" Primary display is bottom.
Dual head mode:
A dual head setup uses separate frame buffers, independent
displays and video modes for each monitor. Two window managers
can be used.
Note: A connected digital display is always the primary display.
If two display devices are connected, the primary head is: the
bottom DVI port on FireGL X1, LCD output on Mobility RADEON M9
and the only DVI port on other cards. The secondary head is: the
top DVI port on FireGL X1 and the VGA port on all other cards.
일단 노트북이나 리눅스에 따라
일단 노트북이나 깔려있는 리눅스 배포판의 종류에 따라서 좀 다른 것 같습니다.
저의 경우는 3년된 후지쯔 라이프 북에 우분투 gutsy를 깔아 쓰고 있는데 며칠전까지만 해도 윈도우스처럼 Fn-F10을 누르면 빔프로젝터에 연결이 되더니 얼마 전부터 안되더군요.
아무리 궁리해봐도 해결책이 나오지 않아서 매번 스크린에서 2nd screen 해상도를 설정해주는 방법으로 사용하고 있습니다만 다시 부팅해야 제대로 나오기 때문에 꽤 귀찮습니다.
이게 아주 일반적인 문제가 아니라서인지 구글을 해봐도 해결책을 잘 못찾겠네요. 얼핏 생각에는 /etc/X11/xorg.conf 를 잘 설정해주면 될 것 같은데 되다가 안되니 참 답답해요.
여기 글 한번 참조해 보세요.
한 번 읽어 보았는데...
xorg.conf를 고쳐서 빔 프로젝트가 나오도록 하려고 하는데 :
제 그래픽 카드의 경우 ATI Radeon Mobility X1400이지만 쓰고 있는 것은 radeon이 아닌 fglrx입니다. radeon을 선택할 시에 이상하게 X server에러 어쩌고 뜨길레.. 이 경우에도 radeon 옵션 쓰면 되는건가요?
fglrx의 옵션을 써야죠.
man fglrx의 내용을 보니 해답이 있습니다.
원하는 모드는 clone mode겠죠.
Option "DesktopSetup" "clone"
이렇게 한줄을 xorg.conf 의 드라이버 섹션에 넣고 X를 다시 시작하면 될 거라 생각합니다.
아래는 man fglrx 내용중 해당 부분입니다.
Option "DesktopSetup" "integer"
Option "DesktopSetup" "string"
This option defines the desktop setup. The driver can work with the
following modes:
"0x00000000" "single" Single head mode.
"0x00000100" "clone" Clone mode.
"0x00000101" "mirror" Mirror mode.
"0x00000200" "horizontal" Big Desktop mode.
"0x00000201" "horizontal,reverse" Big Desktop mode.
"0x00000300" "vertical,reverse" Big Desktop mode.
"0x00000301" "vertical" Big Desktop mode.
"0x00000000" Dual head mode.
The modes are:
Single head mode:
Single monitor operation only. If a second monitor is
connected, it remains dark. Only in this mode a full overlay
functionality is available.
Clone mode:
The contents of the primary monitor are duplicated on the
second monitor. If one monitor cannot display the selected
resolution, a lower resolution is automatically selected for
this monitor. The original resolution is used then as it was
specified as the virtual resolution. This means the second
screen will do panning when the mouse moves ahead.
Mirror mode:
The contents of the primary monitor are duplicated on the
second monitor. Both monitors have an identical refresh rate
and resolution.
Important: This mode is not supported on RADEON X1x00
Big Desktop mode(s):
There is a single big frame buffer that gets split either
horizontally or vertically and each half is sent to a single
monitor. Both monitors have to operate with the same video
mode settings and only one windows manager can be used. The
orientation is set with:
"0x00000200" Primary display is left.
"0x00000201" Primary display is right.
"0x00000300" Primary display is top.
"0x00000301" Primary display is bottom.
Dual head mode:
A dual head setup uses separate frame buffers, independent
displays and video modes for each monitor. Two window managers
can be used.
Note: A connected digital display is always the primary display.
If two display devices are connected, the primary head is: the
bottom DVI port on FireGL X1, LCD output on Mobility RADEON M9
and the only DVI port on other cards. The secondary head is: the
top DVI port on FireGL X1 and the VGA port on all other cards.
어-_-; man fglrx
어-_-; man fglrx가 fedora core 8엔 없던데.. 어디서 얻으신건가요?
여하튼 감사합니다.
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