젠투 파이어폭스 및 굴림 글꼴 질문입니다.
글쓴이: freesky / 작성시간: 토, 2006/01/07 - 9:35오후
페도라에서 젠투로 넘어 와서 이런 저런 삽질로 방학을 보내고 있습니다.
남이 만들어 준 밥을 먹다가 직접 해 먹으려니 이것 저것 막히는 것이 많군요.
1) 현재 파이어폭스에 굴림 글꼴을 적용했는데 아래처럼 나옵니다. (아래에 있는 두 번째 그림)
font.conf 및 local.conf 파일의 내용은 아래와 같습니다.
GTK2를 사용하는 나비는 글자가 올바르게 나오는 것으로 보아 AA도 잘 적용된 것 같은데 파이어폭스는 이상하게 나옵니다.
2) 이것은 그렇게 심각한 것은 아닌데요. 젠투 KDE에서 굴림 글꼴을 설치했는데 원래 크기보다 작게 나옵니다. 크기 10을 지정하면 약 8이나 9정도의 크기로 나오네요. (아래에 있는 첫 번째 그림)
위 두 가지 사항을 해결할 방법 좀 알려주세요.
<!-- Font directory list --> <dir>/usr/share/fonts</dir> <dir>/usr/share/fonts</dir> <dir>/usr/local/share/fonts</dir> <dir>/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi</dir> <dir>/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi</dir> <dir>~/.fonts</dir> <!-- Accept deprecated 'mono' alias, replacing it with 'monospace' --> <match target="pattern"> <test qual="any" name="family"> <string>mono</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="assign"> <string>monospace</string> </edit> </match> <!-- Accept alternate 'sans serif' spelling, replacing it with 'sans-serif' --> <match target="pattern"> <test qual="any" name="family"> <string>sans serif</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="assign"> <string>sans-serif</string> </edit> </match> <!-- Accept deprecated 'sans' alias, replacing it with 'sans-serif' --> <match target="pattern"> <test qual="any" name="family"> <string>sans</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="assign"> <string>sans-serif</string> </edit> </match> <!-- Mark common families with their generics so we'll get something reasonable --> <!-- Serif faces --> <alias> <family>Bitstream Vera Serif</family> <family>Times New Roman</family> <family>Thorndale AMT</family> <family>Times</family> <family>Nimbus Roman No9 L</family> <family>Luxi Serif</family> <family>Kochi Mincho</family> <family>AR PL SungtiL GB</family> <family>AR PL Mingti2L Big5</family> <family>MS 明朝</family> <family>Baekmuk Batang</family> <family>FreeSerif</family> <default><family>serif</family></default> </alias> <!-- Sans-serif faces --> <alias> <family>Bitstream Vera Sans</family> <family>Helvetica</family> <family>Arial</family> <family>Verdana</family> <family>Albany AMT</family> <family>Nimbus Sans L</family> <family>Luxi Sans</family> <family>Kochi Gothic</family> <family>AR PL KaitiM GB</family> <family>AR PL KaitiM Big5</family> <family>MS ゴシック</family> <family>Baekmuk Dotum</family> <family>SimSun</family> <family>FreeSans</family> <default><family>sans-serif</family></default> </alias> <!-- Monospace faces --> <alias> <family>Bitstream Vera Sans Mono</family> <family>Courier</family> <family>Courier New</family> <family>Andale Mono</family> <family>Luxi Mono</family> <family>Cumberland AMT</family> <family>Nimbus Mono L</family> <family>NSimSun</family> <family>FreeMono</family> <default><family>monospace</family></default> </alias> <!-- If the font still has no generic name, add sans-serif --> <match target="pattern"> <test qual="all" name="family" compare="not_eq"> <string>sans-serif</string> </test> <test qual="all" name="family" compare="not_eq"> <string>serif</string> </test> <test qual="all" name="family" compare="not_eq"> <string>monospace</string> </test> <edit name="family" mode="append_last"> <string>sans-serif</string> </edit> </match> <!-- URW provides metric and shape compatible fonts for these 3 Adobe families. --> <alias> <family>Times</family> <accept><family>Nimbus Roman No9 L</family></accept> </alias> <alias> <family>Helvetica</family> <accept><family>Nimbus Sans L</family></accept> </alias> <alias> <family>Courier</family> <accept><family>Nimbus Mono L</family></accept> </alias> <!-- AMT provides metric and shape compatible fonts for these three web font families. --> <alias> <family>Times New Roman</family> <accept><family>Thorndale AMT</family></accept> </alias> <alias> <family>Arial</family> <accept><family>Albany AMT</family></accept> </alias> <alias> <family>Courier New</family> <accept><family>Cumberland AMT</family></accept> </alias> <!-- Some Asian fonts misadvertise themselves as monospaced when in fact they are dual-spaced (half and full). This makes FreeType very confused as it forces all widths to match. Undo this magic by disabling the width forcing code --> <match target="font"> <test name="family"><string>GulimChe</string></test> <edit name="globaladvance"><bool>false</bool></edit> </match> <match target="font"> <test name="family"><string>DotumChe</string></test> <edit name="globaladvance"><bool>false</bool></edit> </match> <match target="font"> <test name="family"><string>BatangChe</string></test> <edit name="globaladvance"><bool>false</bool></edit> </match> <match target="font"> <test name="family"><string>GungsuhChe</string></test> <edit name="globaladvance"><bool>false</bool></edit> </match> <!-- The Bitstream Vera fonts have GASP entries suggesting that hinting be disabled below 8 ppem, but FreeType ignores those, preferring to use the data found in the instructed hints. The initial Vera release didn't include the right instructions in the 'prep' table. Fix this by disabling hinting manually at smaller sizes (< 8ppem) --> <match target="font"> <test name="family"> <string>Bitstream Vera Sans</string> </test> <test name="pixelsize" compare="less"> <double>7.5</double> </test> <edit name="hinting"> <bool>false</bool> </edit> </match> <match target="font"> <test name="family"> <string>Bitstream Vera Serif</string> </test> <test name="pixelsize" compare="less"> <double>7.5</double> </test> <edit name="hinting"> <bool>false</bool> </edit> </match> <match target="font"> <test name="family"> <string>Bitstream Vera Sans Mono</string> </test> <test name="pixelsize" compare="less"> <double>7.5</double> </test> <edit name="hinting"> <bool>false</bool> </edit> </match> <!-- Load per-user customization file --> <include ignore_missing="yes">~/.fonts.conf</include> <!-- Load local system customization file --> <include ignore_missing="yes">conf.d</include> <include ignore_missing="yes">local.conf</include> <!-- Provide required aliases for standard names --> <alias> <family>serif</family> <prefer> <family>Bitstream Vera Serif</family> <family>Times New Roman</family> <family>Thorndale AMT</family> <family>Luxi Serif</family> <family>Nimbus Roman No9 L</family> <family>Times</family> <family>Frank Ruehl</family> <family>Kochi Mincho</family> <family>AR PL SungtiL GB</family> <family>AR PL Mingti2L Big5</family> <family>MS 明朝</family> <family>Baekmuk Batang</family> <family>FreeSerif</family> </prefer> </alias> <alias> <family>sans-serif</family> <prefer> <family>Bitstream Vera Sans</family> <family>Verdana</family> <family>Arial</family> <family>Albany AMT</family> <family>Luxi Sans</family> <family>Nimbus Sans L</family> <family>Helvetica</family> <family>Nachlieli</family> <family>Kochi Gothic</family> <family>AR PL KaitiM GB</family> <family>AR PL KaitiM Big5</family> <family>MS ゴシック</family> <family>Baekmuk Dotum</family> <family>SimSun</family> <family>FreeSans</family> </prefer> </alias> <alias> <family>monospace</family> <prefer> <family>Bitstream Vera Sans Mono</family> <family>Andale Mono</family> <family>Courier New</family> <family>Cumberland AMT</family> <family>Luxi Mono</family> <family>Nimbus Mono L</family> <family>Courier</family> <family>Miriam Mono</family> <family>Kochi Gothic</family> <family>AR PL KaitiM GB</family> <family>Baekmuk Dotum</family> <family>FreeMono</family> </prefer> </alias> <!-- Artificial oblique for fonts without an italic or oblique version --> <match target="font"> <!-- check to see if the font is roman --> <test name="slant"> <const>roman</const> </test> <!-- check to see if the pattern requested non-roman --> <test target="pattern" name="slant" compare="not_eq"> <const>roman</const> </test> <!-- multiply the matrix to slant the font --> <edit name="matrix" mode="assign"> <times> <name>matrix</name> <matrix><double>1</double><double>0.2</double> <double>0</double><double>1</double> </matrix> </times> </edit> <!-- pretend the font is oblique now --> <edit name="slant" mode="assign"> <const>oblique</const> </edit> </match> <!-- Synthetic emboldening for fonts that do not have bold face available --> <match target="font"> <!-- check to see if the font is just regular --> <test name="weight" compare="less_eq"> <int>100</int> </test> <!-- check to see if the pattern requests bold --> <test target="pattern" name="weight" compare="more_eq"> <int>200</int> </test> <!-- set the embolden flag --> <edit name="embolden" mode="assign"> <bool>true</bool> </edit> </match> <config> <!-- These are the default Unicode chars that are expected to be blank in fonts. All other blank chars are assumed to be broken and won't appear in the resulting charsets --> <blank> <int>0x0020</int> <!-- SPACE --> <int>0x00A0</int> <!-- NO-BREAK SPACE --> <int>0x00AD</int> <!-- SOFT HYPHEN --> <int>0x034F</int> <!-- COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER --> <int>0x0600</int> <!-- ARABIC NUMBER SIGN --> <int>0x0601</int> <!-- ARABIC SIGN SANAH --> <int>0x0602</int> <!-- ARABIC FOOTNOTE MARKER --> <int>0x0603</int> <!-- ARABIC SIGN SAFHA --> <int>0x06DD</int> <!-- ARABIC END OF AYAH --> <int>0x070F</int> <!-- SYRIAC ABBREVIATION MARK --> <int>0x115F</int> <!-- HANGUL CHOSEONG FILLER --> <int>0x1160</int> <!-- HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER --> <int>0x1680</int> <!-- OGHAM SPACE MARK --> <int>0x17B4</int> <!-- KHMER VOWEL INHERENT AQ --> <int>0x17B5</int> <!-- KHMER VOWEL INHERENT AA --> <int>0x180E</int> <!-- MONGOLIAN VOWEL SEPARATOR --> <int>0x2000</int> <!-- EN QUAD --> <int>0x2001</int> <!-- EM QUAD --> <int>0x2002</int> <!-- EN SPACE --> <int>0x2003</int> <!-- EM SPACE --> <int>0x2004</int> <!-- THREE-PER-EM SPACE --> <int>0x2005</int> <!-- FOUR-PER-EM SPACE --> <int>0x2006</int> <!-- SIX-PER-EM SPACE --> <int>0x2007</int> <!-- FIGURE SPACE --> <int>0x2008</int> <!-- PUNCTUATION SPACE --> <int>0x2009</int> <!-- THIN SPACE --> <int>0x200A</int> <!-- HAIR SPACE --> <int>0x200B</int> <!-- ZERO WIDTH SPACE --> <int>0x200C</int> <!-- ZERO WIDTH NON-JOINER --> <int>0x200D</int> <!-- ZERO WIDTH JOINER --> <int>0x200E</int> <!-- LEFT-TO-RIGHT MARK --> <int>0x200F</int> <!-- RIGHT-TO-LEFT MARK --> <int>0x2028</int> <!-- LINE SEPARATOR --> <int>0x2029</int> <!-- PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR --> <int>0x202A</int> <!-- LEFT-TO-RIGHT EMBEDDING --> <int>0x202B</int> <!-- RIGHT-TO-LEFT EMBEDDING --> <int>0x202C</int> <!-- POP DIRECTIONAL FORMATTING --> <int>0x202D</int> <!-- LEFT-TO-RIGHT OVERRIDE --> <int>0x202E</int> <!-- RIGHT-TO-LEFT OVERRIDE --> <int>0x202F</int> <!-- NARROW NO-BREAK SPACE --> <int>0x205F</int> <!-- MEDIUM MATHEMATICAL SPACE --> <int>0x2060</int> <!-- WORD JOINER --> <int>0x2061</int> <!-- FUNCTION APPLICATION --> <int>0x2062</int> <!-- INVISIBLE TIMES --> <int>0x2063</int> <!-- INVISIBLE SEPARATOR --> <int>0x206A</int> <!-- INHIBIT SYMMETRIC SWAPPING --> <int>0x206B</int> <!-- ACTIVATE SYMMETRIC SWAPPING --> <int>0x206C</int> <!-- INHIBIT ARABIC FORM SHAPING --> <int>0x206D</int> <!-- ACTIVATE ARABIC FORM SHAPING --> <int>0x206E</int> <!-- NATIONAL DIGIT SHAPES --> <int>0x206F</int> <!-- NOMINAL DIGIT SHAPES --> <int>0x3000</int> <!-- IDEOGRAPHIC SPACE --> <int>0x3164</int> <!-- HANGUL FILLER --> <int>0xFEFF</int> <!-- ZERO WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE --> <int>0xFFA0</int> <!-- HALFWIDTH HANGUL FILLER --> <int>0xFFF9</int> <!-- INTERLINEAR ANNOTATION ANCHOR --> <int>0xFFFA</int> <!-- INTERLINEAR ANNOTATION SEPARATOR --> <int>0xFFFB</int> <!-- INTERLINEAR ANNOTATION TERMINATOR --> </blank> <!-- Rescan configuration every 30 seconds when FcFontSetList is called --> <rescan> <int>30</int> </rescan> </config> </fontconfig>
<!-- Enable sub-pixel rendering <match target="font"> <test qual="all" name="rgba"> <const>unknown</const> </test> <edit name="rgba" mode="assign"><const>rgb</const></edit> </match> --> <!--<match target="font"> <test name="weight" compare="less_eq"> <const>medium</const> </test> <test target="pattern" name="weight" compare="more"> <const>medium</const> </test> <edit name="weight" mode="assign"> <const>bold</const> </edit> </match> <match target="font"> <edit name="embeddedbitmap" mode="assign"> <bool>true</bool> </edit> </match>--> <match target="font"> <test name="family"> <string>GulimChe</string> <string>DotumChe</string> <string>BatangChe</string> </test> <edit name="globaladvance"><bool>false</bool></edit> <edit name="spacing"><int>0</int></edit> </match> <match target="font"> <test qual="any" name="family"> <string>Andale Mono</string> <string>Arial</string> <string>Comic Sans MS</string> <string>Courier</string> <string>Georgia</string> <string>Tahoma</string> <string>Times New Roman</string> <string>Trebuchet MS</string> <string>Verdana</string> <string>Gulim</string> <string>Guseul</string> <!-- <string>Webdings</string> --> </test> <test name="pixelsize" compare="more_eq"><int>6</int></test> <test name="pixelsize" compare="less_eq"><int>24</int></test> <edit name="antialias" mode="assign"><bool>false</bool></edit> </match> <!-- <dir>/usr/local/share/fonts</dir> <dir>/usr/share/fonts</dir> <dir>/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts</dir>--> </fontconfig>
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