reactos explorer 컴파일 중에 에러! 도와주세여

hys545의 이미지

./utility/utility.h: In member function 'String::operator std::wstring() const':
./utility/utility.h:828: error: invalid conversion from 'WCHAR*' to 'unsigned int'
./utility/utility.h:828: error:   initializing argument 1 of 'std::basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>::basic_string(typename _Alloc::size_type, _CharT, const _Alloc&) [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>, _Alloc = std::allocator<wchar_t>]' 

 * Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005 Martin Fuchs
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

 // Explorer clone
 // utility.h
 // Martin Fuchs, 23.07.2003

 // standard windows headers
#define WIN32_EXTRA_LEAN
#include <windows.h>

 // Unicode support
#ifdef UNICODE
#define   _UNICODE
#include <tchar.h>

#include <windowsx.h>   // for SelectBrush(), ListBox_SetSel(), SubclassWindow(), ...
#include <commctrl.h>

#ifndef _MSC_VER
#include <objbase.h>
#include <oleauto.h>   // for VARIANT

#include <malloc.h>      // for alloca()
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>      // for _MAX_DIR, ...
#include <stdio.h>      // for sprintf()
#include <time.h>

#ifndef _MAX_PATH
#define _MAX_DRIVE   3
#define _MAX_FNAME   256
#define _MAX_DIR   _MAX_FNAME
#define _MAX_EXT   _MAX_FNAME
#define _MAX_PATH   260

#define   W_VER_NT 0   // constant for HIWORD(GetVersion())>>14

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#define   for if (0) {} else for

#ifdef _countof
#define COUNTOF _countof
#define   COUNTOF(x)   (sizeof(x)/sizeof(x[0]))

#define   BUFFER_LEN            2048

extern void _log_(LPCTSTR txt);

#define   LOG(txt) _log_(txt)

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define   LONGLONGARG TEXT("I64")

#ifndef _tcsrchr
#ifdef UNICODE
#define   _tcsrchr wcsrchr
#define   _tcsrchr strrchr

#ifndef _stprintf
#ifdef UNICODE
#define   _stprintf wcsprintf
#define   _stprintf sprintf

#define   U2A(s, d, l) WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, s, -1, d, l, NULL, NULL)
#define   U2nA(s, d, l) WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, s, l, d, l, NULL, NULL)
#define   A2U(s, d, l) MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, s, -1, d, l)
#define   A2nU(s, d, l) MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, s, l, d, l)

#ifdef __WINE__
#ifdef UNICODE
extern void _wsplitpath(const WCHAR* path, WCHAR* drv, WCHAR* dir, WCHAR* name, WCHAR* ext);
extern void _splitpath(const CHAR* path, CHAR* drv, CHAR* dir, CHAR* name, CHAR* ext);
#define   _tcsnicmp strncasecmp
#define   _tcsicoll strcasecmp

#define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ENCRYPTED            0x00000040
#define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SPARSE_FILE          0x00000200
#define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT        0x00000400

#define   SetDlgCtrlID(hwnd, id) SetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_ID, id)
#define   SetWindowStyle(hwnd, val) (DWORD)SetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE, val)
#define   SetWindowExStyle(h, val) (DWORD)SetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, val)
#define   Window_SetIcon(hwnd, type, hicon) (HICON)SendMessage(hwnd, WM_SETICON, type, (LPARAM)(hicon))

 // center window in respect to its parent window
extern void CenterWindow(HWND hwnd);

 // move window into visibility
extern void MoveVisible(HWND hwnd);

 // display error message
extern void display_error(HWND hwnd, DWORD error);

 // convert time_t to WIN32 FILETIME
extern BOOL time_to_filetime(const time_t* t, FILETIME* ftime);

 // search for windows of a specific classname
extern int find_window_class(LPCTSTR classname);

 // create a directory with all missing parent directories
BOOL RecursiveCreateDirectory(LPCTSTR path_in);

 // read DWORD value from registry
DWORD RegGetDWORDValue(HKEY root, LPCTSTR path, LPCTSTR valueName, DWORD def);

 // write DWORD value to registry
BOOL RegSetDWORDValue(HKEY root, LPCTSTR path, LPCTSTR valueName, DWORD value);

 // test for existing directory
BOOL exists_path(LPCTSTR path);

#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"

 // secure CRT functions
#ifdef __STDC_WANT_SECURE_LIB__   // for VS 2005: _MSC_VER>=1400

#define _stprintf_s1 _stprintf_s
#define _stprintf_s2 _stprintf_s

#else   // __STDC_WANT_SECURE_LIB__

#define strcpy_s(d, l, s) strcpy(d, s)
#define _tcscpy_s(d, l, s) _tcscpy(d, s)
#define wcsncpy_s(d, l, s, n) wcsncpy(d, s, n)
#define _stprintf_s1(b, l, f, p1) _stprintf(b, f, p1)
#define _stprintf_s2(b, l, f, p1,p2) _stprintf(b, f, p1,p2)
#define _tsplitpath_s(f, d,dl, p,pl, n,nl, e,el) _tsplitpath(f, d, p, n, e)

#endif   // __STDC_WANT_SECURE_LIB__

#ifdef __cplusplus

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(disable: 4786)   // disable warnings about too long debug information symbols

 // STL headers for strings and streams
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

 // containers
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <list>
#include <stack>
#include <vector>

/* not necessary with correct include file order for comdef.h (path "...\Program Files\Microsoft SDK\include" first)
#if _MSC_VER>=1300   // VS.Net
#define _NO_COMUTIL

#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(_NO_COMUTIL)

 // COM utility headers
#include <comdef.h>
using namespace _com_util;

#endif   // _MSC_VER && !_NO_COMUTIL

 // launch a program or document file
extern BOOL launch_file(HWND hwnd, LPCTSTR cmd, UINT nCmdShow=SW_SHOWNORMAL, LPCTSTR parameters=NULL);
#ifdef UNICODE
extern BOOL launch_fileA(HWND hwnd, LPSTR cmd, UINT nCmdShow=SW_SHOWNORMAL, LPCSTR parameters=NULL);
#define   launch_fileA launch_file

 // call an DLL export like rundll32
extern BOOL RunDLL(HWND hwnd, LPCTSTR dllname, LPCSTR procname, LPCTSTR cmdline, UINT nCmdShow);

 // launch control panel applet
extern BOOL launch_cpanel(HWND hwnd, LPCTSTR applet);

 /// initialization of windows common controls
struct CommonControlInit


 /// wait cursor

struct WaitCursor   ///@todo integrate with WM_SETCURSOR to enable multithreaded background tasks as program launching
      _old_cursor = SetCursor(LoadCursor(0, IDC_WAIT));


   HCURSOR   _old_cursor;

 /// base of all structures storing a window handle
struct WindowHandle
   WindowHandle(HWND hwnd=0)
    :   _hwnd(hwnd) {}

   operator HWND() const {return _hwnd;}
   HWND* operator&() {return &_hwnd;}

   HWND   _hwnd;

 /// locally hide a window
struct HiddenWindow : public WindowHandle
   HiddenWindow(HWND hwnd)
    :   WindowHandle(IsWindowVisible(hwnd)? hwnd: 0)
      if (_hwnd)

      if (_hwnd)
         SetWindowPos(_hwnd, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_SHOWWINDOW|SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOSIZE|SWP_NOZORDER);

 /// critical section wrapper

struct CritSect : public CRITICAL_SECTION


 /// Lock protects a code section utilizing a critical section

struct Lock
   Lock(CritSect& crit_sect)
    :   _crit_sect(crit_sect)


   CritSect&   _crit_sect;

 /// Thread base class

struct Thread
    :   _alive(false),
      _hThread = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
      _evtFinish = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);

   virtual ~Thread()


      if (_destroy)
         delete this;

   void Start()
      if (!_alive) {
         _alive = true;
         _hThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, ThreadProc, this, 0, NULL);

   void Stop()

      if (_alive) {
         Lock lock(_crit_sect);
         _alive = false;

          // wait for finishing
         WaitForSingleObject(_hThread, INFINITE);

   virtual int Run() = 0;

   bool   is_alive() const {return _alive;}

   CritSect _crit_sect;

   static DWORD WINAPI ThreadProc(void* para);

   HANDLE   _hThread;
   HANDLE   _evtFinish;
   bool   _alive;
   bool   _destroy;

 // window utilities

 /// ClientRect retreives the client area rectangle of a window.
struct ClientRect : public RECT
   ClientRect(HWND hwnd)
      GetClientRect(hwnd, this);

   operator LPRECT() {return this;}

   POINT& pos() {return *(LPPOINT)this;}

 /// ClientRect retreives the window rectangle of a window.
struct WindowRect : public RECT
   WindowRect(HWND hwnd)
      GetWindowRect(hwnd, this);

   operator LPRECT() {return this;}

   POINT& pos() {return *(LPPOINT)this;}

 /// PointL encapsulates the POINT structure into a C++ object.
struct Point : public POINT
   Point(LONG x_, LONG y_)
      x = x_;
      y = y_;

    // constructor for being used in processing WM_MOUSEMOVE, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, ... messages
   Point(LPARAM lparam)
      x = GET_X_LPARAM(lparam);
      y = GET_Y_LPARAM(lparam);

   operator LPPOINT() {return this;}

 /// transform coordinates in a RECT from client to screen coordiantes
inline void ClientToScreen(HWND hwnd, RECT* prect)
 {::ClientToScreen(hwnd,(LPPOINT)&prect->left); ::ClientToScreen(hwnd,(LPPOINT)&prect->right);}

 /// transform coordinates in a RECT from screen to client coordiantes
inline void ScreenToClient(HWND hwnd, RECT* prect)
 {::ScreenToClient(hwnd,(LPPOINT)&prect->left); ::ScreenToClient(hwnd,(LPPOINT)&prect->right);}

 /// structure containing information about full screen display of the frame window
struct FullScreenParameters
    :   _mode(FALSE)

   BOOL   _mode;
   RECT   _orgPos;
   BOOL   _wasZoomed;

 // drawing utilities

 /// PaintCanvas is a encapsulation of device contexts managed by BeginPaint()/EndPaint().
struct PaintCanvas : public PAINTSTRUCT
   PaintCanvas(HWND hwnd)
    :   _hwnd(hwnd)
      BeginPaint(hwnd, this);

      EndPaint(_hwnd, this);

   operator HDC() const {return hdc;}

   HWND   _hwnd;

 /// Canvas is a encapsulation of device contexts.
struct Canvas
   Canvas(HDC hdc) : _hdc(hdc) {}

   operator HDC() {return _hdc;}

   HDC _hdc;

 /// WindowCanvas is a encapsulation of client area device contexts.
struct WindowCanvas : public Canvas
   WindowCanvas(HWND hwnd)
    :   Canvas(GetDC(hwnd)), _hwnd(hwnd) {}

   ~WindowCanvas() {ReleaseDC(_hwnd, _hdc);}

   HWND   _hwnd;

 // double buffering classes

 /// Memory Canvas creates and destroys memory devoce contexts.
struct MemCanvas : public Canvas
   MemCanvas(HDC hdc=0)
    :   Canvas(CreateCompatibleDC(hdc)) {assert(_hdc);}

   ~MemCanvas() {DeleteDC(_hdc);}

 /// SelectedBitmap is used to localy select bitmaps into device contexts.
struct SelectedBitmap
   SelectedBitmap(HDC hdc, HBITMAP hbmp)
    :   _hdc(hdc), _old_hbmp(SelectBitmap(hdc, hbmp)) {}

   ~SelectedBitmap() {DeleteObject(SelectBitmap(_hdc, _old_hbmp));}

   HDC      _hdc;
   HBITMAP   _old_hbmp;

 /// BufferCanvas manages offscreen bitmaps selected into memory device contexts.
struct BufferCanvas : public MemCanvas
   BufferCanvas(HDC hdc, int x, int y, int w, int h)
    :   MemCanvas(hdc), _hdctarg(hdc),
      _x(x), _y(y), _w(w), _h(h),
      _bmp(_hdc, CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc, w, h)) {}

   BufferCanvas(HDC hdc, const RECT& rect)
    :   MemCanvas(hdc), _hdctarg(hdc),
      _x(rect.left), _y(, _w(rect.right-rect.left), _h(,
      _bmp(_hdc, CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc, _w, _h)) {}

   HDC    _hdctarg;
   int    _x, _y, _w, _h;
   SelectedBitmap _bmp;

 /// BufferedCanvas enables double buffering for a device context.
struct BufferedCanvas : public BufferCanvas
   BufferedCanvas(HDC hdc, int x, int y, int w, int h, DWORD mode=SRCCOPY)
    :   BufferCanvas(hdc, x, y, w, h), _mode(mode) {}

   BufferedCanvas(HDC hdc, const RECT& rect, DWORD mode=SRCCOPY)
    :   BufferCanvas(hdc, rect), _mode(mode) {}

   ~BufferedCanvas() {BitBlt(_hdctarg, _x, _y, _w, _h, _hdc, 0, 0, _mode);}

   DWORD   _mode;

 /// BufferedPaintCanvas extends PaintCanvas for double buffering.
struct BufferedPaintCanvas : public PaintCanvas, public BufferedCanvas
   BufferedPaintCanvas(HWND hwnd)
    :   PaintCanvas(hwnd),
      BufferedCanvas(PAINTSTRUCT::hdc, 0, 0, rcPaint.right, rcPaint.bottom)

   operator HDC() {return BufferedCanvas::_hdc;}

 /// TextColor locally selects a text color for drawing.
struct TextColor
   TextColor(HDC hdc, COLORREF color)
    : _hdc(hdc), _old_color(SetTextColor(hdc, color)) {}

   ~TextColor() {SetTextColor(_hdc, _old_color);}

   HDC       _hdc;
   COLORREF _old_color;

 /// BkMode locally sets the background mode for drawing.
struct BkMode
   BkMode(HDC hdc, int bkmode)
    : _hdc(hdc), _old_bkmode(SetBkMode(hdc, bkmode)) {}

   ~BkMode() {SetBkMode(_hdc, _old_bkmode);}

   HDC       _hdc;
   COLORREF _old_bkmode;

 /// FontSelection locally selects a font for drawing.
struct FontSelection
   FontSelection(HDC hdc, HFONT hFont)
    : _hdc(hdc), _old_hFont(SelectFont(hdc, hFont)) {}

   ~FontSelection() {SelectFont(_hdc, _old_hFont);}

   HDC      _hdc;
   HFONT   _old_hFont;

 /// BitmapSelection locally selects a bitmap into a device context.
struct BitmapSelection
   BitmapSelection(HDC hdc, HBITMAP hBmp)
    : _hdc(hdc), _old_hBmp(SelectBitmap(hdc, hBmp)) {}

   ~BitmapSelection() {SelectBitmap(_hdc, _old_hBmp);}

   HDC      _hdc;
   HBITMAP   _old_hBmp;

 /// BrushSelection locally selects a brush into a device context.
struct BrushSelection
   BrushSelection(HDC hdc, HBRUSH hBrush)
    : _hdc(hdc), _old_hBrush(SelectBrush(hdc, hBrush)) {}

   ~BrushSelection() {SelectBrush(_hdc, _old_hBrush);}

   HDC      _hdc;
   HBRUSH   _old_hBrush;

 /// Popup Menus
struct PopupMenu
    :   _hmenu(CreatePopupMenu())

   PopupMenu(UINT nid);

   operator HMENU() {return _hmenu;}

   void Append(UINT id, LPCTSTR str, UINT flags=MF_STRING)
      AppendMenu(_hmenu, flags, id, str);

   int TrackPopupMenu(HWND hwnd, const POINT& pt, UINT flags=TPM_LEFTBUTTON|TPM_RIGHTBUTTON, LPTPMPARAMS tpm=NULL) {
    return TrackPopupMenuEx(_hmenu, flags, pt.x, pt.y, hwnd, tpm);

   int PopupContextMenu(HWND hwnd, POINTS pos, UINT flags=TPM_LEFTBUTTON|TPM_RIGHTBUTTON) {
    POINT pt; POINTSTOPOINT(pt, pos);
    return TrackPopupMenuEx(_hmenu, flags, pt.x, pt.y, hwnd, NULL);

   int TrackPopupMenu(HWND hwnd, POINTS pos, UINT flags=TPM_LEFTBUTTON|TPM_RIGHTBUTTON) {
    POINT pt; POINTSTOPOINT(pt, pos);
    ClientToScreen(hwnd, &pt);
    return TrackPopupMenuEx(_hmenu, flags, pt.x, pt.y, hwnd, NULL);

   int TrackPopupMenuAtCursor(HWND hwnd, UINT flags=TPM_LEFTBUTTON) {
    POINT pt; GetCursorPos(&pt);
    return TrackPopupMenuEx(_hmenu, flags, pt.x, pt.y, hwnd, NULL);

   int TrackPopupMenuAtPos(HWND hwnd, DWORD pos, UINT flags=TPM_LEFTBUTTON) {
    return TrackPopupMenuEx(_hmenu, flags, GET_X_LPARAM(pos), GET_Y_LPARAM(pos), hwnd, NULL);

   HMENU _hmenu;

struct Variant : public VARIANT
   Variant() {VariantInit(this);}
   Variant(const VARIANT& var);
   Variant(const VARIANT* var);

   operator long() const;
   operator bool() const;
   operator VARIANT_BOOL() const;
   operator IDispatch*() const;

struct BStr
      _p = NULL;

   BStr(const BSTR s)
      _p = SysAllocString(s);

   BStr(LPCSTR s)

      if (s)
         _p = SysAllocStringLen(b, MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, s, -1, b, BUFFER_LEN)-1);
         _p = NULL;

   BStr(LPCWSTR s)
      _p = SysAllocString(s);

   BStr(const VARIANT& var)
    :   _p(NULL)


   void assign(BSTR s);
   void assign(const VARIANT& var);

   operator BSTR() const
      return _p? _p: (BSTR)L"";

   int length() const
const wchar_t*  _p = 0; //wine
      return _p? wcslen(_p): 0;

   BSTR   _p;

 /// string class for TCHAR strings
struct String
#ifdef UNICODE
 : public wstring
 : public string
#ifdef UNICODE
   typedef wstring super;
   typedef string super;

   String() {}

   String(LPCTSTR s) {if (s) super::assign(s);}
   String(LPCTSTR s, int l) : super(s, l) {}

   String(const super& other) : super(other) {}
   String(const String& other) : super(other) {}

#ifdef UNICODE
   String(LPCSTR s) {assign(s);}
   String(LPCSTR s, int l) {assign(s, l);}
   String(const string& other) {assign(other.c_str());}
   String& operator=(LPCSTR s) {assign(s); return *this;}
   void assign(LPCSTR s) {if (s) {TCHAR b[BUFFER_LEN]; super::assign(b, MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, s, -1, b, BUFFER_LEN)-1);} else erase();}
   void assign(LPCSTR s, int l) {if (s) {TCHAR b[BUFFER_LEN]; super::assign(b, MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, s, l, b, BUFFER_LEN));} else erase();}
   void assign(const BStr& s) {int l = s.length(); super::assign(s, l);}
   String(LPCWSTR s) {assign(s);}
   String(LPCWSTR s, int l) {assign(s, l);}
void String::assign(const wchar_t*); //wine
   String(const wstring& other) {assign(other.c_str());}
   String& operator=(LPCWSTR s) {assign(s); return *this;}
   void assign(LPCWSTR s) {if (s) {char b[BUFFER_LEN]; super::assign(b, WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, s, -1, b, BUFFER_LEN, 0, 0)-1);} else erase();}
   void assign(LPCWSTR s, int l) {if (s) {char b[BUFFER_LEN]; super::assign(b, WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, s, l, b, BUFFER_LEN, 0, 0));} else erase();}
   void assign(const BStr& s) {int l = s.length(); if (l) {char b[BUFFER_LEN]; super::assign(b, WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, s, l, b, BUFFER_LEN, 0, 0));} else erase();}
   String(const BStr& s) {assign(s);}
   String& operator=(const BStr& s) {assign(s); return *this;}

   String& operator=(LPCTSTR s) {if (s) super::assign(s); else erase(); return *this;}
   String& operator=(const super& s) {super::assign(s); return *this;}
   void assign(LPCTSTR s) {super::assign(s);}
   void assign(LPCTSTR s, int l) {super::assign(s, l);}

   operator LPCTSTR() const {return c_str();}

#ifdef UNICODE
   operator string() const {char b[BUFFER_LEN]; return string(b, WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, c_str(), -1, b, BUFFER_LEN, 0, 0)-1);}

   operator wstring() const {WCHAR b[BUFFER_LEN]; return wstring(b, MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, c_str(), -1, b, BUFFER_LEN)-1);}


   LPTSTR str() {return (LPTSTR)data();}   /// return modifyable character string pointer

   String& printf(LPCTSTR fmt, ...)
      va_list l;

      va_start(l, fmt);
      super::assign(b, _vsntprintf(b, COUNTOF(b), fmt, l));

      return *this;

   String& vprintf(LPCTSTR fmt, va_list l)

      super::assign(b, _vsntprintf(b, COUNTOF(b), fmt, l));

      return *this;

   String& appendf(LPCTSTR fmt, ...)
      va_list l;

      va_start(l, fmt);
      super::append(b, _vsntprintf(b, COUNTOF(b), fmt, l));

      return *this;

   String& vappendf(LPCTSTR fmt, va_list l)

      super::append(b, _vsntprintf(b, COUNTOF(b), fmt, l));

      return *this;

   void toLower()
      if (!empty())


struct FmtString : public String
   FmtString(LPCTSTR fmt, ...)
      va_list l;

      va_start(l, fmt);
      vprintf(fmt, l);

#ifdef UNICODE

struct ANS
      int l = wcslen(s) + 1;
      _str = (LPSTR) malloc(2*l);

      if (WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, s, -1, _str, 2*l, 0, 0) <= 0)
         *_str = '\0';


   operator LPCSTR() {return _str;}

   LPSTR   _str;

#define   UNC(x) ((LPCWSTR)(x))


#define   ANS(x) ((LPCSTR)(x))

struct UNC
      int l = strlen(s) + 1;
      _str = (LPWSTR) malloc(2*l);

      if (_str && MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, s, -1, _str, l) <= 0)
         *_str = '\0';


   operator LPCWSTR() {return _str;}

   LPWSTR   _str;


 // determine windows version string
String get_windows_version_str();

 /// link dynamicly to functions by using GetModuleHandle() and GetProcAddress()
template<typename FCT> struct DynamicFct
   DynamicFct(LPCTSTR moduleName, UINT ordinal)
      HMODULE hModule = GetModuleHandle(moduleName);

      _fct = (FCT) GetProcAddress(hModule, (LPCSTR)ordinal);

   DynamicFct(LPCTSTR moduleName, LPCSTR name)
      HMODULE hModule = GetModuleHandle(moduleName);

      _fct = (FCT) GetProcAddress(hModule, name);

   FCT operator*() const {return _fct;}
   operator bool() const {return _fct? true: false;}

   FCT   _fct;

 /// link dynamicly to functions by using LoadLibrary() and GetProcAddress()
template<typename FCT> struct DynamicLoadLibFct
   DynamicLoadLibFct(LPCTSTR moduleName, UINT ordinal)
      _hModule = LoadLibrary(moduleName);

      _fct = (FCT) GetProcAddress(_hModule, (LPCSTR)ordinal);

   DynamicLoadLibFct(LPCTSTR moduleName, LPCSTR name)
      _hModule = LoadLibrary(moduleName);

      _fct = (FCT) GetProcAddress(_hModule, name);


   FCT operator*() const {return _fct;}
   operator bool() const {return _fct? true: false;}

   HMODULE _hModule;
   FCT   _fct;

struct Context
   Context(const char* ctx)
    :   _ctx(ctx)
      _last = s_current;
      s_current = this;

   Context(const char* ctx, LPCSTR obj)
    :   _ctx(ctx),
      _last = s_current;
      s_current = this;

   Context(const char* ctx, LPCWSTR obj)
    :   _ctx(ctx),
      _last = s_current;
      s_current = this;

   Context(const Context& other)
    :   _ctx(other._ctx),
      _last = NULL;

      if (_last) {
         s_current = _last;
         _last = NULL;

   String toString() const;
   String getStackTrace() const;

   const char* _ctx;
   String   _obj;

   static Context& current() {return *s_current;}

   Context* _last;

   static Context*   s_current;   ///@todo use TLS
   static Context   s_main;

#define   CONTEXT_OBJ __ctx__._obj
#define   CONTEXT(c) Context __ctx__(c)
#define   CURRENT_CONTEXT Context::current()
#define   OBJ_CONTEXT(c, o) Context __ctx__(c, o)

extern bool SplitFileSysURL(LPCTSTR url, String& dir_out, String& fname_out);

#endif // __cplusplus
익명 사용자의 이미지

아래 링크에서 다시빌드해보세요..
0.2.8이상은 컴파일될거에요

hys545의 이미지

jacka1s wrote:
아래 링크에서 다시빌드해보세요..
0.2.8이상은 컴파일될거에요
저는 winelib로 컴파일 작업중입니다.
제가 물어본건 winelib로 컴파일 중에 에러 해결방안 물어본건데


doyun00의 이미지

invalid conversion from...
지금 이 문제를 해결하면서 자료를 찾아보고 있는데
일단 원인은 소스코드가 작성된 시점에 비해
컴파일러 버전이 높은 이유라고 하네요..ㅠ

God Bless YOU

댓글 달기

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