
puaxx의 이미지

허.. 이상합니다..


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <gdbm.h>

int main(int argc,char **argv){

	char buf[65]={0};
	datum key={0},nextkey={0},content={0};
	int ret;

	printf("Content-Type: text/html;\r\n");

	dbf = gdbm_open("haha", 0, GDBM_WRCREAT,0777, NULL);

		printf("gdbm open failure.\n");

	key.dptr=(char *)calloc(0,sizeof(char)*strlen(buf)+1);

	printf("F: %s %d\n",key.dptr,key.dsize);


	content.dptr=(char *)calloc(0,sizeof(char)*strlen(buf)+1);

	printf("S: %s %d\n",content.dptr,content.dsize);

	ret = gdbm_store(dbf, key, content, GDBM_INSERT);

		printf("An error occurred.\n");

	key = gdbm_firstkey ( dbf );
	while ( key.dptr ) {
		content=gdbm_fetch(dbf, key);
		printf("Contents-> %s %d\n",content.dptr,content.dsize);
		nextkey = gdbm_nextkey ( dbf, key );
		key = nextkey;


	return 0;



gcc -Wall -o test test.c -lgdbm


Content-Type: text/html;

F: 1126077459 10
S: ---1126077459--- 16
Contents-> ---1126075682--- 16
Contents-> ---1126075515--- 16
Contents-> ---1126075697--- 16
Contents-> ---1126075535--- 16
Contents-> ---1126075760--- 16
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Contents-> ---1126075534--- 16
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Contents-> ---1126075691--- 16
Contents-> ---1126075885--- 16
Contents-> ---1126074602--- 16
Contents-> ---1126075519--- 16
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Contents-> ---1126075550--- 16
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Contents-> ---1126074601--- 16
Contents-> ---1126075523--- 16
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Contents-> ---1126075684--- 16
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Contents-> ---1126075683--- 16
Contents-> ---1126075882--- 16
Contents-> ---1126075516--- 16
Contents-> ---1126075521--- 16
Contents-> ---1126075677--- 16
Contents-> ---1126077459--- 16
Contents-> ---1126075761--- 16
Contents-> ---1126075755--- 16
Contents-> ---1126074560--- 16
Contents-> ---1126075520--- 16
Contents-> ---1126075676--- 16
Contents-> ---1126075681--- 16
Contents-> ---1126075514--- 16
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Contents-> ---1126075529--- 16
Contents-> ---1126075754--- 16
Contents-> ---1126075680--- 16
Contents-> ---1126075513--- 16
Contents-> ---1126074606--- 16
Contents-> ---1126075528--- 16
Contents-> ---1126075533--- 16
Contents-> ---1126075689--- 16
Contents-> ---1126075553--- 16
Contents-> ---1126075673--- 16
Contents-> ---1126075872--- 16
Contents-> ---1126075532--- 16
Contents-> ---1126075688--- 16
Contents-> ---1126075693--- 16
Contents-> ---1126074604--- 16
Contents-> ---1126075526--- 16
Contents-> ---1126075751--- 16
Contents-> ---1126075510--- 16
Contents-> ---1126075692--- 16
Contents-> ---1126074603--- 16
Contents-> ---1126075525--- 16
Contents-> ---1126075530--- 16
Contents-> ---1126075686--- 16
Contents-> ---1126075759--- 16
Contents-> ---1126075764--- 16
Contents-> ---1126075685--- 16
Contents-> ---1126075690--- 16
Contents-> ---1126075518--- 16
Contents-> ---1126074599--- 16
Contents-> ---1126075763--- 16
Contents-> ---1126074600--- 16
Contents-> ---1126075522--- 16
Contents-> ---1126075698--- 16
Contents-> ---1126075756--- 16

제가 gdbm라이브 러리를 가지고 테스트 한것인데요..

이상하게 데이터 순서가 뒤죽박죽으로들어가네요. 일정한 순서대로 들어갈줄 알았더니...초난감입니다 --;; 다른 라이브러리는 괜찮을까요?

제가 잘못본것일까요? 아님...

익명 사용자의 이미지

gdbm의 자료구조는 해시테이블입니다.
따라서 <key,value>쌍에서 key가 정렬상태로 저장되는 것이 아니죠

allmue의 이미지

실행할때 ./test 만 하면 되나요? ./test만 하니까요.......

F: 1200965947 10
S: ---1200965947--- 16
Segmentation fault

이렇게 나오네요.......ㅡㅡ;;;; 완전 초보라서.....이렇게 질문드립니다.

혹시 db파일을 추가해야 하나요? 아니면.....다른 실행 방법이 있나요? ㅡ.,ㅡ;;;;

죄송하게도.......질문하신 글에....질문을 남기게 됬습니다.....ㅠ_ㅠ 죄송합니다.....

항상 겸손하게,
배움의 자세로 임하자.

댓글 달기

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