이렇게 당황 스러운;;제가 잘못 본거 일까요;;
apt-get update 실행후 apt-cache search kernel-source 결과입니다;
avm-fritz-kernel-source - AVM Fritz! binary kernel module source
fglrx-kernel-source - ATI binary kernel module source
cpad-kernel-source - Source for the Synaptics cPad driver
freeswan - IPSEC utilities for FreeSWan
kernel-patch-2.4-lids - LIDS Kernel Patch
kernel-patch-debian-2.4.27 - Debian patches to Linux 2.4.27
kernel-source-2.4.27 - Linux kernel source for version 2.4.27 with Debian patches
kernel-tree-2.4.27 - Linux kernel source tree for building Debian kernel images
lidstools-2.4 - LIDS Admintool
nvidia-kernel-source - NVIDIA binary kernel module source
oprofile - system-wide profiler for Linux systems
wacom-kernel-source - Source for the wacom binary modules
wacom-tools - Utilities for wacom tablets and other hid devices
/etc/apt/sources.list에 다음을 추가하고 update하시
/etc/apt/sources.list에 다음을 추가하고 update하시면 찾을 수 있습니다
여전히 같은 결과 입니다 ㅠㅠ 안보이네요;;
이렇게 당황 스러운;;제가 잘못 본거 일까요;;
apt-get update 실행후 apt-cache search kernel-source 결과입니다;
avm-fritz-kernel-source - AVM Fritz! binary kernel module source
fglrx-kernel-source - ATI binary kernel module source
cpad-kernel-source - Source for the Synaptics cPad driver
freeswan - IPSEC utilities for FreeSWan
kernel-patch-2.4-lids - LIDS Kernel Patch
kernel-patch-debian-2.4.27 - Debian patches to Linux 2.4.27
kernel-source-2.4.27 - Linux kernel source for version 2.4.27 with Debian patches
kernel-tree-2.4.27 - Linux kernel source tree for building Debian kernel images
lidstools-2.4 - LIDS Admintool
nvidia-kernel-source - NVIDIA binary kernel module source
oprofile - system-wide profiler for Linux systems
wacom-kernel-source - Source for the wacom binary modules
wacom-tools - Utilities for wacom tablets and other hid devices
sudo apt-get install linux-source 해보세요.
sudo apt-get install linux-source 해보세요.
비슷하게 2.6.10이 있어서 설치는 했는데..
결국 vmware는 같은 곳에서 안되는군요;;ㅠㅠ
정확하게 똑같은건 아보이는군요;;
2.6.10이 2개있고 2.6.11이 2개네요;;
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