doxygen으로 문서화하는데 .h 파일에 밖에 적용이 안되는 이유

vudghkzm의 이미지

VC++ 6 에서 doxygen + doxbar 로 소스를 문서화 하는데, .h 파일에 밖에 적용이 되지 않는거 같습니다. .cpp 등 전체 파일에 적용이 되게 할려면 어떻게 해야 하나요?

pynoos의 이미지

doxygen 파일을 여시고, INPUT 파일에 해당 파일들을 적어주시면 될것입니다. RESURSIVE 속성을 켜셨다면 INPUT 파일에 디렉토리를 넣고, FILE_PATTERNS 에 넣어도 동작할 것이구요.

녹차의 이미지

전 일반 c언어를 분석했는데 .h 파일만 생성이 되더군요.

파싱은 다 하는 듯 한 로그가 나왔는데

설정은 나름대로 잘한 거 같은데.. 인풋 파일도 잘 지정을 햇고 비워두면 자동으로 관련 파일을 잡는 다는 설정도 있고

리크루시브하게 할 것도 없어서..

하나 의심이 되는 부분이 있는데 doxygen이라는 녀석이 클래스 관련 객체지향 언어만 지원을 하나요?

제가 했던 녀석은 그냥 c거든요(정확한 명칭을 머라고 해야할지..ㅡ.ㅡ;; object c도 있던데 음음)

로그는 다음과 같습니다.

Searching for include files...
Searching for example files...
Searching for images...
Searching for dot files...
Searching for files to exclude
Searching for files to process...
Reading and parsing tag files
Preprocessing /root/ffs/Development/yaffs/devextras.h...
Parsing file /root/ffs/Development/yaffs/devextras.h...
Preprocessing /root/ffs/Development/yaffs/yaffs_ecc.c...
Parsing file /root/ffs/Development/yaffs/yaffs_ecc.c...
Preprocessing /root/ffs/Development/yaffs/yaffs_ecc.h...
Parsing file /root/ffs/Development/yaffs/yaffs_ecc.h...
Preprocessing /root/ffs/Development/yaffs/yaffs_fileem.c...
Parsing file /root/ffs/Development/yaffs/yaffs_fileem.c...
Preprocessing /root/ffs/Development/yaffs/yaffs_fs.c...
Parsing file /root/ffs/Development/yaffs/yaffs_fs.c...
Preprocessing /root/ffs/Development/yaffs/yaffs_guts.c...
Parsing file /root/ffs/Development/yaffs/yaffs_guts.c...
Preprocessing /root/ffs/Development/yaffs/yaffs_guts.h...
Parsing file /root/ffs/Development/yaffs/yaffs_guts.h...
Preprocessing /root/ffs/Development/yaffs/yaffs_mtdif.c...
Parsing file /root/ffs/Development/yaffs/yaffs_mtdif.c...
Preprocessing /root/ffs/Development/yaffs/yaffs_mtdif.h...
Parsing file /root/ffs/Development/yaffs/yaffs_mtdif.h...
Preprocessing /root/ffs/Development/yaffs/yaffs_nandemul.h...
Parsing file /root/ffs/Development/yaffs/yaffs_nandemul.h...
Preprocessing /root/ffs/Development/yaffs/yaffs_ramem.c...
Parsing file /root/ffs/Development/yaffs/yaffs_ramem.c...
Preprocessing /root/ffs/Development/yaffs/yaffsinterface.h...
Parsing file /root/ffs/Development/yaffs/yaffsinterface.h...
Preprocessing /root/ffs/Development/yaffs/yportenv.h...
Parsing file /root/ffs/Development/yaffs/yportenv.h...
Building group list...
Building directory list...
Building namespace list...
Building file list...
Searching for included using directives...
Building class list...
Associating documentation with classes...
Computing nesting relations for classes...
Searching for members imported via using declarations...
Building example list...
Searching for documented variables...
Building member list...
Searching for friends...
Searching for documented defines...
Computing template instances...
Flushing cached template relations that have become invalid...
Creating members for template instances...
Computing class relations...
/root/ffs/Development/yaffs/devextras.h:238: Warning: Compound iattr is not documented.
/root/ffs/Development/yaffs/yaffs_guts.h:79: Warning: Compound yaffs_ChunkCache is not documented.
/root/ffs/Development/yaffs/yaffs_guts.h:299: Warning: Compound yaffs_ObjectStruct is not documented.
/root/ffs/Development/yaffs/yaffs_guts.h:398: Warning: Compound yaffs_DeviceStruct is not documented.
/root/ffs/Development/yaffs/yaffs_ramem.c:63: Warning: Compound nandemul_Device is not documented.
/root/ffs/Development/yaffs/yaffs_guts.h:127: Warning: Compound yaffs_NANDSpare is not documented.
/root/ffs/Development/yaffs/devextras.h:54: Warning: Compound list_head is not documented.
/root/ffs/Development/yaffs/yaffs_ramem.c:54: Warning: Compound nandemul_Block is not documented.
/root/ffs/Development/yaffs/yaffs_guts.h:103: Warning: Compound yaffs_TagsUnion is not documented.
/root/ffs/Development/yaffs/yaffs_guts.h:381: Warning: Compound yaffs_ObjectList_struct is not documented.
/root/ffs/Development/yaffs/yaffs_guts.h:290: Warning: Compound yaffs_ObjectVariant is not documented.
/root/ffs/Development/yaffs/yaffs_guts.h:235: Warning: Compound yaffs_Tnode_union is not documented.
/root/ffs/Development/yaffs/yaffs_guts.h:266: Warning: Compound yaffs_FileStructure is not documented.
/root/ffs/Development/yaffs/yaffs_guts.h:93: Warning: Compound yaffs_Tags is not documented.
/root/ffs/Development/yaffs/yaffs_guts.h:161: Warning: Compound yaffs_BlockInfo is not documented.
/root/ffs/Development/yaffs/yaffs_guts.h:389: Warning: Compound yaffs_ObjectBucket is not documented.
/root/ffs/Development/yaffs/yaffs_guts.h:111: Warning: Compound yaffs_Spare is not documented.
/root/ffs/Development/yaffs/yaffs_guts.h:274: Warning: Compound yaffs_DirectoryStructure is not documented.
/root/ffs/Development/yaffs/yaffs_guts.h:279: Warning: Compound yaffs_SymLinkStructure is not documented.
/root/ffs/Development/yaffs/yaffs_ramem.c:46: Warning: Compound nandemul_Page is not documented.
/root/ffs/Development/yaffs/yaffs_guts.h:187: Warning: Compound yaffs_ObjectHeader is not documented.
/root/ffs/Development/yaffs/yaffs_guts.h:248: Warning: Compound yaffs_TnodeList_struct is not documented.
/root/ffs/Development/yaffs/yaffs_guts.h:284: Warning: Compound yaffs_HardLinkStructure is not documented.
Searching for enumerations...
Searching for member function documentation...
Building page list...
Search for main page...
Computing page relations...
Determining the scope of groups...
Sorting lists...
Freeing entry tree
Determining which enums are documented
Computing member relations...
Building full member lists recursively...
Adding members to member groups.
Computing member references...
Inheriting documentation...
Generating disk names...
Adding source references...
Adding todo/test/bug list items...
Generating style sheet...
Counting data structures...
Resolving user defined references...
Combining using relations...
Finding anchors and sections in the documentation...
Generating index page...
Generating example documentation...
Generating file sources...
Generating code for file devextras.h...
Generating code for file yaffs_ecc.h...
Generating code for file yaffs_guts.h...
Generating code for file yaffs_mtdif.h...
Generating code for file yaffs_nandemul.h...
Generating code for file yaffsinterface.h...
Generating code for file yportenv.h...
Generating file documentation...
Generating page documentation...
Generating group documentation...
Generating group index...
Generating class documentation...
Generating annotated compound index...
Generating hierarchical class index...
Generating member index...
Generating namespace index...
Generating namespace member index...
Generating graph info page...
Generating file index...
Generating example index...
Generating file member index...
Generating page index...

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