버추얼 스크린 문제.

PSG-01의 이미지

음 코어리눅스 설치하면서 X띄울때 이유없이 버추얼 스크린으로

들어가 버리는군요

참고로 저는 기본 LCD 1280*1024 맞춰서 쓰고 있습니다.

분명 X가 제대로 뜨긴 하는데 640 * 480 이 아니면

버추얼 스크린으로 들어가 버리는군요 :cry:

이 상황 어떻게 해결해야 되나요?

덧으로 XF86Config-4 파일 올려봅니다.

# XFree86 4.2.0 configuration generated by Xconfigurator 4.10.7 

Section "ServerLayout" 
        Identifier "XFree86 Configured" 
        Screen      0  "Screen0" 0 0 
        InputDevice    "Mouse0" "CorePointer" 
        InputDevice    "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard" 

# Kore Linux 2004 and later use the xfs font server for improved 
# interactive performance 

Section "Files" 
        FontPath "unix/:7100" 

# Module loading section 

Section "Module" 
        Load  "dbe"                # Double-buffering 
        Load  "GLcore"                # OpenGL support 
        Load  "dri"                # Direct rendering infrastructure 
        Load  "glx"                # OpenGL X protocol interface 
        Load  "extmod"                # Misc. required extensions 
        Load  "v4l"                # Video4Linux 
        # Load  "record"        # X event recorder 
        # You only need the following two modules if you do not use xfs. 
        # Load  "freetype"        # TrueType font handler 
        # Load  "type1"                # Adobe Type 1 font handler 

Section "InputDevice" 
        Identifier  "Keyboard0" 
        Driver      "keyboard" 
        Option      "XkbLayout"        "us" 

Section "InputDevice" 
        Identifier  "Mouse0" 
        Driver      "mouse" 
        Option      "Device" "/dev/mouse" 
        Option      "Protocol" "IMPS/2" 
        Option      "Emulate3Buttons" "on" 
        Option      "ZAxisMapping" "4 5" 

Section "Monitor" 
        Identifier "LCD Panel 1280x1024" 
        VendorName "Unknown" 
        ModelName  "Unknown" 
        HorizSync 31.5-67 
        VertRefresh 50-75 
        Option "dpms" 

Section "Device" 
        Identifier "ATI Radeon 7000" 
        Driver "radeon" 
        BoardName "Unknown" 

Section "Device" 
        Identifier "Linux Frame Buffer" 
        Driver "fbdev" 
        BoardName "Unknown" 

Section "Screen" 
        Identifier "Screen0" 
        Device "ATI Radeon 7000" 
        Monitor "LCD Panel 1280x1024" 
        DefaultDepth 24 
        Subsection "Display" 
                Depth 24 
                Modes "1280x1024" "1152x864" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480" 

Section "DRI" 
        Mode 0666 
lovejin0309의 이미지

Section "Monitor" 
        Identifier "LCD Panel 1280x1024" 
        VendorName "Unknown" 
        ModelName  "Unknown" 
        HorizSync 31.5-67 
        VertRefresh 50-75 
        Option "dpms" 


 HorizSync 31.5-67 
  VertRefresh 50-75 

부분을 빼 보세요.

댓글 달기

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