vnc server가 종료되는 현상
글쓴이: 송지석 / 작성시간: 목, 2004/05/06 - 10:12오전
Fedora core1 사용중입니다.
왜 그런 지 모르겠는데
vnc server를 켜놓고 한참 있다가 보면 죽어있습니다.
연결을 몇번 해서 사용하고 다음날 접속해보려고 하면 죽어있거나 합니다.
vnc 로그 메시지를 보면 이렇습니다.
** (nautilus:26866): WARNING **: couldn't send tconX: res: ERRDOS - ERRnoaccess The application 'gnome-panel' lost its connection to the display :2.0; most likely the X server was shut down or you killed/destroyed the application. 창 관리자 주의: 디스플레이 ':2.0'에 대한 연결을 잃었습니다; 아마도 X 서버가 종료되었거나 창 관리자가 종료/강제 종료 되었을 것입니다. The application 'nautilus' lost its connection to the display :2.0; most likely the X server was shut down or you killed/destroyed the application. The application 'rhn-applet' lost its connection to the display :2.0; most likely the X server was shut down or you killed/destroyed the application. The application 'gnome-session' lost its connection to the display :2.0; most likely the X server was shut down or you killed/destroyed the application. The application 'eggcups' lost its connection to the display :2.0; most likely the X server was shut down or you killed/destroyed the application. Gdk-ERROR **: X connection to :2.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown). The application 'pam-panel-icon' lost its connection to the display :2.0; most likely the X server was shut down or you killed/destroyed the application. The application 'magicdev' lost its connection to the display :2.0; most likely the X server was shut down or you killed/destroyed the application. xterm: fatal IO error 32 (파이프가 깨어짐) or KillClient on X server ":2.0"
무슨 일이 일어난걸까요?
클라이언트는 windows에서 ultravnc를 사용중입니다.
타임아웃 옵션이 있는것으로 압니다.
이거 해결이 되었나요? 저도 같은 문제가 있어 질문 드립니다.
이거 해결이 되었나요? 저도 같은 문제가 있어 질문 드립니다.
I paint objects as I think them, not as I see them.
atie's minipage
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