[C++] <vector> link error 질문입니다.
Link Error : format.cpp: 'std::__vector_deleter<_tag_paramt, std::allocator<_tag_paramt>>::~__vector_deleter()' 16-bit code reference to 'operator delete(void*)' is out of range.
Link Error : format.cpp: 'std::__vector_imp<htmlchart, std::allocator<htmlchart>, 0>::init<PC9htmlchart>(const htmlchart*,const htmlchart*,std::forward_iterator_tag)' 16-bit code reference to 'abort' is out of range.
Link Error : format.cpp: 'std::__vector_imp<htmlchart, std::allocator<htmlchart>, 0>::init<PC9htmlchart>(const htmlchart*,const htmlchart*,std::forward_iterator_tag)' 16-bit code reference to 'operator new(unsigned long)' is out of range.
Link Error : format.cpp: 'std::__vector_imp<_columnt, std::allocator<_columnt>, 0>::init<PC8_columnt>(const _columnt*,const _columnt*,std::forward_iterator_tag)' 16-bit code reference to 'abort' is out of range.
Link Error : format.cpp: 'std::__vector_imp<_columnt, std::allocator<_columnt>, 0>::init<PC8_columnt>(const _columnt*,const _columnt*,std::forward_iterator_tag)' 16-bit code reference to 'operator new(unsigned long)' is out of range.
Link Error : format.cpp: 'std::__vector_imp<_columnt, std::allocator<_columnt>, 0>::do_assign<PC8_columnt>(const _columnt*,const _columnt*,std::forward_iterator_tag)' 16-bit code reference to '__lmul__' is out of range.
Link Error : format.cpp: 'std::__vector_imp<_columnt, std::allocator<_columnt>, 0>::do_assign<PC8_columnt>(const _columnt*,const _columnt*,std::forward_iterator_tag)' 16-bit code reference to 'abort' is out of range.
Link Error : format.cpp: 'std::__vector_imp<_columnt, std::allocator<_columnt>, 0>::do_assign<PC8_columnt>(const _columnt*,const _columnt*,std::forward_iterator_tag)' 16-bit code reference to 'operator delete(void*)' is out of range.
Link Error : format.cpp: 'std::__vector_imp<_columnt, std::allocator<_columnt>, 0>::do_assign<PC8_columnt>(const _columnt*,const _columnt*,std::forward_iterator_tag)' 16-bit code reference to 'operator new(unsigned long)' is out of range.
Link Error : format.cpp: 'std::__vector_deleter<_columnt, std::allocator<_columnt>>::clear()' 16-bit code reference to '__lmul__' is out of range.
Link Error : format.cpp: 'std::__vector_deleter<linkt, std::allocator<linkt>>::clear()' 16-bit code reference to '__lmul__' is out of range.
Link Error : launch.cpp: 'viewt::~viewt()' 16-bit code reference to 'operator delete(void*)' is out of range.
release mode 로 compile 후 이런 link error 떴습니다..
여기 저기 뒤져 봤지만 저 에러를 고칠수가 없내요..
도움 부탁드립니다..
혹시 컴파일러를 g++로 안하고 gcc로 한것 아닐까요?gcc 로
혹시 컴파일러를 g++로 안하고 gcc로 한것 아닐까요?
gcc 로 하면 libstdc++이 link되지 않아서 undefined 에러가 납니다.
release mode 라며는 Visual C++ 인가요?
GCC 는 그냥 compile 하면 debug 정보를 포함하지 않아서 release mode 라는 말을 잘 안 쓰는데... -_-
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