저널링 파일시스템에 대하여...

kebie의 이미지

대충 저널링 파일이스템을 보니 ext3, XFS, JFS ,ReiserFS
이정도가 있는 것 같은데요... 각각의 파일시스템의 장단점을
간단하게 알 수가 없을까요?

젠투 설치설명서를 조금 읽어보니 그곳에 약간의 설명이 있었는데...
영어로 되어 있어서 저는 읽기가 조금 힘들더군요. 대충 ReiserFS 이
좋다는 것 같고 XFS는 특별한 경우에만 사용해야하고... 그런 것 같더라구요..
(확실한지는 저도 잘 모르겠어요...)

아래가 원문입니다.

ext3 is the journaled version of the ext2 filesystem, providing metadata journaling for fast recovery in addition to other enhanced journaling modes like full data and ordered data journaling. ext3 is a very good and reliable filesystem. It offers generally decent performance under most conditions. Because it does not extensively employ the use of "trees" in its internal design, it doesn't scale very well, meaning that it is not an ideal choice for very large filesystems, or situations where you will be handling very large files or large quantities of files in a single directory. But when used within its design parameters, ext3 is an excellent filesystem.

ReiserFS is a B*-tree based filesystem that has very good overall performance and greatly outperforms both ext2 and ext3 when dealing with small files (files less than 4k), often by a factor of 10x-15x. ReiserFS also scales extremely well and has metadata journaling. As of kernel 2.4.18+, ReiserFS is now rock-solid and highly recommended for use both as a general-purpose filesystem and for extreme cases such as the creation of large filesystems, the use of many small files, very large files and directories containing tens of thousands of files. ReiserFS is the filesystem we recommend by default for all non-boot partitions.

XFS is a filesystem with metadata journaling that is fully supported under Gentoo Linux's xfs-sources kernel. It comes with a robust feature-set and is optimized for scalability. We only recommend using this filesystem on Linux systems with high-end SCSI and/or fibre channel storage and a uninterruptible power supply. Because XFS aggressively caches in-transit data in RAM, improperly designed programs (those that don't take proper precautions when writing files to disk and there are quite a few of them) can lose a good deal of data if the system goes down unexpectedly.

JFS is IBM's high-performance journaling filesystem. It has recently become production-ready and there hasn't been a sufficient track record to comment positively nor negatively on its general stability at this point.

영어도 리눅스도 익숙하지 않다보니 어려움이 많네요...
더 나은 파티션이 있다면 그것을 써보고 싶어서요. 다른 분들은 어떤 파티션을

일반개인pc에서 xfs 나 jfs 는 어울리지 않는 파일시스템인가요?

saxboy의 이미지

아래에 좀 더 찾아보시면 저널링에 대한 논의가 있었습니다.

저는 일부러 데스크탑에 저널링을 넣지는 않는데, 사실은 귀 찮 아 서... ㅡ.ㅡ
그냥 꺼져도 부팅할때 시간이 걸리지 않으니 좋더군요. 노트북에서는 한동안 정말 유용하게 써먹었던 기억이 있습니다. 느린노트북에서는 십기가 정도 fsck 하다보면 십분이 넘게 걸리는 일도 허다하거든요.

댓글 달기

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