A Brief Intro to Input Method Framework, Linux IME, and XIM

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A Brief Intro to Input Method Framework, Linux IME, and XIM


A Brief Intro to Input Method Framework, Linux IME, and XIM

There are chances one need an input method editor (IME). For CJK users, supporting unicode and wide characters from Chinese, Japanese and Korean is not enough, since it only gives the display of their native languages, not the way of input. Western people, especially who can manage to type their characters and words directly from a standard keyboard, may not understand the need for such input facility, which could possibly be the reason why CJK support is usually added as an additional feature in the end of a software system.

Briefly speaking, imagine the case where English has more than 26 alphabets, far more than that, what would happen? Imagine a language with tens of thousands of basic alphabets (characters, or typographically, glyphs). How would you design the input stack of a computer system to let users input efficiently? Since we cannot introduce a "super" keyboard having thousands of keys, a better way is to try to "spell" each character by making a series of key strokes. So, inaccurately, if you do this in English, it is like you spend some time pressing the keys to get an "a" in the end. Or press more than five keys (probably 15 keys or more) to have "linux" shown up in your text editing software. This way, we only incur logarithmic time complexity to index a character in CJK space (thinking about looking up a word in an English dictionary by tracing the leading letters). Another good news is, using very basic statistical methods or advanced NLP effort, such way of making input can be fairly efficient in spite of multiple candidates given the same key press combination. The ambiguity comes from the fact that, many mainstream input methods of Asian languages use English alphabets (some language, such as Japanese, calls it "Romaji", related to old Romanian alphabets) to represent the pronunciation of a character. It is likely that, in some languages, for example Chinese, to have different characters or words spelled with the same sequence of alphabets. For example, both 「元音」("vowel") and 「原因」("reason") are spelled by "yuan yin" in pinyin scheme, the pronunciation notation standardized by government of China (mainland). Another scheme, zhuyin (or Mandarin Phonetic Symbols), advocated by Taiwan, is also used for users in that area.

The reader may have noticed the potential diversity of such input schemes or their implementations, input method editors (IMEs). So it is inevitable that an operating system, or a desktop environment needs to provide with a framework to support various kinds of IMEs. Unfortunately, the current situation of IME support in Linux is still a mess, according to my opinion, which will be introduced later. The reason for such a complicated scenario might be due to the fact that early stage of developing such software systems was done by mostly people who speak a language which can be typed without an IME. English was probably also the primary focus of language support during the development. So even if many devs from other non-latin based countries joined, they still used English to communicate, and there lacked some consensus of making a general framework to support their own languages. But just a wild guess by myself.

In Linux, currently there are three major ways to get IME support from graphical interface: X Input Method (XIM), GTK IM module or QT IM module. These are three general IME frameworks which allow any IME implementation conforming to the given API. However, there are also some other applications claimed to be "input method framework", such fcitx and ibus. But in order to use either one, you are supposed to enable XIM or GTK/QT IM support for it. The confusion begins from here. There is no known article or documentation clarifies the different roles of an input software in this messy software stack. Usually people mix the concept of an IME framework with IME implementation that relies on such framework. My opinion is to regard fcitx/ibus as a secondary framework which behaves like a normal single IME to the old IME framework (XIM, QTK IM, QT IM) but offers the interface to support a bunch of actual input method implementations (rime, pinyin, anthy, etc). So they are like a transparent layer for current typical use, in the messy world of IME. I really wish there would be a general and canonical basic framework to unify IMEs and remove the unnecessarily layered and entangled implementation.

The rest of this blog post will introduce the basics of using XIM, a very old input method native to X11 (the spec is copyrighted 1993, 1994). Although some people think it is obsolete, there is no known convincing reason for not using it. As an IME framework, it provides with a pretty general interface to deal with various kinds of IME in a simple way (the core APIs are just a few). The only reason to abandon it and create another is the internal protocol is somehow convoluted. Taking the filter event as an example, the original specification is confusing, and not supposed to be that difficult. It is also obvious that the authors did not predict the typical usage of IME framework precisely at the time of building it, so there are some unnecessary freedom that nobody will likely get benefit from, and in the end, making it difficult to understand the internals. So with that being said, XIM might be convenient for application (text editors, terminals) devs, but painful for IME builders. Nevertheless, XIM is still very useful if you want to develop a pure X11 program without GTK/QT in your pocket, or deliberately do so. Since fcitx and ibus have decent legacy support for XIM, it is so far the best way to go for your X11 program.

XIM has two different architectures, front-end and back-end [1]:

* In front-end architecture, xlib will deliver key events to both the application and the IME, which means special care should be taken in order to synchronize them. But such asynchrony is good for interactive performance.

* As for back-end architecture, the IME will behave like a filter which first takes in the user's input, updates its state, composes some characters, and possibly passes some events over to the application key event handler. Since the application is handling events logically "behind" the IME, it is called "back-end".

According to the documentation, XIM supports back-end mode by default, and front-end mode can be enabled by some extension. The following tutorial gives a minimal working example of supporting IME in back-end mode (works with fcitx as tested).

First of all, XIM requires setting locale correctly before you initiate an XIM object which is the abstraction of the underlying IME in use. The following lines give an example of correctly setting up the locale and locale modifier. You can call setlocale to set the LC_CTYPE or LC_ALL to an empty string so it will default to the locale in the current environment variables, which is a good behavior assuming the system environment is properly set up. By making another call XSetLocaleModifiers, you will set the modifier to the existing locale, which is usually necessary since X is often not able to locate your IME binary according to your locale (at least for fcitx) by default. As a common practice, whenever you install fcitx or ibus, the manual will suggest you to add the line export XMODIFIERS="@im=fcitx" to your profile. The function called with empty string will also extract that from $XMODIFIERS [2].

20 |  int main() {
21 |      /* fallback to LC_CTYPE in env */
22 |      setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "");
23 |      /* implementation-dependent behavior, on my machine it defaults to
24 |       * XMODIFIERS in env */
25 |      XSetLocaleModifiers("");

You can, of course, as a test, hard code your settings into the strings:

20 |  int main() {
21 |      setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "zh_CN.utf8");
22 |      XSetLocaleModifiers("@im=fcitx");

And let's create some global variables and initialize a simple window:

 1 |  #include <X11/Xlib.h>
 2 |  #include <X11/Xutil.h>
 3 |  #include <X11/Xos.h>
 4 |  #include <stdlib.h>
 5 |  #include <stdio.h>
 6 |  #include <locale.h>
 7 |  #include <assert.h>
 8 |
 9 |  Display *dpy;
10 |  Window win;
11 |  int scr;
26 |      /* inside main, after XSetLocaleModifiers */
27 |      /* setting up a simple window */
28 |      dpy = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
29 |      scr = DefaultScreen(dpy);
30 |      win = XCreateSimpleWindow(dpy,
31 |              XDefaultRootWindow(dpy),
32 |              0, 0, 100, 100, 5,
33 |              BlackPixel(dpy, scr),
34 |              BlackPixel(dpy, scr));
35 |      XMapWindow(dpy, win);

Then we initialize an XIM object which serves as a handle to a chosen IME (based on our previous environmental settings), and also a XIM Context object (XIC) for managing the state and context for the text input. The reason of having two different kinds of objects is because there could be multiple text input contexts in a complex application: think about a word processor which has text boxes for editing attributes of the document and also the large editing area for inserting the main text. XIM models this by two general concepts XIM and XIC. An XIM Context is logical, and coressponds to a single XIM object which is the IME used for editing in the context. This means one can attach the same IME to all different contexts, or use different IMEs for some. It's hard to imagine a user using two different IMEs at the same time within one application, but having an abstract of XIC is fruitful because an IME can maintain a different state per context, to offer a consistent experience.

But usually users do not have such sophisticated need, we can just create one single XIC attached to a single XIM, and use XIC for all inputs:

37 |      /* initialize IM and IC */
38 |      XIM xim = XOpenIM(dpy, NULL, NULL, NULL);
39 |      XIC ic = XCreateIC(xim,
40 |                          /* the following are in attr, val format, terminated by NULL */
41 |                          XNInputStyle, XIMPreeditNothing | XIMStatusNothing,
42 |                          XNClientWindow, win,
43 |                          NULL);
44 |      /* focus on the only IC */
45 |      XSetICFocus(ic);
46 |      /* capture the input */
47 |      XSelectInput(dpy, win, KeyPressMask);

Almost there, but need one more important thing. If you start the event loop and try to capture the output from IME using Xutf8LookupString, you will find you can't even toggle the IME (by pressing ctrl-space for fcitx). This is because although you've set up everything needed, there is no logic of fowarding events to the IME. You may think, well, since it is in back-end architecture by default, X11 will first forward the events to IME and then let them handled by my handler. It is partially correct. In fact, you need to manually forward your event to the IME by calling XFilterEvent. The function will foward your current to-be-deilivered event to the IME and return true if the IME has consumed it, or false when it passes it over to your logic. Here, what's happening behind the scene is you will continue to the next loop without handling the key press at first, and then, depending on the state of IME, it will send back the key press as a new event to X11 and return false when you call XFilterEvent function on that. This twisted control flow makes up a logical back-end implementation [3].

53 |      static char *buff;
54 |      size_t buff_size = 16;
55 |      buff = (char *)malloc(buff_size);
56 |      for (;;)
57 |      {
58 |          KeySym ksym;
59 |          Status status;
60 |          XEvent ev;
61 |          XNextEvent(dpy, &ev);
62 |          if (XFilterEvent(&ev, None))
63 |              continue;
64 |          if (ev.type == KeyPress)
65 |          {
66 |              size_t c = Xutf8LookupString(ic, &ev.xkey,
67 |                                          buff, buff_size - 1,
68 |                                          &ksym, &status);
69 |              if (status == XBufferOverflow)
70 |              {
71 |                  printf("reallocate to the size of: %lu\n", c + 1);
72 |                  buff = realloc(buff, c + 1);
73 |                  c = Xutf8LookupString(ic, &ev.xkey,
74 |                                      buff, c,
75 |                                      &ksym, &status);
76 |              }
77 |              if (c)
78 |              {
79 |                  spot.x += 20;
80 |                  spot.y += 20;
81 |                  send_spot(ic, spot);
82 |                  buff[c] = 0;
83 |                  printf("delievered string: %s\n", buff);
84 |              }
85 |          }
86 |      }
87 |  }

Xutf8LookupString will pull the composed string from IME or the character of the pressed key passed through IME. Notice that you have to specify the length of the byte buffer. The example above uses a very small initial buffer which limits the capacity to only deilivering around five Chinese characters in one composition. Each utf-8 character takes around 3 bytes. Remember, it is quite usual for users to keep making key press until a phrase of several characters is formed. Only then will the composed string be deilivered to your application. In rxvt-unicode, it is set to 512, a very reasonable size, or you could use realloc in the example to dynamically expand the buffer.

The last thing is many IMEs (at least Chinese IMEs) allow users to preview and select the correct character/phrase candidates from an interactive box floating near the input cursor. The input cursor is application-dependent, so you might be interested in positioning it to the right place. To position the IME editing GUI to a place, you should use XSetICValues to send the new spot to an XIC. Therefore, here comes the last missing piece:

13 |  void send_spot(XIC ic, XPoint nspot) {
14 |      XVaNestedList preedit_attr;
15 |      preedit_attr = XVaCreateNestedList(0, XNSpotLocation, &nspot, NULL);
16 |      XSetICValues(ic, XNPreeditAttributes, preedit_attr, NULL);
17 |      XFree(preedit_attr);
18 |  }
48 |  XPoint spot;
49 |  spot.x = 0;
50 |  spot.y = 0;
51 |  send_spot(ic, spot);

Run the program with some key strokes and IME input (full code):

gcc -o xim_example xim_example.c -lX11
delievered string: t
delievered string: e
delievered string: s
delievered string: t
delievered string: 測試
delievered string: 測試中文
reallocate to the size of: 22
delievered string: 測試中文輸入法
delievered string: 測試

[1] https://www.x.org/releases/X11R7.7/doc/libX11/libX11/libX11.html#Input_Method_Overview
[2] Actually, the behavior is implementation-dependent, but on my machine, it defaults to $XMODIFIERS.
[3] https://www.x.org/releases/X11R7.6/doc/libX11/specs/XIM/xim.html#filtering_events

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