'It's really hard to find maintainers...' Linus Torvalds ponders the future of Linux
'It's really hard to find maintainers...' Linus Torvalds ponders the future of Linux
kldp 오시분 모든분들께 기회가 있는 것 같습니다.
The Linux kernel, said Torvalds, is both boring and interesting. "I've said the kernel is boring but I mean that in the sense that a lot of new technology should be more interesting. To me and to a lot of other people there is nothing more interesting than interacting at a low level with the hardware and really controlling everything that's going on. Kernels are not boring, but most people should consider them boring."
There is an issue, though. "It turns out it's really hard to find people who are maintainers," said Torvalds, who a couple of years ago had to promise to no longer yell at kernel developers who displeased him, we note.
"We do not have enough maintainers. We do have a lot of people who write code, we have a fair number of maintainers, but... it's hard to find people who really look at other people's code and funnel that code upstream all the way, eventually, to my tree... It is one of the main issues we have."
요약: "내가 화 안낸다고 했잖아.. 리눅스 커널 개발에 관심 좀.."
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