thread pool이 작동을 안하네요....

jang5497의 이미지

여기서 퍼온 소스입니다.
완성된 소스라서 그런지 컴파일은 잘되나 결과같이 제대로 나오지않네요....

기대결과 값은 함수를 호출하여
Created thread 0 in pool
Created thread 1 in pool
Created thread 2 in pool
Created thread 3 in pool
printf("# Thread working: %u\n", (int)pthread_self());
printf(" Task 1 running..\n");
printf("# Thread working: %u\n", (int)pthread_self());
printf(" Task 2 running..\n");
printf("%d\n", a);
Adding 20 tasks to threadpool
Will kill threadpool

위와 같이 출력되야 하는데 결과값은
Created thread 0 in pool
Created thread 1 in pool
Created thread 2 in pool
Created thread 3 in pool
Adding 20 tasks to threadpool
Will kill threadpool

이렇게 함수 값이 출력이 되지않습니다.......

코드 첨부해서 올립니다.


 * This is just an example on how to use the thpool library 
 * We create a pool of 4 threads and then add 20 tasks to the pool(10 task1 
 * functions and 10 task2 functions).
 * Task1 doesn't take any arguments. Task2 takes an integer. Task2 is used to show
 * how to add work to the thread pool with an argument.
 * As soon as we add the tasks to the pool, the threads will run them. One thread
 * may run x tasks in a row so if you see as output the same thread running several
 * tasks, it's not an error.
 * All jobs will not be completed and in fact maybe even none will. You can add a sleep()
 * function if you want to complete all tasks in this test file to be able and see clearer
 * what is going on.
 * */
#include <stdio.h>
#include "thpool.h"
/* Some arbitrary task 1 */
void task1(){
	printf("# Thread working: %u\n", (int)pthread_self());
	printf("  Task 1 running..\n");
/* Some arbitrary task 2 */
void task2(int a){
	printf("# Thread working: %u\n", (int)pthread_self());
	printf("  Task 2 running..\n");
	printf("%d\n", a);
int main(){
	int i;
	thpool_t* threadpool;             /* make a new thread pool structure     */
	threadpool=thpool_init(4);        /* initialise it to 4 number of threads */
	puts("Adding 20 tasks to threadpool");
	int a=54;
	for (i=0; i<10; i++){
		thpool_add_work(threadpool, (void*)task1, NULL);
		thpool_add_work(threadpool, (void*)task2, (void*)a);
    puts("Will kill threadpool");
	return 0;


/* ********************************
 * Author:  Johan Hanssen Seferidis
 * Date:    12/08/2011
 * Update:  01/11/2011
 * License: LGPL
 *//** @file thpool.h *//*
/* Library providing a threading pool where you can add work. For an example on 
 * usage you refer to the main file found in the same package */
 * Fast reminders:
 * tp           = threadpool 
 * thpool       = threadpool
 * thpool_t     = threadpool type
 * tp_p         = threadpool pointer
 * sem          = semaphore
 * xN           = x can be any string. N stands for amount
 * */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <semaphore.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "thpool.h"      /* here you can also find the interface to each function */
static int thpool_keepalive=1;
/* Create mutex variable */
pthread_mutex_t mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; /* used to serialize queue access */
/* Initialise thread pool */
thpool_t* thpool_init(int threadsN){
	thpool_t* tp_p;
	if (!threadsN || threadsN<1) threadsN=1;
	/* Make new thread pool */
	tp_p=(thpool_t*)malloc(sizeof(thpool_t));                              /* MALLOC thread pool */
	if (tp_p==NULL){
		fprintf(stderr, "thpool_init(): Could not allocate memory for thread pool\n");
		return NULL;
	tp_p->threads=(pthread_t*)malloc(threadsN*sizeof(pthread_t));          /* MALLOC thread IDs */
	if (tp_p->threads==NULL){
		fprintf(stderr, "thpool_init(): Could not allocate memory for thread IDs\n");
		return NULL;
	/* Initialise the job queue */
	if (thpool_jobqueue_init(tp_p)==-1){
		fprintf(stderr, "thpool_init(): Could not allocate memory for job queue\n");
		return NULL;
	/* Initialise semaphore*/
	tp_p->jobqueue->queueSem=(sem_t*)malloc(sizeof(sem_t));                 /* MALLOC job queue semaphore */
	sem_init(tp_p->jobqueue->queueSem, 0, 0); /* no shared, initial value */
	/* Make threads in pool */
	int t;
	for (t=0; t<threadsN; t++){
		printf("Created thread %d in pool \n", t);
		pthread_create(&(tp_p->threads[t]), NULL, (void *)thpool_thread_do, (void *)tp_p); /* MALLOCS INSIDE PTHREAD HERE */
	return tp_p;
/* What each individual thread is doing 
 * */
/* There are two scenarios here. One is everything works as it should and second if
 * the thpool is to be killed. In that manner we try to BYPASS sem_wait and end each thread. */
void thpool_thread_do(thpool_t* tp_p){
		if (sem_wait(tp_p->jobqueue->queueSem)) {/* WAITING until there is work in the queue */
			perror("thpool_thread_do(): Waiting for semaphore");
		if (thpool_keepalive){
			/* Read job from queue and execute it */
			void*(*func_buff)(void* arg);
			void*  arg_buff;
			thpool_job_t* job_p;
			pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex);                  /* LOCK */
			job_p = thpool_jobqueue_peek(tp_p);
			arg_buff =job_p->arg;
			pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex);                /* UNLOCK */
			func_buff(arg_buff);               			 /* run function */
			free(job_p);                                                       /* DEALLOC job */
			return; /* EXIT thread*/
/* Add work to the thread pool */
int thpool_add_work(thpool_t* tp_p, void *(*function_p)(void*), void* arg_p){
	thpool_job_t* newJob;
	newJob=(thpool_job_t*)malloc(sizeof(thpool_job_t));                        /* MALLOC job */
	if (newJob==NULL){
		fprintf(stderr, "thpool_add_work(): Could not allocate memory for new job\n");
	/* add function and argument */
	/* add job to queue */
	pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex);                  /* LOCK */
	thpool_jobqueue_add(tp_p, newJob);
	pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex);                /* UNLOCK */
	return 0;
/* Destroy the threadpool */
void thpool_destroy(thpool_t* tp_p){
	int t;
	/* End each thread's infinite loop */
	/* Awake idle threads waiting at semaphore */
	for (t=0; t<(tp_p->threadsN); t++){
		if (sem_post(tp_p->jobqueue->queueSem)){
			fprintf(stderr, "thpool_destroy(): Could not bypass sem_wait()\n");
	/* Kill semaphore */
	if (sem_destroy(tp_p->jobqueue->queueSem)!=0){
		fprintf(stderr, "thpool_destroy(): Could not destroy semaphore\n");
	/* Wait for threads to finish */
	for (t=0; t<(tp_p->threadsN); t++){
		pthread_join(tp_p->threads[t], NULL);
	/* Dealloc */
	free(tp_p->threads);                                                   /* DEALLOC threads             */
	free(tp_p->jobqueue->queueSem);                                        /* DEALLOC job queue semaphore */
	free(tp_p->jobqueue);                                                  /* DEALLOC job queue           */
	free(tp_p);                                                            /* DEALLOC thread pool         */
/* =================== JOB QUEUE OPERATIONS ===================== */
/* Initialise queue */
int thpool_jobqueue_init(thpool_t* tp_p){
	tp_p->jobqueue=(thpool_jobqueue*)malloc(sizeof(thpool_jobqueue));      /* MALLOC job queue */
	if (tp_p->jobqueue==NULL) return -1;
	return 0;
/* Add job to queue */
void thpool_jobqueue_add(thpool_t* tp_p, thpool_job_t* newjob_p){ /* remember that job prev and next point to NULL */
	thpool_job_t *oldFirstJob;
	oldFirstJob = tp_p->jobqueue->head;
	/* fix jobs' pointers */
		case 0:     /* if there are no jobs in queue */
		default: 	/* if there are already jobs in queue */
	(tp_p->jobqueue->jobsN)++;     /* increment amount of jobs in queue */
	int sval;
	sem_getvalue(tp_p->jobqueue->queueSem, &sval);
/* Remove job from queue */
int thpool_jobqueue_removelast(thpool_t* tp_p){
	thpool_job_t *oldLastJob;
	oldLastJob = tp_p->jobqueue->tail;
	/* fix jobs' pointers */
		case 0:     /* if there are no jobs in queue */
					return -1;
		case 1:     /* if there is only one job in queue */
		default: 	/* if there are more than one jobs in queue */
					oldLastJob->prev->next=NULL;               /* the almost last item */
	int sval;
	sem_getvalue(tp_p->jobqueue->queueSem, &sval);
	return 0;
/* Get first element from queue */
thpool_job_t* thpool_jobqueue_peek(thpool_t* tp_p){
	return tp_p->jobqueue->tail;
/* Remove and deallocate all jobs in queue */
void thpool_jobqueue_empty(thpool_t* tp_p){
	thpool_job_t* curjob;
	/* Fix head and tail */


 * @author      Johan Hanssen Seferidis
 * @date        12/08/2011
 * Last update: 01/11/2011
 * License:     LGPL
/* Description: Library providing a threading pool where you can add work on the fly. The number
 *              of threads in the pool is adjustable when creating the pool. In most cases
 *              this should equal the number of threads supported by your cpu.
 *              For an example on how to use the threadpool, check the main.c file or just read
 *              the documentation.
 *              In this header file a detailed overview of the functions and the threadpool logical
 *              scheme is present in case tweaking of the pool is needed. 
 * */
 * Fast reminders:
 * tp           = threadpool 
 * thpool       = threadpool
 * thpool_t     = threadpool type
 * tp_p         = threadpool pointer
 * sem          = semaphore
 * xN           = x can be any string. N stands for amount
 * */
/*              _______________________________________________________        
 *             /                                                       \
 *             |   JOB QUEUE        | job1 | job2 | job3 | job4 | ..   |
 *             |                                                       |
 *             |   threadpool      | thread1 | thread2 | ..           |
 *             \_______________________________________________________/
 *    Description:       Jobs are added to the job queue. Once a thread in the pool
 *                       is idle, it is assigned with the first job from the queue(and
 *                       erased from the queue). It's each thread's job to read from 
 *                       the queue serially(using lock) and executing each job
 *                       until the queue is empty.
 *    Scheme:
 *    thpool______                jobqueue____                      ______ 
 *    |           |               |           |       .----------->|_job0_| Newly added job
 *    |           |               |  head------------'             |_job1_|
 *    | jobqueue----------------->|           |                    |_job2_|
 *    |           |               |  tail------------.             |__..__| 
 *    |___________|               |___________|       '----------->|_jobn_| Job for thread to take
 *    job0________ 
 *    |           |
 *    | function---->
 *    |           |
 *    |   arg------->
 *    |           |         job1________ 
 *    |  next-------------->|           |
 *    |___________|         |           |..
#ifndef _THPOOL_
#define _THPOOL_
#include <pthread.h>
#include <semaphore.h>
/* ================================= STRUCTURES ================================================ */
/* Individual job */
typedef struct thpool_job_t{
	void*  (*function)(void* arg);                     /**< function pointer         */
	void*                     arg;                     /**< function's argument      */
	struct thpool_job_t*     next;                     /**< pointer to next job      */
	struct thpool_job_t*     prev;                     /**< pointer to previous job  */
/* Job queue as doubly linked list */
typedef struct thpool_jobqueue{
	thpool_job_t *head;                                /**< pointer to head of queue */
	thpool_job_t *tail;                                /**< pointer to tail of queue */
	int           jobsN;                               /**< amount of jobs in queue  */
	sem_t        *queueSem;                            /**< semaphore(this is probably just holding the same as jobsN) */
/* The threadpool */
typedef struct thpool_t{
	pthread_t*       threads;                          /**< pointer to threads' ID   */
	int              threadsN;                         /**< amount of threads        */
	thpool_jobqueue* jobqueue;                         /**< pointer to the job queue */
/* Container for all things that each thread is going to need */
typedef struct thread_data{                            
	pthread_mutex_t *mutex_p;
	thpool_t        *tp_p;
/* =========================== FUNCTIONS ================================================ */
/* ----------------------- Threadpool specific --------------------------- */
 * @brief  Initialize threadpool
 * Allocates memory for the threadpool, jobqueue, semaphore and fixes 
 * pointers in jobqueue.
 * @param  number of threads to be used
 * @return threadpool struct on success,
 *         NULL on error
thpool_t* thpool_init(int threadsN);
 * @brief What each thread is doing
 * In principle this is an endless loop. The only time this loop gets interuppted is once
 * thpool_destroy() is invoked.
 * @param threadpool to use
 * @return nothing
void thpool_thread_do(thpool_t* tp_p);
 * @brief Add work to the job queue
 * Takes an action and its argument and adds it to the threadpool's job queue.
 * If you want to add to work a function with more than one arguments then
 * a way to implement this is by passing a pointer to a structure.
 * ATTENTION: You have to cast both the function and argument to not get warnings.
 * @param  threadpool to where the work will be added to
 * @param  function to add as work
 * @param  argument to the above function
 * @return int
int thpool_add_work(thpool_t* tp_p, void *(*function_p)(void*), void* arg_p);
 * @brief Destroy the threadpool
 * This will 'kill' the threadpool and free up memory. If threads are active when this
 * is called, they will finish what they are doing and then they will get destroyied.
 * @param threadpool a pointer to the threadpool structure you want to destroy
void thpool_destroy(thpool_t* tp_p);
/* ------------------------- Queue specific ------------------------------ */
 * @brief Initialize queue
 * @param  pointer to threadpool
 * @return 0 on success,
 *        -1 on memory allocation error
int thpool_jobqueue_init(thpool_t* tp_p);
 * @brief Add job to queue
 * A new job will be added to the queue. The new job MUST be allocated
 * before passed to this function or else other functions like thpool_jobqueue_empty()
 * will be broken.
 * @param pointer to threadpool
 * @param pointer to the new job(MUST BE ALLOCATED)
 * @return nothing 
void thpool_jobqueue_add(thpool_t* tp_p, thpool_job_t* newjob_p);
 * @brief Remove last job from queue. 
 * This does not free allocated memory so be sure to have peeked() \n
 * before invoking this as else there will result lost memory pointers.
 * @param  pointer to threadpool
 * @return 0 on success,
 *         -1 if queue is empty
int thpool_jobqueue_removelast(thpool_t* tp_p);
 * @brief Get last job in queue (tail)
 * Gets the last job that is inside the queue. This will work even if the queue
 * is empty.
 * @param  pointer to threadpool structure
 * @return job a pointer to the last job in queue,
 *         a pointer to NULL if the queue is empty
thpool_job_t* thpool_jobqueue_peek(thpool_t* tp_p);
 * @brief Remove and deallocate all jobs in queue
 * This function will deallocate all jobs in the queue and set the
 * jobqueue to its initialization values, thus tail and head pointing
 * to NULL and amount of jobs equal to 0.
 * @param pointer to threadpool structure
 * */
void thpool_jobqueue_empty(thpool_t* tp_p);
jang5497의 이미지

허참 이유를 모르겠네.....
물론 다른서버는 컴파일 에러가 나서
void task2(void* a){
printf("# Thread working: %u\n", (int)pthread_self());
printf(" Task 2 running..\n");

thpool_add_work(threadpool, (void*)task2, (void *)&a);
이렇게 수정을 했습니다.

제 pc에서는 똑같이 해도 안돌아가네요....

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