꼭 읽어주셨으면 좋겠습니다. 메모리관리문제
동적을 할당을 하여서
그 자리에 메모리가 잘 들어간것까지 확인했습니다.
그런데 메모리 할당과는 아무런 관련이 없는 루프를 돌다가
할당해주었던 메모리가 사라집니다. (주소가 ex)0x60301 ->0x38)
제 컴퓨터 메모리가 그렇게 작은것도 아니고(8GB입니다) 할당을 그렇게 많이 시킨것도 아닙니다.
다른 녀석들 다 괜찮은데 수많은 배열중에 하나만 이렇게 말썽을 부립니다.
꼭 좀 읽어주시기 바랍니다.
아래 코드를 통해 Network->Layer[0].Neuron[i].Dendrite에 동적할당을 했습니다.
Network->Layer[0].Neuron = (struct Neurons *)malloc(sizeof(struct Neurons * ) * NeuronCount[0]); //for input output connection for( i = 0 ; i < NeuronCount[0] ; i++) { Network->Layer[0].Neuron[i].Dendrite = malloc(sizeof(struct Dendrites *) * NeuronCount[LayerCount-1]); }
결과를 보면
7: Network->Layer[0].Neuron[6].Dendrite = (struct Dendrites *) 0x608e70
6: Network->Layer[0].Neuron[5].Dendrite = (struct Dendrites *) 0x608de0
5: Network->Layer[0].Neuron[4].Dendrite = (struct Dendrites *) 0x608d50
4: Network->Layer[0].Neuron[3].Dendrite = (struct Dendrites *) 0x608cc0
3: Network->Layer[0].Neuron[2].Dendrite = (struct Dendrites *) 0x608c30
2: Network->Layer[0].Neuron[1].Dendrite = (struct Dendrites *) 0x608ba0
1: Network->Layer[0].Neuron[0].Dendrite = (struct Dendrites *) 0x608b10
다 잘들어가 있습니다.
루프 끝까지 잘 들어갑니다.
다음루프의 k부분에서 Network->Layer[0].Neuron[4].Dendrite 의 주소가 갑자기 바뀌어 버립니다.
딱 k루프를 돌다가 갑자기 사라집니다.
나머지것들은 다 그대로 있는데 말입니다.
몇번을 돌려도 이 녀석만 갑자기 할당이 해제가 됩니다. ㅜㅜ 아무리 디버깅을 해도 제실력으로는 원인을 모르겠습니다.
for(i=0 ; i < Network->LayerCount ; i++) //intialize all layers { for(j=0; j < Network->Layer[i].NeuronCount ;j++) { //if dividing multi area using swtich use (10/3)=>0~2,3~5,6~8,9~10 if(i==0) { //Do nothing Because Layer'1'(Layer[0]) is input Layer //But need to initialize //This program supposes there's no bias at input Layer //This program use Weight as axon and dendrite and it exists in latter Neuron //It means no interconnection between //input Layer with output Layer's Neuron //It also means there's no meaning of weight in the first Layer's Neurons //Maybe we can use this realizing output-to-input feedback , Maybe easier way exists Network->Layer[i].Neuron[j].Bias = 0; for( k =0 ; k < Network->Layer[Network->LayerCount-1].NeuronCount ; k++) { Network->Layer[i].Neuron[j].Dendrite[k].Weight = 0; //이 루프를 돌다가 할당받은 메모리 하나가 해제 } }
루프들어가기 전까지 전부다 잘 있다가
(gdb) display Network->Layer[0].Neuron[4].Dendrite
5: Network->Layer[0].Neuron[4].Dendrite = (struct Dendrites *) 0x608d50
240 for( k =0 ; k < Network->Layer[Network->LayerCount-1].NeuronCount ; k++)
(gdb) display Network->Layer[0].Neuron[0].Dendrite
1: Network->Layer[0].Neuron[0].Dendrite = (struct Dendrites *) 0x608b10
(gdb) display Network->Layer[0].Neuron[1].Dendrite
2: Network->Layer[0].Neuron[1].Dendrite = (struct Dendrites *) 0x608ba0
(gdb) display Network->Layer[0].Neuron[2].Dendrite
3: Network->Layer[0].Neuron[2].Dendrite = (struct Dendrites *) 0x608c30
(gdb) display Network->Layer[0].Neuron[3].Dendrite
4: Network->Layer[0].Neuron[3].Dendrite = (struct Dendrites *) 0x608cc0
(gdb) display Network->Layer[0].Neuron[4].Dendrite
5: Network->Layer[0].Neuron[4].Dendrite = (struct Dendrites *) 0x608d50
(gdb) display Network->Layer[0].Neuron[5].Dendrite
6: Network->Layer[0].Neuron[5].Dendrite = (struct Dendrites *) 0x608de0
(gdb) display Network->Layer[0].Neuron[6].Dendrite
7: Network->Layer[0].Neuron[6].Dendrite = (struct Dendrites *) 0x608e70
(gdb) display Network->Layer[0].Neuron[7].Dendrite
8: Network->Layer[0].Neuron[7].Dendrite = (struct Dendrites *) 0x608f00
(gdb) display Network->Layer[0].Neuron[8].Dendrite
9: Network->Layer[0].Neuron[8].Dendrite = (struct Dendrites *) 0x608f90
(gdb) display Network->Layer[0].Neuron[9].Dendrite
10: Network->Layer[0].Neuron[9].Dendrite = (struct Dendrites *) 0x609020
(gdb) display Network->Layer[0].Neuron[10].Dendrite
11: Network->Layer[0].Neuron[10].Dendrite = (struct Dendrites *) 0x6090b0
(gdb) display Network->Layer[0].Neuron[11].Dendrite
12: Network->Layer[0].Neuron[11].Dendrite = (struct Dendrites *) 0x609140
(gdb) display Network->Layer[0].Neuron[12].Dendrite
13: Network->Layer[0].Neuron[12].Dendrite = (struct Dendrites *) 0x6091d0
(gdb) display Network->Layer[0].Neuron[13].Dendrite
14: Network->Layer[0].Neuron[13].Dendrite = (struct Dendrites *) 0x609260
(gdb) display Network->Layer[0].Neuron[14].Dendrite
15: Network->Layer[0].Neuron[14].Dendrite = (struct Dendrites *) 0x6092f0
(gdb) display Network->Layer[0].Neuron[15].Dendrite
16: Network->Layer[0].Neuron[15].Dendrite = (struct Dendrites *) 0x609380
(gdb) display Network->Layer[0].Neuron[16].Dendrite
디스플레이 5번에서 보이는것처럼
갑자기 바뀌어 버립니다.
5: Network->Layer[0].Neuron[4].Dendrite = (struct Dendrites *) 0x0
240 for( k =0 ; k < Network->Layer[Network->LayerCount-1].NeuronCount ; k++)
16: Network->Layer[0].Neuron[15].Dendrite = (struct Dendrites *) 0x609380
15: Network->Layer[0].Neuron[14].Dendrite = (struct Dendrites *) 0x6092f0
14: Network->Layer[0].Neuron[13].Dendrite = (struct Dendrites *) 0x609260
13: Network->Layer[0].Neuron[12].Dendrite = (struct Dendrites *) 0x6091d0
12: Network->Layer[0].Neuron[11].Dendrite = (struct Dendrites *) 0x609140
11: Network->Layer[0].Neuron[10].Dendrite = (struct Dendrites *) 0x6090b0
10: Network->Layer[0].Neuron[9].Dendrite = (struct Dendrites *) 0x609020
9: Network->Layer[0].Neuron[8].Dendrite = (struct Dendrites *) 0x608f90
8: Network->Layer[0].Neuron[7].Dendrite = (struct Dendrites *) 0x608f00
7: Network->Layer[0].Neuron[6].Dendrite = (struct Dendrites *) 0x608e70
6: Network->Layer[0].Neuron[5].Dendrite = (struct Dendrites *) 0x608de0
5: Network->Layer[0].Neuron[4].Dendrite = (struct Dendrites *) 0x0
4: Network->Layer[0].Neuron[3].Dendrite = (struct Dendrites *) 0x608cc0
3: Network->Layer[0].Neuron[2].Dendrite = (struct Dendrites *) 0x608c30
2: Network->Layer[0].Neuron[1].Dendrite = (struct Dendrites *) 0x608ba0
1: Network->Layer[0].Neuron[0].Dendrite = (struct Dendrites *) 0x608b10
아래는 코드 전문입니다.
허접한 실력가지고 밤낮으로 나름 고생하며 짰는데 정말 난감합니다.
아무리 돌려보고 살펴봐도 k루프에서 저렇게 고장이 날 이유가 없는것 같은데 뭐가 문제일까요?
꼭 좀 부탁드립니다.
#include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <time.h> #include <unistd.h> #define e 2.7183 //used in sigmod function #define randomize() srand(unsigned)time(NULL) //initializing rand function #define random(n) (rand() % (n)) // limited region rand function struct Dendrites // connects each neuron and pass the signal { double Weight; //connction intensity //double back_Weight // It will be hard to make equation of complex network, so using back_connection weight would be better //struct Dendrite * Added_Dendrites // Using this we would be able to add_Neuron, It need more malloc }; struct Neurons { struct Dendrites * Dendrite; int DendriteCount; //number fo dendrites double Bias; double Value; // The value to be passed to next layer of neurons double Delta; // the delta of neuron (used while leanrning) //struct Neuron * Added_Neuron // same purpose as Added_Neuron, we need one more step to access this variable (spend more time), //therefore, maybe there is better idea to add_Neuron or something like that. We can use realloc(var,size) //but need study more about realloc. }; struct Layers //Layer containing number of neurons { struct Neurons * Neuron; //neurons in the layer int NeuronCount; // Number of neurons //struct Layer * Added_Layer // same purpose as Added_Dendrites }; struct NeuralNetwork { struct Layers * Layer; int LayerCount; double LearningRate; //struct NeuralNetwork * Connected_NeuralNetwork //Connected would be better when we think the meaning }; int Training_Count = 0; double *OutTch; struct timeval Ttime; long TrainingTime=0; //NeuralNetwork Network; struct NeuralNetwork * Initialize(); void CreateNet(struct NeuralNetwork *); //void ShowOption (struct NeuralNetwork *); void Layout(struct NeuralNetwork *); void SupervisedTrain(struct NeuralNetwork * Network); void Run(struct NeuralNetwork * Network); double Activation(double ); void ShowResult (struct NeuralNetwork *); void Free_Memory(struct NeuralNetwork *); //void Option(struct NeuralNetwork * Network); void main() { struct NeuralNetwork * Network; Network = Initialize(); CreateNet( Network ); Layout( Network ); //Option ( Network ); SupervisedTrain( Network); Free_Memory (Network); } struct NeuralNetwork * Initialize() { int i,j,k,LayerCount,NetworkCount=1,InputCount=0,OutTchCount=0; /* int NetworkCount; //When using MultiNetwork; int *Layers_NeuronCount;*/ int *NeuronCount; double *Input; long Check=0; FILE *fInput,*fOutTch; /* do{ printf("Define the Number of NetWork\n"); scanf("%d",NetworkCount); }while( NetworkCount>1);*/ //when using MultiNetwork; for( i = 0 ; i <NetworkCount ; i++) //loop for MultiNetwork { do{ printf("Define the Number of Layer(this number includes input and output layer)\n"); scanf("%d",&LayerCount); /*printf("Define Network[%d]'s Number of Layer(this number includes input and output layer)\n",i); scanf("%d",LayerCount[i]);*/ //when using MultiNetwork; }while( LayerCount<2); //while(LayerCount[i] >1); } NeuronCount = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * LayerCount); fInput = fopen("./Input.txt","r"); fseek(fInput,0L,SEEK_END); Check = ftell(fInput); //all the input shoulbe same precison Input = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)* ( (Check-6)/5 ) );//input Count; fseek(fInput, 6L ,SEEK_SET); //Input\n = 6byte for( ;Check!=(ftell(fInput)+1) ; ) { fscanf(fInput,"%lf",&Input[InputCount]); InputCount++; } NeuronCount[0]=InputCount; fOutTch = fopen("./OutTch.txt","r"); fseek(fOutTch,0L,SEEK_END); Check = ftell(fOutTch); //all the input shoulbe same precison OutTch = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)* ( (Check-7)/5 ));//Output Count; fseek(fOutTch, 7L ,SEEK_SET); //OutTch\n = 7byte for( ;Check!=(ftell(fOutTch)+1) ; ) { fscanf(fOutTch,"%lf",&OutTch[OutTchCount]); OutTchCount++; } NeuronCount[LayerCount-1] = OutTchCount; //for( i = 0 ; i < NetworkCount ; i++) //for( j = 0 ; j < LayerCount[i] ;j++)//MultiNetwrok; for( i = 1 ; i < LayerCount-1 ; i++) // for ( j = 0 ; j < LayerCount[i] ; j++) //MultiNetwork { do{ printf("Define the number of Hidden Layer[%d]'s Neuron \n",i); scanf("%d", &NeuronCount[i]); }while(NeuronCount[i]<1); } //memmory allocation struct NeuralNetwork * Network; Network = (struct NeuralNetwork *)malloc(sizeof(struct NeuralNetwork) * NetworkCount); Network->LayerCount = LayerCount; Network->Layer =(struct Layers *)malloc(sizeof(struct Layers *) * LayerCount); /*for (i = 0 ; i < NetworkCount ; i++) { Network[i].Layers = (struct Layer *)malloc(sizeof(struct Layer *) * LayerCount); }*/ //MultiNetwork Network->Layer[0].NeuronCount = NeuronCount[0]; for ( i = 1 ; i < LayerCount ; i++) { Network->Layer[i].NeuronCount = NeuronCount[i]; Network->Layer[i].Neuron = (struct Neurons *)malloc(sizeof(struct Neurons *) * NeuronCount[i]); } // not for ( i = 1 ; i < LayerCount ; i++) { // To connet input and output ,malloc Layer[0].Neuron->Dendrite. Later I'll add connection; for(j = 0 ; j < NeuronCount[i] ; j++) { Network->Layer[i].Neuron[j].Dendrite = malloc(sizeof(struct Dendrites *) * NeuronCount[i-1]); } } Network->Layer[0].Neuron = (struct Neurons *)malloc(sizeof(struct Neurons * ) * NeuronCount[0]); //for input output connection for( i = 0 ; i < NeuronCount[0] ; i++) { Network->Layer[0].Neuron[i].Dendrite = malloc(sizeof(struct Dendrites *) * NeuronCount[LayerCount-1]); } for(i = 0 ;i < NeuronCount[0] ; i++) { Network->Layer[0].Neuron[i].Value =Input[i] ; } free(NeuronCount); free(Input); return Network; } void CreateNet( struct NeuralNetwork * Network) { int i,j,k; do{ printf(" Determine LearningRate (0~1]\n"); scanf("%lf",&(Network->LearningRate)); }while( Network->LearningRate >1 && Network->LearningRate <=0 ); for(i=0 ; i < Network->LayerCount ; i++) //intialize all layers { for(j=0; j < Network->Layer[i].NeuronCount ;j++) { //if dividing multi area using swtich use (10/3)=>0~2,3~5,6~8,9~10 if(i==0) { //Do nothing Because Layer'1'(Layer[0]) is input Layer //But need to initialize //This program supposes there's no bias at input Layer //This program use Weight as axon and dendrite and it exists in latter Neuron //It means no interconnection between //input Layer with output Layer's Neuron //It also means there's no meaning of weight in the first Layer's Neurons //Maybe we can use this realizing output-to-input feedback , Maybe easier way exists Network->Layer[i].Neuron[j].Bias = 0; for( k =0 ; k < Network->Layer[Network->LayerCount-1].NeuronCount ; k++) { Network->Layer[i].Neuron[j].Dendrite[k].Weight = 0; } } // I use random Weight // maybe it would be better else if( i == (Network->LayerCount -1)) { Network->Layer[i].Neuron[j].Bias = random(100)/100.00; Network->Layer[i].Neuron[j].DendriteCount = Network->Layer[i-1].NeuronCount; Network->Layer[i].Neuron[j].Value = random(100)/100.00; Network->Layer[i].Neuron[j].Delta = random(100)/100.00; for( k =0 ; k < Network->Layer[i].Neuron[j].DendriteCount ; k++) { Network->Layer[i].Neuron[j].Dendrite[k].Weight = random(100)/100.00; } } else { Network->Layer[i].Neuron[j].Bias = random(100)/100.00; Network->Layer[i].Neuron[j].DendriteCount = Network->Layer[i-1].NeuronCount; //Initially there is output layer's neuron value, so I use random initial output; //but to test algorithm, ramdom initial output is not good? because randomly //fortunately there will be good result. So 0 initial output is better? //Network.Layers[i].Neurons[j].Value = random(100)/100.00 //Because there is originally many connetion between Neurons, //the above one is more practical? Network->Layer[i].Neuron[j].Value = random(100)/100.00; Network->Layer[i].Neuron[j].Delta = random(100)/100.00; for( k=0 ; k < Network->Layer[i].Neuron[j].DendriteCount ; k++) { Network->Layer[i].Neuron[j].Dendrite[k].Weight = random(100)/100.00; } } } } } //if anyCount is bigger than 1,000, should change %3d-> like %4d or something void Layout(struct NeuralNetwork * Network) { int i,j,k; FILE *fOutput,*fHiddenLayerValue,*fWeight,*fBias,*fDelta; //Output fOutput = fopen("Output.txt","w"); fprintf(fOutput, "Output"); for(i=0 ; i<=Network->Layer[0].NeuronCount ; i++) { fprintf(fOutput, " Input(%3d) ",i+1); } for(i=0 ; i<=Network->Layer[0].NeuronCount ; i++) { fprintf(fOutput, " %.2lf ",Network->Layer[0].Neuron[i].Value); } fprintf(fOutput, "\n\nTraining_Count"); fprintf(fOutput, " Time "); for(i=1 ; i <= Network->Layer[Network->LayerCount-1].NeuronCount ; i++) { fprintf(fOutput, "OutTch(%3d) OutR(%3d) ",i,i); //fprintf(fOutput, " %.2lf %.2lf ",OutTch,Network->Layer[Network->LayerCount-1].Neuron[i].Value); } fclose(fOutput); //HiddenLayerValue fHiddenLayerValue = fopen("HiddenLayerValue.txt","w"); fprintf(fHiddenLayerValue, "Hidden Layer's NeuronValue\n"); fprintf(fHiddenLayerValue, "Neuron(i,j)Value means Hidden Layer(i)'s Neuron(j)'s Value"); fprintf(fHiddenLayerValue, "\n\nTraining_Count "); fprintf(fHiddenLayerValue, " Time "); for( i = 1 ; i < Network->LayerCount -1 ; i++) { for( j = 1 ; j <= Network->Layer[i].NeuronCount ; j++) { fprintf(fHiddenLayerValue, "Neuron(%3d,%3d)Value ",i,j); } } fclose(fHiddenLayerValue); //Weight fWeight = fopen("Weight.txt","w"); fprintf(fWeight, "Connection Weight\n"); fprintf(fWeight, "Weight(i,j,k) means Connectivity of Layer(i-1)'s Neuron(j) and Layer(i)'s Neuron(k)\n"); fprintf(fWeight,"\n\nTraining_Count "); fprintf(fWeight," Time "); for( i = 1 ; i <= Network->LayerCount - 1; i++) { for( j = 1 ; j <= Network->Layer[i].NeuronCount ; j++) { for( k = 1 ; k <= Network->Layer[i].Neuron[j].DendriteCount ; j++) { fprintf(fWeight,"Weight(%3d,%3d,%3d)",i+1,k,j); } } } fclose(fWeight); //Bias fBias = fopen("Bias","w"); fprintf(fBias, "Bias\n"); fprintf(fBias, "Neuron(i,j).Bias means Layer(i)'s Neuron(j)'s Bias"); fprintf(fBias,"\n\nTraining_Count "); fprintf(fBias," Time "); for( i = 2 ; i <= Network->LayerCount ; i++) { for( j = 1 ; j <= Network->Layer[i].NeuronCount ; j++) { fprintf(fBias,"Bias(%3d,%3d) ",i,j); } } fclose(fBias); //Delta fDelta = fopen("Delta","w"); fprintf(fDelta, "Delta\n"); fprintf(fDelta, "Neuron(i,j).Bias means Layer(i)'s Neuron(j)'s Bias"); fprintf(fDelta,"\n\nTraining_Count "); fprintf(fDelta," Time "); for( i = 2 ; i <= Network->LayerCount ; i++) { for( j = 1 ; j <= Network->Layer[j].NeuronCount ; j++) { fprintf(fDelta,"Delta(%3d,%3d) ",i,j); } } fclose(fDelta); } void Run(struct NeuralNetwork * Network) { int i,j,k; for(i=1 ; i < Network->LayerCount ; i++) { for(j=1 ; j<Network->Layer[i].NeuronCount ; j++) { //According to this code,at first training Layers(2~ ) layers Neurons Value not change.(X) //connection Weight in latter Neuron So input data transfered to layer 2's Neuron for( k=0 ; k < Network->Layer[i-1].NeuronCount;k++) // Transfer sig from input layer to last hidden layer { Network->Layer[i].Neuron[j].Value = Network->Layer[i].Neuron[j].Value + Network->Layer[i-1].Neuron[k].Value * Network->Layer[i].Neuron[j].Dendrite[k].Weight; } Network->Layer[i].Neuron[j].Value = Activation( Network->Layer[i].Neuron[j].Value + Network->Layer[i].Neuron[j].Bias ); } } } // if value is positve (maybe we have to), result of Activation(resulted value) become smaller as before value // is bigger // because of this value is always in 0~1 double Activation(double Value) { Value = exp(Value * (-1) ); Value = 1 / (1+Value); return Value; } //Calculate the difference between output values desired and output values produced. //Using that difference, adjust the values of bias and weights accordingly.Using that difference, adjust the values of bias and weights accordingly. void SupervisedTrain(struct NeuralNetwork * Network) { int i,j,k,l,m,loop_Count = 0; long time1,time2; printf("Decide Training repeat Count\n"); scanf("%d",&Training_Count); for ( ; ; ) { gettimeofday(&Ttime,NULL); time1 = Ttime.tv_usec; for ( l = loop_Count + 1 ; l <= Training_Count ; l++) { if ( l % 100 != 0 ) { Run( Network ); for ( i=0 ; i < Network->Layer[Network->LayerCount-1].NeuronCount ; i++) // loop output layer's neuronCount times { // gain new delta value of Output Layer's Neuron // if Resulted output is 0 or 1 delta value =0 , // but it never happen because of Activation function // Resulted output is same as desired data (what we putted) delta value is also 0 // delta value is related with learning Network->Layer[Network->LayerCount -1 ].Neuron[i].Delta = Network->Layer[Network->LayerCount-1].Neuron[i].Value * (1 - Network->Layer[Network->LayerCount - 1].Neuron[i].Value ) * (OutTch[i] - Network->Layer[Network->LayerCount-1].Neuron[i].Value) ; for(j = Network->LayerCount - 2 ; j > 0 ; j--) // from Last hidden Layer to First hidden Layer { //about delta value of hidden layers's Neuron for( k =0 ; k < Network->Layer[j].NeuronCount ; k++) // loop each Layer's.NeuronCount times // hidden layer's delta is determined by next layer's Delta and Layer connection weight and Value // All Delta influence each other { Network->Layer[j].Neuron[k].Delta = Network->Layer[j].Neuron[k].Value * (1 - Network->Layer[j].Neuron[k].Value) * Network->Layer[j+1].Neuron[i].Dendrite[k].Weight * Network->Layer[j+1].Neuron[i].Delta; } } } //i > 1 because input has no bias for(i = Network->LayerCount - 1 ; i > 1 ; i--) //from output layer to first hidden layer { for(j = 0 ; j < Network->Layer[i].NeuronCount ; j++) { Network->Layer[i].Neuron[j].Bias = Network->Layer[i].Neuron[j].Bias + (Network->LearningRate * 1 * Network->Layer[i].Neuron[j].Delta); } } for(i = Network->LayerCount - 2 ; i > 0 ; i--) { //adjusting connection weight for( j = 0 ; Network->Layer[i].NeuronCount ; j++) { for( k = 0 ; k > Network->Layer[i].Neuron[j].DendriteCount ; k++) { Network->Layer[i].Neuron[j].Dendrite[k].Weight = Network->Layer[i].Neuron[j].Dendrite[k].Weight + Network->LearningRate * Network->Layer[i-1].Neuron[k].Value*Network->Layer[i].Neuron[j].Delta; } } } } else { gettimeofday(&Ttime,NULL); time2 = Ttime.tv_usec; TrainingTime += (time2 - time1); ShowResult(Network); //need to learn about void func pointer } } ShowResult(Network); printf("Do you want procceed more Training? If you want type ' 1 '\n"); scanf("%d",&j); if(j == 1) { printf("How many times do you want repeat?\n"); scanf("%d",&i); loop_Count=Training_Count; Training_Count+=i; } else break; } } void ShowResult(struct NeuralNetwork * Network) { int i,j,k; FILE *fOutput,*fHiddenLayerValue,*fWeight,*fBias,*fDelta; fOutput=fopen("Output.txt","a"); fprintf(fOutput,"\n%12d %6.3lf",Training_Count,((double)TrainingTime)/1000); for(i = 0 ; i <= Network->Layer[Network->LayerCount -1].NeuronCount ; i++) { fprintf(fOutput," %.2lf %.2lf ",OutTch[i],Network->Layer[Network->LayerCount-1].Neuron[i].Value); } fclose(fOutput); fHiddenLayerValue=fopen("HiddenLayerValue.txt","a"); fprintf(fHiddenLayerValue,"\n%12d %6.3lf",Training_Count,((double)TrainingTime)/1000 ); for( i = 1 ; i < Network->LayerCount -1 ; i++) { for( j = 1 ; j <= Network->Layer[i].NeuronCount ; j++) { fprintf(fHiddenLayerValue, "%18.2lf ",Network->Layer[i].Neuron[j-1].Value); } } fclose(fOutput); fWeight = fopen("Weight.txt","a"); fprintf(fWeight,"\n%12d %6.3lf",Training_Count,((double)TrainingTime)/1000); for( i = 1 ; i <= Network->LayerCount -1 ; i++) { for( j = 0 ; j < Network->Layer[i].NeuronCount ; j++) { for( k = 0 ; k < Network->Layer[i].Neuron[j].DendriteCount ; j++) { fprintf(fWeight,"%15.2lf ",Network->Layer[i].Neuron[j].Dendrite[k].Weight); } } } fclose(fWeight); fBias=fopen("Bias.txt","a"); fprintf(fBias,"\n%12d %6.3lf",Training_Count,((double)TrainingTime)/1000); for(i = 1 ; i < Network->LayerCount ; i++) { for( j = 0 ; j < Network->Layer[i].NeuronCount ; j++) { fprintf(fBias,"%11.2lf ",Network->Layer[i].Neuron[j].Bias); } } fclose(fBias); fDelta=fopen("Delta.txt","a"); fprintf(fDelta,"\n%12d %6.3lf",Training_Count,((double)TrainingTime)/1000); for(i = 1 ; i < Network->LayerCount-1 ; i++) { for(j = 0 ; j < Network->Layer[i].NeuronCount ; j++) { fprintf(fOutput,"%12.2lf ",Network->Layer[i].Neuron[j].Delta); } } fclose(fDelta); printf("number of repetion is %d\n",Training_Count); printf("Desired Output is\n"); //number of Tranining data is same as number of Output Layer's Neuron for( i = 0 ; i < Network->Layer[Network->LayerCount - 1].NeuronCount ; i++) { printf(" %.2lf ",OutTch[i]); } printf("\n after %d times Output Result is\n",Training_Count); for( i = 0 ; i < Network->Layer[Network->LayerCount - 1].NeuronCount ; i++) { printf(" %.2lf ",Network->Layer[Network->LayerCount - 1].Neuron[i].Value); } printf("\n"); printf(" after %d times Hidden_Layers NeuronsValue\n",Training_Count); for(i = 1 ; i < Network->LayerCount - 1 ; i++) { printf("after %d times Layer[%d].NeuronsValue\n",Training_Count,i); for( j =0 ;j < Network->Layer[i].NeuronCount ; j++) { printf(" %.2lf ",Network->Layer[i].Neuron[j].Value); } } printf("after %d times Neurons_Dendrite's Weight\n",Training_Count); //Connetion Weight for(i = i ; i < Network->LayerCount ; i++) { //Output Layer's Weight has no meaning Because Output is not connected Input for( j =0 ;j < Network->Layer[i].NeuronCount - 1 ; j++) { printf("after %d times Layer[%d].Neuron[%d].Dendrites\n",Training_Count,i,j); for( k = 0 ; k < Network->Layer[i].Neuron[j].DendriteCount ; k++) { printf(" %.2lf ",Network->Layer[i].Neuron[j].Dendrite[k].Weight); } } } printf("after %d times NeuronsBias\n",Training_Count); //Layer[0], input Layer has no Bias for(i = i ; i < Network->LayerCount ; i++) { printf("after %d times Layer[%d].NeuronsBias\n",Training_Count,i); for( j =0 ;j < Network->Layer[i].NeuronCount ; j++) { printf(" %.2lf ",Network->Layer[i].Neuron[j].Bias); } } printf("after %d times NeuronsDelta\n",Training_Count); for(i = i ; i < Network->LayerCount ; i++) { printf("after %d times Layer[%d].NeuronsDelta\n",Training_Count,i); for( j =0 ;j < Network->Layer[i].NeuronCount ; j++) { printf(" %.2lf ",Network->Layer[i].Neuron[j].Delta); } } } void Free_Memory(struct NeuralNetwork * Network) { int i,j; for( i = 0 ; i < Network->LayerCount ; i++) { for(j = 0 ; j < Network->Layer[i].NeuronCount ; j++) { free(Network->Layer[i].Neuron[j].Dendrite); } free(Network->Layer[i].Neuron); } free(Network->Layer); free(Network); free(OutTch); }
전체 코드가 없어서 모르겠지만 위의 코드 설명이 전부라면 Dendrite[k]가 할당되지 않은 것 같네요.
적어놓았듯이 할당이 다 되어 있습니다.
7: Network->Layer[0].Neuron[6].Dendrite = (struct Dendrites *) 0x608e70
6: Network->Layer[0].Neuron[5].Dendrite = (struct Dendrites *) 0x608de0
5: Network->Layer[0].Neuron[4].Dendrite = (struct Dendrites *) 0x608d50
4: Network->Layer[0].Neuron[3].Dendrite = (struct Dendrites *) 0x608cc0
3: Network->Layer[0].Neuron[2].Dendrite = (struct Dendrites *) 0x608c30
2: Network->Layer[0].Neuron[1].Dendrite = (struct Dendrites *) 0x608ba0
1: Network->Layer[0].Neuron[0].Dendrite = (struct Dendrites *) 0x608b10
이 할당을 받은 상태로 메인으로 갔다가 바로 문제의 루프가 있는곳으로 갑니다
다시 한번 확인을 해보아도
(gdb) display Network->Layer[0].Neuron[4].Dendrite[3]
1: Network->Layer[0].Neuron[4].Dendrite[3] = {Weight = 0}
(gdb) display Network->Layer[0].Neuron[4].Dendrite[2]
2: Network->Layer[0].Neuron[4].Dendrite[2] = {Weight = 0}
(gdb) display Network->Layer[0].Neuron[4].Dendrite[1]
3: Network->Layer[0].Neuron[4].Dendrite[1] = {Weight = 0}
(gdb) display &Network->Layer[0].Neuron[4].Dendrite[1]
4: &Network->Layer[0].Neuron[4].Dendrite[1] = (struct Dendrites *) 0x605d18
(gdb) display &Network->Layer[0].Neuron[4].Dendrite[3]
5: &Network->Layer[0].Neuron[4].Dendrite[3] = (struct Dendrites *) 0x605d28
(gdb) display &Network->Layer[0].Neuron[4].Dendrite[4]
6: &Network->Layer[0].Neuron[4].Dendrite[4] = (struct Dendrites *) 0x605d30
(gdb) display &Network->Layer[0].Neuron[4].Dendrite[20]
7: &Network->Layer[0].Neuron[4].Dendrite[20] = (struct Dendrites *) 0x605db0
정상적으로 잡힌것 같은데 무엇이 문제인지 모르겠습니다.
코드를 잘못봤군요.
이렇게 고쳐야 합니다.
앗 고맙습니다
다른곳에서도 크기를 잘못 할당해줘서 결국 에러가 났던거 같군요
여러군데 다 포인터 크기로 할당을 했었네요 ㅎㅎ
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