Although ASP is a proprietary technology there are alternative implementations. Unlike the Mono ASP.NET implementation, these versions tend to be quite different from the Microsoft interpreter, so not all scripts written for the Microsoft platform may be supported, much more so because non-trivial ASP web applications often rely on external components (mostly COM-based ones).
Example of these include:
ActiveHTML provides Active-Server-Pages (ASP) to nearly every web server supporting CGI on the Windows platform.
Baby ASP Web Server
Free web server that has native support for Active-Server-Pages (ASP) on the Windows platform with bare minimum feature set.
Quick ‘n Easy Web Server Professional
Web server that has native support for Active-Server-Pages (ASP) on the Windows platform with source code available.
Sun ONE Active Server Pages
This implementation was discontinued and is no longer available. Some older versions still exist on the World Wide Web.[citation needed]
Arrowhead ASP
This is a Java Servlet which supports the ASP syntax and VBScript. The latest release is 0.2.3, released on June 14, 2004.
Cloudfoundry ASP
This is a fork of the Arrowhead ASP implementation[3] with updated libraries and optimizations for the Cloud Foundry platform. It seems to be quite recent, but the differences with Arrowhead are few.[citation needed]
This is going to become an ASP implementation based upon the Node Javascript environment (and, accordingly, will support JScript only).
Perl-based alternative implementations
As said above, Perl can be used in ASP environment instead of VBScript and JScript. What's more relevant in this context, some alternative implementations exist
This is a mature Perl package running under the legacy Apache 1.x + mod_perl environment.
Apache2 + mod_perl2 reimplementation of the former; deprecated in favour of ASP4 (see below).
The Apache2::ASP author also wrote an ASP derivative called ASP4, which retains the overall structure of ASP but with some minor differences.
아류작으로 지원되게 하려고 부단히 노력하는 프로젝트가 몇개 있었던긴 하나 MS 어스 세계에서는 불가능한 꿈을 꾸었구나 하고 죄다 접거나 표류중입니다.
왜냐하면 날로 커져가는 MS의 기술 확장과 표준없는 확장 등 MS 공화국의 마수가 날로 커져가서 못따라가기 때문입니다.
그러니까 완벽히 지원못한다는거지요 그래서 안된다고 보시면 됩니다. 이라면 가능할지도... asp 자체를 이라면 가능할지도...
asp 자체를 사용해본 적이 없어서 어느 정도인지는 모르겠네요. 을 참조해보세요.
개발환경구축은 을 참조해보세요.
닷넷프레임워크는 유닉스계열쪽으로도 개발한다고 예전에 들은것같은데 나오긴하나요?
windows 점유율이 높으니 굳이 유닉스 리눅스용 만들 필요 없다고 생각하는건가.
Alternative implementations
Although ASP is a proprietary technology there are alternative implementations. Unlike the Mono ASP.NET implementation, these versions tend to be quite different from the Microsoft interpreter, so not all scripts written for the Microsoft platform may be supported, much more so because non-trivial ASP web applications often rely on external components (mostly COM-based ones).
Example of these include:
ActiveHTML provides Active-Server-Pages (ASP) to nearly every web server supporting CGI on the Windows platform.
Baby ASP Web Server
Free web server that has native support for Active-Server-Pages (ASP) on the Windows platform with bare minimum feature set.
Quick ‘n Easy Web Server Professional
Web server that has native support for Active-Server-Pages (ASP) on the Windows platform with source code available.
Sun ONE Active Server Pages
This implementation was discontinued and is no longer available. Some older versions still exist on the World Wide Web.[citation needed]
Arrowhead ASP
This is a Java Servlet which supports the ASP syntax and VBScript. The latest release is 0.2.3, released on June 14, 2004.
Cloudfoundry ASP
This is a fork of the Arrowhead ASP implementation[3] with updated libraries and optimizations for the Cloud Foundry platform. It seems to be quite recent, but the differences with Arrowhead are few.[citation needed]
This is going to become an ASP implementation based upon the Node Javascript environment (and, accordingly, will support JScript only).
Perl-based alternative implementations
As said above, Perl can be used in ASP environment instead of VBScript and JScript. What's more relevant in this context, some alternative implementations exist
This is a mature Perl package running under the legacy Apache 1.x + mod_perl environment.
Apache2 + mod_perl2 reimplementation of the former; deprecated in favour of ASP4 (see below).
The Apache2::ASP author also wrote an ASP derivative called ASP4, which retains the overall structure of ASP but with some minor differences.
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금메달리스트 2세가 금메달을 딸 확률이 비슷해지도록
자유오픈소스 대안화폐를 씁시다.
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