리눅스의 장치번호인 major와 minor 번호를 확인할수 있는 명령어좀 알려주세요

enermysong의 이미지

현재 시스템에서 사용중인 DEVICE 파일의 MAJOR 와 MINOR번호를 알수 있는 명령어좀 알려주세요... 아무리 검색해도 없네요..

cat /proc/device 를 하면 major 번호만 나와서 질문드립니다.

mach의 이미지

파일시스템(유닉스는 모든 디바이스도 파일로 바라보는 관점을 제공)에 대한 정보를 얻는 방법

$ stat --printf="%t %T\n" [파일명]


$ stat --printf="%t %T\n" /dev/console 
5 1

참고: stat, lstat, fstat

부록) http://www.cs.odu.edu/~cs476/unix/codelectures/lstat.c

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
//#include <sys/mkdev.h>
#include <stdio.h>
char    *typeOfFile(mode_t);
char    *permOfFile(mode_t);
void     outputStatInfo(char *, struct stat *);
main(int argc, char **argv)
    char *filename;
    struct stat st;
     * For each file on the command line...
    while (--argc) {
        filename = *++argv;
         * Find out about it.
        if (lstat(filename, &st) < 0) {
         * Print out the information.
        outputStatInfo(filename, &st);
 * outputStatInfo - print out the contents of the stat structure.
outputStatInfo(char *filename, struct stat *st)
    printf("File Name:          %s\n", filename);
    printf("File Type:          %s\n", typeOfFile(st->st_mode));
     * If the file is not a device, print its size and optimal
     * i/o unit; otherwise print its major and minor device
     * numbers.
    if (((st->st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFCHR) &&
        ((st->st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFBLK)) {
        printf("File Size:          %d bytes, %d blocks\n", st->st_size,
        printf("Optimum I/O Unit:   %d bytes\n", st->st_blksize);
    else {
        printf("Device Numbers:     Major: %u   Minor: %u\n",
               major(st->st_rdev), minor(st->st_rdev));
     * Print the permission bits in both "ls" format and
     * octal.
    printf("Permission Bits:    %s (%04o)\n", permOfFile(st->st_mode),
           st->st_mode & 07777);
    printf("Inode Number:       %u\n", st->st_ino);
    printf("Owner User-Id:      %d\n", st->st_uid);
    printf("Owner Group-Id:     %d\n", st->st_gid);
    printf("Link Count:         %d\n", st->st_nlink);
     * Print the major and minor device numbers of the
     * file system that contains the file.
    printf("File System Device: Major: %u   Minor: %u\n",
           major(st->st_dev), minor(st->st_dev));
     * Print the access, modification, and change times.
     * The ctime() function converts the time to a human-
     * readable format; it is described in Chapter 7,
     * "Time of Day Operations."
    printf("Last Access:        %s", ctime(&st->st_atime));
    printf("Last Modification:  %s", ctime(&st->st_mtime));
    printf("Last I-Node Change: %s", ctime(&st->st_ctime));
 * typeOfFile - return the english description of the file type.
char *
typeOfFile(mode_t mode)
    switch (mode & S_IFMT) {
    case S_IFREG:
        return("regular file");
    case S_IFDIR:
    case S_IFCHR:
        return("character-special device");
    case S_IFBLK:
        return("block-special device");
    case S_IFLNK:
        return("symbolic link");
    case S_IFIFO:
    case S_IFSOCK:
        return("UNIX-domain socket");
 * permOfFile - return the file permissions in an "ls"-like string.
char *
permOfFile(mode_t mode)
    int i;
    char *p;
    static char perms[10];
    p = perms;
    strcpy(perms, "---------");
     * The permission bits are three sets of three
     * bits: user read/write/exec, group read/write/exec,
     * other read/write/exec.  We deal with each set
     * of three bits in one pass through the loop.
    for (i=0; i < 3; i++) {
        if (mode & (S_IREAD >> i*3))
            *p = 'r';
        if (mode & (S_IWRITE >> i*3))
            *p = 'w';
        if (mode & (S_IEXEC >> i*3))
            *p = 'x';
     * Put special codes in for set-user-id, set-group-id,
     * and the sticky bit.  (This part is incomplete; "ls"
     * uses some other letters as well for cases such as
     * set-user-id bit without execute bit, and so forth.)
    if ((mode & S_ISUID) != 0)
        perms[2] = 's';
    if ((mode & S_ISGID) != 0)
        perms[5] = 's';
    if ((mode & S_ISVTX) != 0)
        perms[8] = 't';

------------------ P.S. --------------
지식은 오픈해서 검증받아야 산지식이된다고 동네 아저씨가 그러더라.

------------------ P.S. --------------
지식은 오픈해서 검증받아야 산지식이된다고 동네 아저씨가 그러더라.

solbatso의 이미지


$ls -al /dev/화일명

하면 되지 않나요?

enermysong의 이미지

오홋 이런 방법들이 있었군요... 감사합니다.

댓글 달기

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