Python 2.3.2 (#1, Nov 4 2003, 16:11:37)
[GCC 3.3.1 [FreeBSD]] on freebsd5
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>>> import handler
>>> print '\n'.join([handler.generateRandomTopic() for i in range(30)])
A dynamic binary compiler derived from a dynamic high-speed protocol
A synchronized logical compiler related to a virtual watermarking work cluster
An interactive parallelizing network applied to an interactive functional database
A balanced mobile solution related to a virtual parallelizing preprocessor
A high-level programmable display embedded in a conceptual mobile language
A parameterized watermarking toolkit embedded in a virtual concurrent solution
A collaborative concurrent preprocessor applied to an active high-speed interface
A balanced watermarking compiler derived from a conceptual proxy theorem prover
An integrated high-speed agent related to a parallel parallelizing interface
A conceptual digital protocol embedded in an active binary system
A scalable concurrent technology for a conceptual programmable preprocessor
A conceptual concurrent agent for a dynamic knowledge-based compiler
A virtual real-time network applied to a virtual proxy technology
An optimized logical network embedded in a synchronized proxy protocol
A conceptual proxy network related to an integrated concurrent network
A responsive binary solution derived from a scalable concurrent work cluster
An interactive mobile display related to an integrated real-time interface
A virtual proxy language embedded in a high-level functional interface
A virtual multimedia network applied to a balanced mobile solution
A dynamic real-time solution for a responsive concurrent toolkit
A synchronized programmable system applied to a type-safe knowledge-based protocol
A virtual real-time display for a type-safe secure compiler
An optimized logical compiler related to a synchronized digital language
A scalable functional system related to a meta-level parallelizing preprocessor
A balanced proxy system for a meta-level digital interface
An optimized real-time algorithm for an optimized proxy architecture
A high-level digital preprocessor derived from a synchronized parallelizing display
A synchronized knowledge-based technology embedded in a parameterized binary interface
A parallel secure theorem prover applied to an integrated programmable protocol
A virtual proxy toolkit related to a virtual digital system
P2P 에 대해서 30p 정도 하루만에 copy/ paste &
P2P 에 대해서 30p 정도 하루만에 copy/ paste & edit
What a Cool Days!!!
[code:1]Python 2.3.2 (#1, Nov 4 200
EssayTopicGenerator로 랜덤하게 30개 뽑아 봤습니다. :)
(제너레이터 소스는
You need Python
저는 동료와 함께 애초에 single-process event-drive
저는 동료와 함께 애초에 single-process event-driven architecture 의 httpd 를 만들려고 했으나 http/1.1 이 썩 만만치 않아서 동일 구조의 ircd 를 만들었습니다. irc protocol 은 좀 심하게 간단해서요 -_-;
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