As kernels move from the "mainline" into the "stable" category, two
things can happen:
They can reach "End of Life" after a few bugfix revisions, which
means that kernel maintainers will release no more bugfixes for this
kernel version, or
They can be put into "longterm" maintenance, which means that
maintainers will provide bugfixes for this kernel revision for a
much longer period of time.
If the kernel version you are using is marked "EOL," you should consider
upgrading to the next major version as there will be no more bugfixes
provided for the kernel version you are using.
What does "stable/EOL" and
What does "stable/EOL" and "longterm" mean?
As kernels move from the "mainline" into the "stable" category, two things can happen:
If the kernel version you are using is marked "EOL," you should consider upgrading to the next major version as there will be no more bugfixes provided for the kernel version you are using.
Please check the Releases page for more info.
위에 따르면 스테이블 중에서 특별한 경우가 롱텀인것 같은데요?
이거 쓰시면 될 듯 : 'longterm: 3.14.50'
메인라인에 있다 -> 스테이블
롱텀 -> 스테이블 중에서 장기적으로 버그픽스 제공
EOL -> 스테이블, 버그픽스 제공 끝남
감사합니다. ^^
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