Does engineers consume their energy while working or accumalative it?
Stack overflow에 한번 올려봤는데 바로 잘렸습니다 ^^;; 요즘 엔지니어 잡에 회의를 많이 느껴서요 ㅜㅜ 엔지니어가 무슨 프로토스도 아니고 정신력으로 먹고 살기 너무 힘듭니다 -_-;; 여러분 의견은 어떠신가요?
This is somewhat weird question.. Anyway.. How do you think about this?
Does engineers spend their time and energy while working at a company or any other project? or the experience they have will be accumalated and it will be an asset sometime? The trend of the technology in SW, HW and chipset is so fast in these days. Human brain has limited capacity, and degrades and becomes blurry with increased age.
What is the best way to protect the most precious resource, oneself, from deprecating?
Stack overflow의 답변은 요렇군요..
closed as not a real question by klabranche, Erik, Andrew Medico, Eric Mickelsen, Martinho Fernandes 5 mins ago
It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form.
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