[데비안] xp의 firefox 프로필 파일을 리눅스에서 쓰기

rogon3의 이미지

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firefox가 버전업되면서 예전에는 xp의 프로필 파일 중 북마크와 웹페이지 비밀번호를 데비안 족제비의 해당 경로에 복사해주면 둘 다 사용이 가능했었는데, 윈도우용 불여우의 버전이 올라가면서, 언제부턴가 북마크만 가져다 쓸 수 있게 되었습니다

리눅스를 밀면서 백업을 받지 않았기에 웹사이트 비번이 몇개 밖에 기억이 나지 않는 상태입니다 ㅡ.ㅡ

xp 의 firefox 프로필 파일을 데비안에서 쓸 수 있는 방법을 아시는 분 도움 부탁드리겠습니다

imyejin의 이미지

북마크를 백업파일로 내보내서 그 파일을 다시 읽어들일 수 있습니다.

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[예진아씨 피카사 웹앨범] 임예진 팬클럽 ♡예진아씨♡ http://cafe.daum.net/imyejin

bootmeta의 이미지

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익명 사용자의 이미지

It’s no secret that all over Central New York, high school girls are searching for that one dress that will make them shine on prom night. With glitter-filled dressing room

floors, and mothers filling up the waiting chairs to give their best yet honest opinions, everyone can tell prom is just around the corner.

While filling up your dressing room with 20 Prom Dresses or so, here are a couple of
Prom Dresses 2011 has to offer for prom.

Rorie Coudriet, sales associate at Lord and Taylor, says a new trend this year is patterned dresses. Instead of basic black, prom dresses that have been coming in for this year

have been very bright and wild such as hot pink, bright orange and bold purple. However, the colors don’t stop there: Prints are also seen with those bright colors.
Coudriet isn’t the only one seeing new trends in prom dresses this year. Boom Babies sales associates Mara Hogan, Meredith Graves and Mari Sinatra stand on the fashion front

line when it comes to helping teens pick out their dream Long Prom Dresses .

“Dresses just have more this year,” Graves says. Like some of our favorite clothing that includes embellishments, prom dresses are doing the same thing. For example, a large

embellished flower on the shoulder creates an illusion to the neckline.

“Fit and flare is something I’ve seen big this year,” Sinatra says. Girls are looking for fit dresses that flare out toward the bottom. With these dresses girls are asking

for what they refer to as a “pretty back” rather than an “open back,” Graves says. By this they mean a detailed and elaborate back of the

href="http://www.fashion7days.com/ball-gowns-c-2_9.html">Quinceanera Dresses

, rather than just the basic bare back.
Another trend this year is a new style of dress that is short in the front, gradually ruffling until the dress reaches the floor in the back.

2011 Prom Dresses leaves multiple opportunities for girls to truly express themselves throughout their choice in dresses.

href="http://www.fashion7days.com">2011 prom gowns

Plus size prom dresses There are so many creative and unique trends out there to choose from. Good luck choosing a dress that

fits you! Cheap Prom Dresses
Short Prom Dresses

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