드라이버 소스를 보다보니 다음같은 구조체 배열 선언이 있던데 중괄호 안 처음에 [0] = { } 이런게 있는데요 이건 뭔가요?
struct sample array[] = { <span>[0]</span> = { .a = 0, .b = 2, }, <span>[2]</span> = { .a = 5, .b = 3, }, ... };
C99 기술인데 이런게 적용되고 있었군요. VC++는... 에휴~
검색해도 잘 못 찾겠던데.. c99 스펙같은걸 찾아봐야 할까요
"I'm convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did." - Steve Jobs 1955-2011
5.22 Designated Initializers 섹션 살펴보세요.
되면 한다! / feel no sorrow, feel no pain, feel no hurt, there's nothing gained.. only love will then remain.. 『 Mizz 』
잘 봤습니다~ 감사해요
텍스트 포맷에 대한 자세한 정보
리눅스 드라이버인가 보군요.
C99 기술인데 이런게 적용되고 있었군요. VC++는... 에휴~
검색해도 잘 못 찾겠던데..
c99 스펙같은걸 찾아봐야 할까요
"I'm convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did." - Steve Jobs 1955-2011
5.22 Designated Initializers 섹션 살펴보세요.
되면 한다! / feel no sorrow, feel no pain, feel no hurt, there's nothing gained.. only love will then remain.. 『 Mizz 』
되면 한다! / feel no sorrow, feel no pain, feel no hurt, there's nothing gained.. only love will then remain.. 『 Mizz 』
잘 봤습니다~ 감사해요
"I'm convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did." - Steve Jobs 1955-2011
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