FreeNX 설치시 문제

pds의 이미지

CentOS리눅스구축관리실무 김태용저 책의 33장 내용과 문서의 지시를 따라 설치를 진행하였는데요 ..

도저히 접속이 안되네요 ㅠㅠ;;

/usr/NX/scripts/setup/nxserver --install 을 실행하니

NX> 701 Updating: server at: 목 2월 12 22:22:07 2009.
NX> 701 Autodetected system: redhat.
NX> 701 Update log is: /usr/NX/var/log/update.
NX> 701 Checking NX server configuration using /usr/NX/etc/server.cfg file.
NX> 723 Cannot start NX statistics:
NX> 709 NX statistics are disabled for this server.
NX> 701 WARNING: Error when trying to connect to NX server, error is:
.X> 701 WARNING: ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
NX> 701 WARNING: nxsetup cannot validate the sanity of the current installation:
NX> 701 WARNING: the current system or NX configuration could be broken.
NX> 701 WARNING: If difficulties arise (for example sessions cannot be started),
NX> 701 WARNING: it is advisable that you try to uninstall the NX server and the
NX> 701 WARNING: NX client packages then install them again.
NX> 701 WARNING: Search also the NoMachine Knowledge Base at the URL below:
NX> 701 WARNING: for common errors encountered when performing a software update
NX> 701 WARNING: and the related hints on how to solve them..
NX> 701 Update of NX server has been completed with warnings
NX> 701 Please review the update log for details.
NX> 701 Bye.

이렇게 나오구요 뭔가 안좋아 보이긴 하지만 그냥 넘어감..
/usr/NX/bin/nxserver --useradd ㅇㅇㅇ 를 하니 비밀번호치는것 까지는 잘되는데 그담에

Info: selected user 'pds' is authenticated (NXNodeExec)
Info: password for selected user is in 'unknown' mode (NXNodeExec)
Info: preferred auth method is '' (NXNodeExec)
Info: selected NX Node with host name '', port '22' (NXNodeExec)
Info: selected su to access NX Node (NXNodeExec)
Info: nxssh command line is 'su pds -c /usr/NX/bin/nxnode' (NXNodeExec)
Info: nxssh child pid is: 10835 (NXNodeExec)
Info: received data in out channel from NX Node: 'NX> 1000 NXNODE - Version 3.3.0-12
' (NXNodeExec)
Info: received message 'CONNECTED' from NX Node (NXNodeExec)
Info: sent request for service 'setkey' to NX Node (NXNodeExec)
Info: no parameter to send to NX Node (NXNodeExec)
Info: received data in out channel from NX Node: 'NX> 716 Public key is already present in: /user/pds/.ssh/authorized_keys2.
NX> 1001 Bye.
' (NXNodeExec)
Info: received message 'BYE' from NX Node (NXNodeExec)
Info: closing nxssh's in, out, err FDs (flagfinished is: 1) (NXNodeExec)
Info: connection to NX Node finished correctly (NXNodeExec)
Info: selected user 'pds' is not authenticated no password available (NXNodeExec)
Info: preferred auth method is 'publickey' (NXNodeExec)
Info: selected NX Node with host name '', port '22' (NXNodeExec)
Info: selected publickey method to login NX Node (NXNodeExec)
Info: nxssh command line is '/usr/NX/bin/nxssh -nxservermode -l pds -p 22 -x -2 -i /usr/NX/etc/keys/node.localhost.id_dsa -o 'PubkeyAuthentication yes' -o 'RSAAuthentication yes' -o 'RhostsAuthentication no' -o 'PasswordAuthentication no' -o 'RhostsRSAAuthentication no' -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' /usr/NX/bin/nxnode' (NXNodeExec)
Info: nxssh child pid is: 10867 (NXNodeExec)
Info: received data in err channel from NX Node: 'ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
' (NXNodeExec)
Info: NX Node out channel was closed (NXNodeExec)
Info: NX Node err channel was closed (NXNodeExec)
Info: closing nxssh's in, out, err FDs (flagfinished is: 0) (NXNodeExec)
Error: no 'CONNECTED' message from NX Node (NXNodeExec)
NX> 595 ERROR: A fatal error occurred in NX Server.
NX> 595 ERROR: The exception id is: EE055F85. To get detailed information about
NX> 595 ERROR: the error search for the string EE055F85 in the system log
NX> 595 ERROR: file (usually '/var/log/messages').
NX> 500 ERROR: Last operation failed.

결국 이러면서 유저추가가 안되네요 ㅠㅠ 흑흑
userlist를 처봐도 안나오구요

이거 도대체 뭘 건드려야할까요? 뭔가 ssh관련 문제인가요?

고수님들 도와주세여~~

뱀다리로 freenx가 vnc보다 좋은점은 무엇인가요? (속도빼구요)

pds의 이미지

앗 해결!

hosts.allow에 sshd:을 추가 하면 되는군요?
이건 뭥미? ㅡㅡ;; 에이 괜히 캐삽질했네... 역시 ssh의 문제였어...ㅜㅜ

근데 그냥 이렇게 추가해놓고 써도 보안에 아무 문제 없는 걸까요? ^^;

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