Unix 종류별 MAC address 가져오기 소스 입니다.

preisner의 이미지

오늘 한참 해매다가 찾았네요.
혹시 필요하신분들이 있을까봐 올립니다.
소스에 보이는 대로
리눅스에서는 ioctl을 이용해서 SIOCGIFHWADDR 를 지정해 주면 되지만,
이 방법은 Solaris에서는 지원이 되지 않습니다.
Unix 용(SunOS. HP-UX, AIX)
Solaris 8에서 확인 했습니다.
참고 주소 http://groups.google.co.kr/groups?q=mac_addr_dlpi.c&hl=ko&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&newwindow=1&selm=89g5mr%24i1q%243%40news.smart.net&rnum=1


* mac_addr_dlpi.c
* Return the MAC (ie, ethernet hardware) address by using the dlpi api.
* compile with: gcc -c -D "OS" mac_addr_dlpi.c
* with "OS" is one of AIX, SunOS, HPUX

/* this section defines a list of the dlpi capable devices
* this depends on the operating system

#undef DLPI_DEV

#ifdef HPUX
static char *dlpi_dev[] = {"/dev/dlpi", ""};
#define DLPI_DEV

#ifdef AIX
static char *dlpi_dev[] = {"/dev/dlpi/et", "/dev/dlpi/en",
"/dev/dlpi/tr", "/dev/dlpi/fddi", ""};
#define DLPI_DEV
/* AIX: remember to set up /etc/pse.conf or /etc/dlpi.conf */

#ifdef SunOS
static char *dlpi_dev[] = {"/dev/hme", "/dev/ie", "/dev/le", "/dev/eri"};
#define DLPI_DEV

#ifndef DLPI_DEV
static char *dlpi_dev[] = {"/dev/dlpi", ""};
/* unknown OS - hope that this will work ??? */
#define DLPI_DEV

* implementation

#define INSAP 22
#define OUTSAP 24

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <sys/stropts.h>
#include <sys/poll.h>
#include <sys/dlpi.h>

#define bcopy(source, destination, length) memcpy(destination, source,

#define AREA_SZ 5000 /*­=­* buffer length in bytes *­=­*/
static u_long ctl_area[AREA_SZ];
static u_long dat_area[AREA_SZ];
static struct strbuf ctl = {AREA_SZ, 0, (char *)ctl_area};
static struct strbuf dat = {AREA_SZ, 0, (char *)dat_area};
#define GOT_CTRL 1
#define GOT_DATA 2
#define GOT_BOTH 3
#define GOT_INTR 4
#define GOT_ERR 128

/*­=­* get a message from a stream; return type of message *­=­*/
static int get_msg(int fd)
int flags = 0;
int res, ret;
ctl_area[0] = 0;
dat_area[0] = 0;
ret = 0;
res = getmsg(fd, &ctl, &dat, &flags);
if(res < 0) {
if(errno == EINTR) {
} else {
if(ctl.len > 0) {
ret |= GOT_CTRL;
if(dat.len > 0) {
ret |= GOT_DATA;
} return(ret);

/*­=­* verify that dl_primitive in ctl_area = prim *­=­*/
static int check_ctrl(int prim)
dl_error_ack_t *err_ack = (dl_error_ack_t *)ctl_area;
if(err_ack->dl_primitive != prim) {
return GOT_ERR;
} return 0;

/*­=­* put a control message on a stream *­=­*/
static int put_ctrl(int fd, int len, int pri)
ctl.len = len;
if(putmsg(fd, &ctl, 0, pri) < 0) {
return GOT_ERR;
} return 0;

/*­=­* put a control + data message on a stream *­=­*/
static int put_both(int fd, int clen, int dlen, int pri)
ctl.len = clen;
dat.len = dlen;
if(putmsg(fd, &ctl, &dat, pri) < 0) {
return GOT_ERR;
} return 0;

/*­=­* open file descriptor and attach *­=­*/
static int dl_open(const char *dev, int ppa, int *fd)
dl_attach_req_t *attach_req = (dl_attach_req_t *)ctl_area;
if((*fd = open(dev, O_RDWR)) == -1) {
return GOT_ERR;
attach_req->dl_primitive = DL_ATTACH_REQ;
attach_req->dl_ppa = ppa;
put_ctrl(*fd, sizeof(dl_attach_req_t), 0);
return check_ctrl(DL_OK_ACK);

/*­=­* send DL_BIND_REQ *­=­*/
static int dl_bind(int fd, int sap, u_char *addr)
dl_bind_req_t *bind_req = (dl_bind_req_t *)ctl_area;
dl_bind_ack_t *bind_ack = (dl_bind_ack_t *)ctl_area;
bind_req->dl_primitive = DL_BIND_REQ;
bind_req->dl_sap = sap;
bind_req->dl_max_conind = 1;
bind_req->dl_service_mode = DL_CLDLS;
bind_req->dl_conn_mgmt = 0;
bind_req->dl_xidtest_flg = 0;
put_ctrl(fd, sizeof(dl_bind_req_t), 0);
if (GOT_ERR == check_ctrl(DL_BIND_ACK)) {
return GOT_ERR;
bcopy((u_char *)bind_ack + bind_ack->dl_addr_offset, addr,
return 0;

* interface:
* function mac_addr_dlpi - get the mac address of the "first" interface
* parameter: addr: an array of six bytes, has to be allocated by the
* return: 0 if OK, -1 if the address could not be determined

long mac_addr_dlpi ( u_char *addr)
int fd;
int ppa;
u_char mac_addr[25];
int i;

char **dev;

for (dev = dlpi_dev; **dev != '\0'; ++dev) {
for (ppa=0; ppa<10; ++ppa) {
if (GOT_ERR != dl_open(*dev, ppa, &fd)) {
if (GOT_ERR != dl_bind(fd, INSAP, mac_addr)) {
bcopy( mac_addr, addr, 6);
return 0;
} return -1;

* Main (only for testing)
#ifdef MAIN
int main( int argc, char **argv)
long stat;
int i;
u_char addr[6];

stat = mac_addr_dlpi( addr);
if (0 == stat) {
printf( "MAC address = ");
for (i=0; i<6; ++i) {
printf("%2.2x", addr[i]);
printf( "\n");
else {
fprintf( stderr, "can't get MAC address\n");
exit( 1);
} return 0;

Linux 용 RedHat 7.3 에서 확인
참고주소 : http://doc.kldp.org/wiki.php/DocbookSgml/Programming_tip-KLDP

#include <netinet/ether.h>
#include <net/ethernet.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <net/if.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main (int argc, char *argv[])
struct ifreq *iflist;
struct sockaddr *sa;
int fd;
char *out;

if(argc != 2)
printf("Usage: progname ifname (ex: progname eth0)\n");
return -1;

iflist = malloc (sizeof (struct ifreq));

fd = socket (PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);

strncpy (iflist->ifr_name, argv[1], strlen (argv[1]));

if (ioctl (fd, SIOCGIFHWADDR, iflist) == -1)
perror ("ioctl failed");
return -1;

sa = &(iflist->ifr_hwaddr);

out = ether_ntoa ((struct ether_addr *) sa->sa_data);

printf ("%s\n", out);

return 0;

shpark05의 이미지

급하게 적용해야 될 일이 있었는데,..

도움이 되었어요.. ^^

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