what is $HOME? and do I have to do with it when I need to install Nabi?

love8june의 이미지

I am a beginner in Fedora Core 5, and I am trying to install nabi on my lap top. I just don't understand what HOME is or where it is.
After make install, how do I find the "HOME" thing?
please.. help me out on this.
Thanks in advance.

palsuet의 이미지

The environmental variable, HOME means your own home directory. Usually it is /home/your_id with your_id replaced by your login ID. You can see its value by typing

$ echo $HOME

$ env

in a terminal window.
feel the gravity

feel the gravity

love8june의 이미지

Man~ it's hard to understand how to make it work/
there's nothing /home/my id/ or /home/

rest in peace

rest in peace

palsuet의 이미지

First, please run any terminal program. If you installed GNOME, you can find the icon named "Terminal" after clicking "Programs" -> "Accesories" (I'm not sure with these terms, but you may easily find the correct route) in the panel. "Panel" is similar one to the "Start bar" in M$ Windows terms. Click the "Terminal" icon, then a terminal window will appear. Please type echo $HOME and press "Return" or "Enter" key and the terminal will show some value like /home/your_id. If you logged in as root, its value may be /root, but I don't recommand to do such a thing. Please re-login as a normal user.
If you want to edit the file $HOME/.xinput, type in the following command in the terminal

vi /home/your_id/.xinput

vi $HOME/.xinput

($HOME is automatically interpreted by the shell) or
vi .xinput

(If you didn't change directory after flying the terminal, you are already in HOME directory. So, just to type the file name is enough.)
vi can be replaced with your favorite editor. If you are a beginner in Linux and don't know any editor like vi or emacs, nano is the best choice in my opinion.
feel the gravity

feel the gravity

love8june의 이미지

언어를 한글메뉴화 해야 나오는 군요.

영어에서 한글만 쓰려했는데 영어에서는 안되고 한글로 바꾸니 나오네요.

메뉴가 한글화 되어서 나오는게..좀..왠지..

암튼, 한글입력이 되어서 좋아요.

도움에 감사드립니다.

.xinput이 고 대신 xmodmap은 만들어서 입력해놨어서.
부팅만 하면 자동으로 입력이 되니 편하네요.

rest in peace

rest in peace

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