ffmpeg 라이브러리 깔아보신분..

영식의 이미지

ffmpeg-20030304.tar.gz 를 받아서 쓰고 있습니다...
./configure;make;make install; 하면 인스톨이 되긴 되는데
ffmpeg 라이브러리가 필요한 프로그램을 컴파일하면
계속 문제가 생기고 있습니다....

정적으로 라이브러리를 잡아줘도 여전히 마찬가지네요...
계속 컴파일이 안되고 있다가 문제는 ffmpeg라는 것을 알았습니다만...
도무지 왜 안되는지 잘 모르겠네요...

-다음은 videoLAN client를 make 하다가 나는 에러입니다.....
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../.. -DSYS_LINUX -I../../include `top_builddir=
"../.." ../../vlc-config --cflags builtin stream_out_switcher` -Wsign-compare -W
all -pipe -c -o libstream_out_switcher_a-switcher.o `test -f 'switcher.c' || ec
ho './'`switcher.c
switcher.c: In function `Add':
switcher.c:347: `FF_MM_MMX' undeclared (first use in this function)
switcher.c:347: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
switcher.c:347: for each function it appears in.)
switcher.c:351: `FF_MM_MMXEXT' undeclared (first use in this function)
switcher.c:355: `FF_MM_3DNOW' undeclared (first use in this function)
switcher.c:359: `FF_MM_SSE' undeclared (first use in this function)
switcher.c:360: `FF_MM_SSE2' undeclared (first use in this function)
switcher.c: In function `UnpackFromFile':
switcher.c:605: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned
switcher.c: In function `VideoCommand':
switcher.c:695: `CODEC_ID_MPEG2VIDEO' undeclared (first use in this function)
switcher.c:717: `FF_MM_MMX' undeclared (first use in this function)
switcher.c:721: `FF_MM_MMXEXT' undeclared (first use in this function)
switcher.c:725: `FF_MM_3DNOW' undeclared (first use in this function)
switcher.c:729: `FF_MM_SSE' undeclared (first use in this function)
switcher.c:730: `FF_MM_SSE2' undeclared (first use in this function)
switcher.c:735: warning: implicit declaration of function `av_reduce'
switcher.c:738: structure has no member named `sample_aspect_ratio'
switcher.c:739: structure has no member named `sample_aspect_ratio'
switcher.c:748: structure has no member named `frame_rate_base'
switcher.c:758: structure has no member named `mb_decision'
switcher.c:758: `FF_MB_DECISION_SIMPLE' undeclared (first use in this function)
switcher.c: In function `VideoGetBuffer':
switcher.c:791: `FF_LAMBDA_SHIFT' undeclared (first use in this function)
switcher.c:793: structure has no member named `interlaced_frame'
switcher.c:794: structure has no member named `top_field_first'
make[4]: *** [libstream_out_switcher_a-switcher.o] 오류 1
make[4]: 나감 `/root/vlc/vlc-0.8.2/modules/stream_out' 디렉토리
make[3]: *** [all-modules] 오류 1
make[3]: 나감 `/root/vlc/vlc-0.8.2/modules/stream_out' 디렉토리
make[2]: *** [all-recursive] 오류 1
make[2]: 나감 `/root/vlc/vlc-0.8.2/modules' 디렉토리
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] 오류 1
make[1]: 나감 `/root/vlc/vlc-0.8.2' 디렉토리
make: *** [all] 오류 2
[root@localhost vlc-0.8.2]#

몇일째 삽질이네요...엉엉
초보적인 질문이지만 도와주세요~~~~~~~~~~~

oedalpha의 이미지

저는 videolan client를 configure 할 때 --with-ffmpeg-tree 옵션을 줘서 컴파일 했습니다.

제 VLC configure 옵션을 올리니 참고하세요

./configure --with-ffmpeg-tree=../ffmpeg --with-ffmpeg-mp3lame --with-ffmpeg-faac --enable-esd --enable-gtk2 --enable-ncurses --enable-debug

영식의 이미지

멀고 험난하네요.... 계속 ffmpeg가 안되서
kldp를 뒤져보다가 많은 도움을 받았습니다..

이거 해결하면 다른 에러나고 해결하면 다른곳이 문제가 생기고
아주 난리법석입니다......
그렇지만 결론은 ffmpeg인것 같습니다...
configure시 static linking --with-ffmpeg-tree= 옵션을 주어도
configure는 되는데 컴파일시 에러나네요..참으로 머리아픕니다..;;

다시 리눅스로..

hys545의 이미지

영식 wrote:
ffmpeg-20030304.tar.gz 를 받아서 쓰고 있습니다...
./configure;make;make install; 하면 인스톨이 되긴 되는데
ffmpeg 라이브러리가 필요한 프로그램을 컴파일하면
계속 문제가 생기고 있습니다....

정적으로 라이브러리를 잡아줘도 여전히 마찬가지네요...
계속 컴파일이 안되고 있다가 문제는 ffmpeg라는 것을 알았습니다만...
도무지 왜 안되는지 잘 모르겠네요...

-다음은 videoLAN client를 make 하다가 나는 에러입니다.....
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../.. -DSYS_LINUX -I../../include `top_builddir=
"../.." ../../vlc-config --cflags builtin stream_out_switcher` -Wsign-compare -W
all -pipe -c -o libstream_out_switcher_a-switcher.o `test -f 'switcher.c' || ec
ho './'`switcher.c
switcher.c: In function `Add':
switcher.c:347: `FF_MM_MMX' undeclared (first use in this function)
switcher.c:347: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
switcher.c:347: for each function it appears in.)
switcher.c:351: `FF_MM_MMXEXT' undeclared (first use in this function)
switcher.c:355: `FF_MM_3DNOW' undeclared (first use in this function)
switcher.c:359: `FF_MM_SSE' undeclared (first use in this function)
switcher.c:360: `FF_MM_SSE2' undeclared (first use in this function)
switcher.c: In function `UnpackFromFile':
switcher.c:605: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned
switcher.c: In function `VideoCommand':
switcher.c:695: `CODEC_ID_MPEG2VIDEO' undeclared (first use in this function)
switcher.c:717: `FF_MM_MMX' undeclared (first use in this function)
switcher.c:721: `FF_MM_MMXEXT' undeclared (first use in this function)
switcher.c:725: `FF_MM_3DNOW' undeclared (first use in this function)
switcher.c:729: `FF_MM_SSE' undeclared (first use in this function)
switcher.c:730: `FF_MM_SSE2' undeclared (first use in this function)
switcher.c:735: warning: implicit declaration of function `av_reduce'
switcher.c:738: structure has no member named `sample_aspect_ratio'
switcher.c:739: structure has no member named `sample_aspect_ratio'
switcher.c:748: structure has no member named `frame_rate_base'
switcher.c:758: structure has no member named `mb_decision'
switcher.c:758: `FF_MB_DECISION_SIMPLE' undeclared (first use in this function)
switcher.c: In function `VideoGetBuffer':
switcher.c:791: `FF_LAMBDA_SHIFT' undeclared (first use in this function)
switcher.c:793: structure has no member named `interlaced_frame'
switcher.c:794: structure has no member named `top_field_first'
make[4]: *** [libstream_out_switcher_a-switcher.o] 오류 1
make[4]: 나감 `/root/vlc/vlc-0.8.2/modules/stream_out' 디렉토리
make[3]: *** [all-modules] 오류 1
make[3]: 나감 `/root/vlc/vlc-0.8.2/modules/stream_out' 디렉토리
make[2]: *** [all-recursive] 오류 1
make[2]: 나감 `/root/vlc/vlc-0.8.2/modules' 디렉토리
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] 오류 1
make[1]: 나감 `/root/vlc/vlc-0.8.2' 디렉토리
make: *** [all] 오류 2
[root@localhost vlc-0.8.2]#

몇일째 삽질이네요...엉엉
초보적인 질문이지만 도와주세요~~~~~~~~~~~

굳이 20030304로 해야하는 이유가 잇나여?
보면 20050711버젼까지 있는데..
그리고 switcher.c에 보면
include <ffmpeg/avcodec.h>
즉 /usr/include/ffmpeg/avcodec.h를 찾는겁니더ㅏ
/usr/local/include에서도 찾지만 확실하게 하려면
/usr/include에 링크해주세여


Prentice의 이미지


그리고 중복 질문은 피해주시고, 관련된 질문은 한 곳으로 모아주세요.

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