손가락까딱하기도 귀찮은 우분투 폐인들을 위한 자동화 스크립트
글쓴이: nike984 / 작성시간: 수, 2005/07/06 - 5:55오후
우분투 포럼에 보니 포맷후
build-essential - Compilers needed to build programs beep-media-player - XMMS gtk2 clone. Compatible with XMMS plugins/skins gstreamer0.8-mad - Add MP3 support for Rhythmbox w32codecs - Windows codecs for playing various files streamtuner - Online music streamer from shoutcast and a few others xine-ui - The xine video player, user interface for playing dvd's and such totem-xine - Have totem use xine so you can actually use it to play videos etc. msttcorefonts - Windows True Type Fonts acroread - Latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader acroread-plugin - Firefox Acobat Reader Plugin libdvdcss2 - DVD Library gnomebaker - The best gnome/gtk2 cd/dvd/cdrw burning software gftp - Ftp Client flashplayer-mozilla - Flash plugin for firefox Java JRE 1.5 - Latest version of Java Custom Firefox Forms - Make you firefox form widgets look decent /etc/apt/sources.list - Add in universe, multiverse and misc repositories Misc Windows Fonts - Misc fonts that are missing in the msttcorefonts package
프로그램을 자동적으로 다 깔아주는 스크립트가 있더군요.
방법은 터미널하나 열고
wget http://download.ubuntuforums.org/ubuntusetup/ubuntusetup.sh sudo sh ubuntusetup.sh
입니다. -_-
가끔 yes/no 답변만 해주면 끝납니다.
혹시 이것도 귀찮으실려나
http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22646&highlight=funny :twisted:
방금 해보니 에러나는군요 OTL
방금 해보니 에러나는군요 OTL