Clustering 관련된 세미나를 학교에서 하려고 하는데요. Testing

Choon의 이미지

학교에서 교내세미나로 Clustering 관련된 세미나를 하려고 하는데요.

기본적으로 간단한 구축 및 활용과 성능을 보여주려고 하거든요?


이렇게 구축하려고 하는데요. 클러스터를 구축하면 기본적으로 하는 Testing 이 있는지.. 궁금합니다.

그냥 HPC 같은건 많은 계산량을 처리하는걸 보여주려고 하는데..

연산량이 많은 그래픽 작업이나 Bioinfometics 관련된걸 멋지게 보여줬으면 했는데, 아무리 찾아봐도 관련된 예제(MPI) 소스 같은걸 찾기 힘들더라구요.

그래서 어떤 Test 에서는 그냥 1 ~ 1억(?) 정도의 더하기 같은걸 하는것도 같길래.. 좀 큰값은 Factorial 이나 더하기를 해보려고 해도, overflow 가 나서 Test 하기 힘들더군요..

LVS 같은경우는 로드 발란서를 놓고 트래픽 체크 하면 될거 같고요..
(이건 찾아보는 중이고요..)

PVFS 는 속도 체크 같은 Testing 하는걸 찾았는데.. 이제 오늘 내일 한번 해봐야 할것 같구요..

혹시 좋은 Testing 할 수 있는 방법 같은걸 아시는 분이 있으시면 조언 해주시면 감사하겠습니다.

하다 못해 아이디어라도 감사히 볼게요. ^^*

mosqhan의 이미지

CPU 성능 관련 Benchmark 입니다.
참고하세요... Beowulf 관련 메일(Robert G. Brown)에서 발췌했습니다.
슈퍼컴퓨터 관련 top500 에서는 linpack 을 기본으로 합니다.

SPEC -- probably the "best" of the application-level benchmark suites.
Fairly tight rules, but deep-pocketed vendors doubtless maintain an edge beyond just having decent hardware.

lmbench -- I think without question the best of the microbenchmark suites. If you want to find out how fast the CPU does any basic operation, this is probably the first place to look. This suite is heavily used by the linux kernel developers including Linus Himself because it provides accurate and reproducible timings of things like interrupt handling rates, context switch rates, memory latency and bandwidth, and some selected CPU operational rates.

stream -- If you are interested in CPU-memory combined rates in operations on streaming vectors (e.g. copy, add, multiply-add) stream is the microbenchmark of choice. Its one weakness is that it doesn't provide one (easily) with a picture of rates as a function of vector size, so that one cannot observe the variation as one increases the vector size across the various CPU cache sizes. It is therefore better suited (as a predictor of application performance) for people running large applications involving linear algebra than for people operating on small blocks of data. Oh, and another weakness is that it doesn't provide any measure that includes the division operation. This is important because some code REQUIRES division in a streaming context or otherwise, and division is often several times slower than multiplication.

linpack -- Another linear algebra type benchmark. Not terribly relevant at the application level any more, and a bit too complex to be a microbenchmark -- IMHO this is a benchmark that could be retired without anyone really missing it for practical reasons. However, it is has been around a long time and there is a fair bit of data derived from it. When someone tells you how many "MFLOPS" a system has, they are probably referring to Linpack MFLOPS. Historically, this has been a highly misleading predictor of relative systems performance at the application level and has also proven relatively easy to "cheat" on a bit at the hardware and software level, but there it is.

savage -- This is a nearly forgotten benchmark that measures how fast a system does transcendental function evaluations (e.g. sin, tan).
These are typically library calls, but some CPUs have had them built into microcode so that they execute several times faster (typically) than library code. Libaries can also exhibit some variation depending on the algorithms used for evaluation.

집에가서 발닦고 잠이나 자자...

girl905의 이미지

어느 학교에서 하는지요 :?:

두드려도 안열리면.. 부수고라도 들어가자 -,.-;

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