bash-3.0 릴리스

lefthander의 이미지
Prentice의 이미지

bash는 항상 버젼이 팍팍(?) 올라가는 것 같네요.. 1.147정도에서 2.0으로 뛰더니 2.05에서 3.0으로.. :D

정태영의 이미지

어제자로 젠투에도 들어왔습니다 흐흐흐
얼마나 바꼈을지 무서워서 쉽게 올리기가 두렵군요 흐흐

오랫동안 꿈을 그리는 사람은 그 꿈을 닮아간다... ~(~_~)~
나 한줄기 바람처럼..

Prentice의 이미지

어제 쯤 데비안에도 들어왔습니다. 현재 별 문제없이 잘 쓰고 있어요..

bash (3.0-2) unstable; urgency=medium

* Fix typo in bash-minimal's postinst. Closes: #260506.
* Fixed in bash-3.0:
- pwd builtin exiting with write error. Closes: #243872.

-- Matthias Klose <> Thu, 29 Jul 2004 07:13:13 +0200

bash (3.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium

* New upstream release.
* Bugs fixed in this release (and the alpha/beta releases and release
- Fixed a bug that caused the prompt to overwrite previous output when the
output doesn't contain a newline and the locale supports multibyte
characters. This same change fixes the problem of readline redisplay
slowing down dramatically as the line gets longer in multibyte locales.
Closed: #179883.
- The shell no longer seg faults if the expanded value of $PS4 is null
and `set -x' is enabled. Closes: #165533.
- Don't define a default DEFAULT_MAIL_DIRECTORY, because it can cause
a timeout on NFS mounts. Closes: #211426.
- Fixed a bad interaction between alias and completion. Closes: #186218.
- Fix initialization of local variables with "$@". Closes: #180290.
- Fixed segfault in "read -a foo <<< $(echo)". Closes: #167003.
- Fixed the history word tokenizer to handle <( and >( better when used as
part of bash. Closes: #165212.
- Fixed EINTR signal killing redirection. Closes: #164134.
- Fixed infinite loop with IFS="<non-ws-char>" and compgen -W.
Closes: #162952.
- Fixed the internal logout code so that shells that time out waiting for
input (using $TMOUT) run ~/.bash_logout. Closes: #152847.
- Speedups to the multibyte character redisplay code. Closes: #197965.
- Better error message on wrong kill arguments. Closes: #193570.
- Overwriting of prompt. Closes: #176968.
- The shell now reports on processes that dump core due to signals when
invoked as `-c command'. Closes: #211693.
- Fixed ferror beeing called w/o always first calling clearerr
results in spurious errors reported. Closes: #195116.
- Add missing trailing slash on directory completion. Closes: #178828.
- Fix different behaviour for builtin and external commands together
with arithmetic expansion. Closes: #173744.
- Fixed a bug that caused redirections accompanying a null command
to persist in the current shell. Closes: #173148.
- Fixed a bug that caused a leading `-' in the shell's name to cause it to
not be recognized as a restricted shell. Closes: #170298.
- Fix segfault in ill formed paramter expansion. Closes: #162773.
- Fixed a bug in brace expansion that caused a quoted `$' preceding an
open brace to inhibit brace expansion. Closes: #157954.
- Removed the attempts to avoid adding a slash at the end of a completed
executable name if there was a directory with the same name in the
current directory. Closes: #155134, #189006.
- Fix error message for circular alias expansions. Closes: #173588.
- Fixed a bug that caused some key bindings set in an inputrc to be ignored
at shell startup. Closes: #110969.
- Fix segfault on bad array subscripts. Closes: #232653.
- Fix "set completion-ignore-case on" breaking some tab completion.
Closes: #224303.
- Flag an error when a user uses "% DIGITS" instead of "%DIGITS", and
don't give him a different job instead. Closes: #173854.
- For 'cd filename' say 'not a directory', not 'no such file or directory'
when filename exists and is not a directory. Closes: #219958.
- Expansion results are the same for ${1:+"$@"} and "$@" if IFS is not
the default.
- The locale code does a better job of recomputing the various locale
variable values when LC_ALL is unset. Closes: #160932.
- Fix substitution error triggering an assertion. Closes: #251801.
* Documentation updated in this release (and the alpha/beta releases):
- Fix documentation about exit status of unset builtin. Closes: #183352.
- Clarify documentation for arguments of wait builtin. Closes: #174133.
- Document ${!prefix@} expansion. Closes: #168318.
- Fix documentation of GLOBIGNORE behaviour. Closes: #168267.
- Document the use of $EMACS. Closes: #174744.
- Improve documentation of the value of arithmetic expressions.
Closes: #168321.
- Make docs more explicit about variable indirection in shell parameter
expansion. Closes: #167002.
- Documentation for values of various assignments updated. Closes: #168331.
- In section "Shell Functions", add documentation for syntax,
which bash accepts. Closes: #172971.
- Fix documentation of the PATH variable. Closes: #155369.
- Document SHELL variable in section "Shell Variables". Closes: #249657.
- Remove reference to missing section in rbash(1). Closes: #249219.
* Fix another segfault in completion code. Closes: #261142.

McKabi의 이미지

검은해 wrote:
bash는 항상 버젼이 팍팍(?) 올라가는 것 같네요.. 1.147정도에서 2.0으로 뛰더니 2.05에서 3.0으로.. :D

1.147에서 2.0으로 뛴건 늦은거죠.

2.05에서 3.0이라...
아직도 1.x가 깔린 곳이 많은걸 보면 2.x는 버림받은 존재일까요 :roll:

ㄲ ㅏ ㅂ ㅣ / M c K a b i / 7 7 r b i / T o D y

fibonacci의 이미지

bash 3.0 -_-; 전 체감이 안되네요.

No Pain, No Gain.

batmi의 이미지

가장 많이 바뀐게 뭘까요? 궁금..
언넝 써봐야지~~

마음을 가꾸는 방법은??

liberta의 이미지

fibonacci wrote:
bash 3.0 -_-; 전 체감이 안되네요.

체감이 안되어야 좋은 거 아닌가요? ^^ 젤 편하게 써야할 터미널 쉘이 "체감될 정도로" 바뀐다면 상당히 난감할 듯...