중국의 5천년 역사도 결국은 XPe 로 실현가능하군요. ^^

오호라의 이미지

중국이 5천년역사...

그러나, 미국은 2백년 역사...

중국의 5천년역사를 보기위해서는 결국은 미국의 힘을 빌려야 하는가...

참으로 아이러니하죠. ^^;


The Windows XP Embedded (XPe) operating system has helped launch the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. The extravagant opening ceremony, held today at 8 PM Beijing time (5 AM PDT), featured the behind-the-scenes use of 120 XPe-based Axon Media Servers, according to Microsoft.

(Click here for a larger view of the Axon Media Server)

Said to be the largest, costliest extravaganza in Olympic history, the ceremony was watched by 91,000 people at Beijing's National Stadium and a potential audience of 4 billion worldwide, according to the Associated Press. Approximately 15,000 people reportedly participated in the pageantry, which celebrated China's first-time role as Olympic host by dramatizing 5,000 years of the country's history.

Axon Media Servers installed in Beijing's National Stadium

Compared to that, Windows XP Embedded played only a small part -- but a key one, according to a posting on Microsoft's Windows Embedded Standard blog by Program Manager Weijuan Shi. As she writes, 120 XPe-based media servers from High End Systems (HES) were installed in the National Stadium's server room -- the largest number ever used for any live event. Linked to HES Wholehog 3 lighting consoles and projectors with moving orbital heads, the Axon Media Servers helped pull off the opening ceremony's special effects in real time.

The Axon Media Server is a 3U rackmount device configured with Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 processors, an ATI HD2900XT graphics card, and a 320GB hard drive. As deployed in Beijing, it featured a highly customized version of XPe, with DirectX, DirectShow, and the .NET 2.0 Framework, according to Shi.

HES says the Axon Media Server is designed for simultaneous playback of three discrete media streams on separate 2D/3D objects. A notable capability -- apparently used extensively in today's opening ceremony -- is the device's ability to compensate automatically when images are projected onto irregular surfaces. Images may be projected onto convex or concave cylinders,angular screens, spheres, and disk-shaped surfaces, High End Systems says.

Shi pronounced herself "excited, but baffled on how to watch the live coverage of the ceremony here" (in Seattle). Earlier this week, however, NBC Sports announced it would provide U.S. viewers with extended, tape-delayed coverage of the opening ceremony starting at 7:30 PM EDT (to confirm, check your local listings). So, break out the popcorn or your international treat of choice, and enjoy watching Windows XP Embedded at work!

ByB의 이미지

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