님의 덧글이 많이 달린글을
글의 주인이 삭제한거 아닐까요..?
포인트가 어떻게 주어지는건지 그것갖고 멀하는지는 잘 모르겟지만.. ;;
여기서부터는 서명입니다:-)
운명이란 누가 주어주는것도 아니고
본인의 피로 그걸 극복할 수 있다
그 운명을 좀더 공평하게 만들고자 하는게 내 일이다.
여기서부터는 서명입니다:-)
운명이란 누가 주어주는것도 아니고
본인의 피로 그걸 극복할 수 있다
그 운명을 좀더 공평하게 만들고자 하는게 내 일이다.
포인트를 내렸다 올리니 -2 와 0을 왔다갔다 하는데 그때마다 60씩 올라가네요 버그가 있는듯합니다
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 2703 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 2803 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 2833 points.
* User 에멜무지로 lost 100 points! Total now is 2733 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 2763 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 2893 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3053 points.
* User 에멜무지로 lost 100 points! Total now is 2853 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 2943 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 3043 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3073 points.
* User 에멜무지로 lost 100 points! Total now is 2973 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3003 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 3103 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3133 points.
* User 에멜무지로 lost 100 points! Total now is 3033 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3063 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 3163 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3193 points.
* User 에멜무지로 lost 100 points! Total now is 3093 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3123 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 3223 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3253 points.
* User 에멜무지로 lost 100 points! Total now is 3153 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3183 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 3283 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3313 points.
* User 에멜무지로 lost 100 points! Total now is 3213 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3243 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 3343 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3373 points.
* User 에멜무지로 lost 100 points! Total now is 3273 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3303 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 3403 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3433 points.
* User 에멜무지로 lost 100 points! Total now is 3333 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3423 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 3523 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3553 points.
* User 에멜무지로 lost 100 points! Total now is 3453 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3483 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 3583 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3613 points.
* User 에멜무지로 lost 100 points! Total now is 3513 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3543 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 3643 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3673 points.
* User 에멜무지로 lost 100 points! Total now is 3573 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3603 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 3703 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3733 points.
* User 에멜무지로 lost 100 points! Total now is 3633 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3663 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 3763 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3793 points.
* User 에멜무지로 lost 100 points! Total now is 3693 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3723 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 3823 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3853 points.
* User 에멜무지로 lost 100 points! Total now is 3753 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3783 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 3883 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3913 points.
* User 에멜무지로 lost 100 points! Total now is 3813 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3843 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 3943 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3973 points.
* User 에멜무지로 lost 100 points! Total now is 3873 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3903 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 4003 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 4033 points.
* User 에멜무지로 lost 100 points! Total now is 3933 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 4023 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 4123 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 4153 points.
* User 에멜무지로 lost 100 points! Total now is 4053 points.
이 댓글(comment)의 수정 및 삭제를 위해 이 글에 답글(reply)을 쓰지 말아 주십시요.
의견이 있으시면 원 글에 댓글(comment)로 써 주세요.
User wewoori earned 30 points! Total now is 5563 points.
User wewoori earned 100 points! Total now is 5663 points.
User wewoori earned 30 points! Total now is 5693 points.
User wewoori lost 100 points! Total now is 5593 points.
마이너스 플러스을 오르락거리니깐.. 이렇게 되는군요..!!!
근데 지금은 또 안되네요.. 아마 어느때는 되고.. 어느때는 안되고.. 하는 것이
아닌가 싶기는 합니다만....
User wewoori earned 30 points! Total now is 5705 points.
User wewoori earned 100 points! Total now is 5805 points.
User wewoori earned 30 points! Total now is 5835 points.
User wewoori lost 100 points! Total now is 5735 points.
User wewoori earned 30 points! Total now is 5765 points.
User wewoori earned 100 points! Total now is 5865 points.
User wewoori earned 30 points! Total now is 5895 points.
User wewoori lost 100 points! Total now is 5795 points.
User wewoori earned 30 points! Total now is 5825 points.
User wewoori earned 100 points! Total now is 5925 points.
User wewoori earned 30 points! Total now is 5955 points.
User wewoori lost 100 points! Total now is 5855 points.
User wewoori earned 30 points! Total now is 5885 points.
User wewoori earned 100 points! Total now is 5985 points.
User wewoori earned 30 points! Total now is 6015 points.
User wewoori lost 100 points! Total now is 5915 points.
User wewoori earned 30 points! Total now is 5945 points.
User wewoori earned 100 points! Total now is 6045 points.
User wewoori earned 30 points! Total now is 6075 points.
User wewoori lost 100 points! Total now is 5975 points.
User wewoori earned 30 points! Total now is 6005 points.
User wewoori earned 100 points! Total now is 6105 points.
User wewoori earned 30 points! Total now is 6135 points.
User wewoori lost 100 points! Total now is 6035 points.
http://kldp.org/node/83993 에서는 되는군요.. 근데 다른글들 (제가작성해놓은글)
에서는 안되는 듯합니다.. 이유는 모르겠습니다..참고로 댓글은 올리고 내려도 포인트가
변함이 없는것같군요.. 작은 도움이나마 되셨으면 합니다.!!!
* User dragonkun earned 1 points! Total now is 2616 points.
* User wewoori earned 30 points! Total now is 6671 points.
* User wewoori earned 100 points! Total now is 6771 points.
* User wewoori earned 30 points! Total now is 6801 points.
* User wewoori earned 100 points! Total now is 6901 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3903 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 4003 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 4033 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 4133 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 4293 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 4393 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 4423 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 4523 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 4683 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 4783 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 4813 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 4913 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 4943 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 5043 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 5073 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 5173 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 5203 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 5303 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 5333 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 5433 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 5463 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 5563 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 5593 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 5693 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 5723 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 5823 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 5853 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 5953 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 5983 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 6083 points.
이 댓글(comment)의 수정 및 삭제를 위해 이 글에 답글(reply)을 쓰지 말아 주십시요.
의견이 있으시면 원 글에 댓글(comment)로 써 주세요.
헉.. 만 포인트까지 가셨군요. 축하드리기도 뭐하고 =_=;;
개인적으로는 뭔 매트릭스의 한 장면을 보는 듯한..
관리자 분들께서 판단하셔야 할 일이겠지만, 나타나는 현상이 확실하다면
실례가 안된다면 암호를 바꾸고 잠시 아이디를 빌려서 어떤 상황인지
체크하는데 도움이 될지 모르겠습니다.
perl -e's@@JEON Myoung-jin@;sub man{s| _|her e|}
sub see{s;^;Just;;u;s;e ;Perl ;;to;print$_,$/}$uperMan=M;
s=^....=U are not=;s~$uperMan~~;&admitIt;s=U are = A=;s|young|_|;&man;
sub admitIt{say;ye;s!-\w+! Hacker!};see U'
머 예상입니다만...
님의 덧글이 많이 달린글을
글의 주인이 삭제한거 아닐까요..?
포인트가 어떻게 주어지는건지 그것갖고 멀하는지는 잘 모르겟지만.. ;;
여기서부터는 서명입니다:-)
운명이란 누가 주어주는것도 아니고
본인의 피로 그걸 극복할 수 있다
그 운명을 좀더 공평하게 만들고자 하는게 내 일이다.
여기서부터는 서명입니다:-)
운명이란 누가 주어주는것도 아니고
본인의 피로 그걸 극복할 수 있다
그 운명을 좀더 공평하게 만들고자 하는게 내 일이다.
본문을 지우면
본문을 지우면 점수가 깎이긴 합니다만
답글은 지워져도 점수는 *아직* 남습니다.
포인트가 다시 계산된다면 없어질 것 같기는 합니다.

$Myoungjin_JEON=@@=qw^rekcaH lreP rehtonA tsuJ^;$|++;{$i=$like=pop@@;unshift@@,$i;$~=18-length$i;print"\r[","~"x abs,(scalar reverse$i),"~"x($~-abs),"]"and select$good,$day,$mate,1/$~for 0..$~,-$~+1..-1;redo}
아직 남에게 포인트
아직 남에게 포인트 주는 건 안되는 것 같은데요?
아마 직접 포인트 주신걸로 점수를 획득하신 듯..
너무 개의치 마세요. 포인트가 다시 계산되는 그날 진실은 밝혀질 겁니다.
may point be with you. =_=

$Myoungjin_JEON=@@=qw^rekcaH lreP rehtonA tsuJ^;$|++;{$i=$like=pop@@;unshift@@,$i;$~=18-length$i;print"\r[","~"x abs,(scalar reverse$i),"~"x($~-abs),"]"and select$good,$day,$mate,1/$~for 0..$~,-$~+1..-1;redo}
지금은 어느 새
지금은 어느 새 19에서 79로 60점 올랐군요. 하지만 60점 올랐다는 메시지도 뜨지 않았습니다.
도대체 무슨 일일까요?
토픽글은 30점씩
토픽글은 30점씩 올라갑니다. 메세지가 뜨지 않은 건 좀 이상하네요.

$Myoungjin_JEON=@@=qw^rekcaH lreP rehtonA tsuJ^;$|++;{$i=$like=pop@@;unshift@@,$i;$~=18-length$i;print"\r[","~"x abs,(scalar reverse$i),"~"x($~-abs),"]"and select$good,$day,$mate,1/$~for 0..$~,-$~+1..-1;redo}
그건 저도 알고
그건 저도 알고 있습니다. 그래서 -11에서 19로 오른 거였고요.
전에 포인트
전에 포인트 시스템에 버그가 있다는
공지가 떴던 것으로 압니다.
저는... 갑자기
저는... 갑자기 100점을 얻었따는 메세지가 뜨더니 100점이 어디서 굴러들어왔습니다. 신기해 하는 중이었습니다.
Lee Yeosong(이여송 사도요한)
E-Mail: yeosong@gmail.com
Blog: http://blog.lecl.net:8888/lanet/
Wiki(Read-Only): http://yeosong.lecl.net:8888/wiki/
MSN: ysnglee2000@hotmail.com
웃음... 행복... 평화... (진정한...) 희망... 사랑... 이 세상 모든것이 그렇다면 얼마나 좋을까...(꿈 속의
포인트를 내렸다 올리니 60씩 올라가네요
포인트를 내렸다 올리니 -2 와 0을 왔다갔다 하는데 그때마다 60씩 올라가네요 버그가 있는듯합니다
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 2703 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 2803 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 2833 points.
* User 에멜무지로 lost 100 points! Total now is 2733 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 2763 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 2893 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3053 points.
* User 에멜무지로 lost 100 points! Total now is 2853 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 2943 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 3043 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3073 points.
* User 에멜무지로 lost 100 points! Total now is 2973 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3003 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 3103 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3133 points.
* User 에멜무지로 lost 100 points! Total now is 3033 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3063 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 3163 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3193 points.
* User 에멜무지로 lost 100 points! Total now is 3093 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3123 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 3223 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3253 points.
* User 에멜무지로 lost 100 points! Total now is 3153 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3183 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 3283 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3313 points.
* User 에멜무지로 lost 100 points! Total now is 3213 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3243 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 3343 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3373 points.
* User 에멜무지로 lost 100 points! Total now is 3273 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3303 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 3403 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3433 points.
* User 에멜무지로 lost 100 points! Total now is 3333 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3423 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 3523 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3553 points.
* User 에멜무지로 lost 100 points! Total now is 3453 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3483 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 3583 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3613 points.
* User 에멜무지로 lost 100 points! Total now is 3513 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3543 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 3643 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3673 points.
* User 에멜무지로 lost 100 points! Total now is 3573 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3603 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 3703 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3733 points.
* User 에멜무지로 lost 100 points! Total now is 3633 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3663 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 3763 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3793 points.
* User 에멜무지로 lost 100 points! Total now is 3693 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3723 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 3823 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3853 points.
* User 에멜무지로 lost 100 points! Total now is 3753 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3783 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 3883 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3913 points.
* User 에멜무지로 lost 100 points! Total now is 3813 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3843 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 3943 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3973 points.
* User 에멜무지로 lost 100 points! Total now is 3873 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3903 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 4003 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 4033 points.
* User 에멜무지로 lost 100 points! Total now is 3933 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 4023 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 4123 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 4153 points.
* User 에멜무지로 lost 100 points! Total now is 4053 points.
이 댓글(comment)의 수정 및 삭제를 위해 이 글에 답글(reply)을 쓰지 말아 주십시요.
의견이 있으시면 원 글에 댓글(comment)로 써 주세요.
다른 분들은
다른 분들은 어떤가요?
그리고 해당 현상이 발생하는 글이나 답글의 url을 좀 알려 주시면 감사드리겠습니다.
포인트가 돈이나 기타 그에 상응하는 어떤 실제적인 댓가로 연결되어 있지 않은 것이 다행이군요. -_-;;;
저는 잘 안되네요(아쉽..)
일단 몇개의 쓰레드를 가지고 시험해보았는데 잘 안되네요 ^^ 1점만 주고 마는데요; :-)
########### 기운이 솟아나는 티거 호랑이 노래 ###########
폴짝폴짝 폴짝폴짝 비켜나세요. 티거가 나가거든요 폴짝폴짝폴짝~
저기가는 저 푸우 조심하세요~ 바지벗고 다니다가 어흥!!
제 경우에 이 글로
제 경우에 이 글로 테스트가 됩니다. 그런데 좀 바뀌었네요.
내렸다가 올리면 70점씩 깎이네요. 반대도 마찬가지구요.

$Myoungjin_JEON=@@=qw^rekcaH lreP rehtonA tsuJ^;$|++;{$i=$like=pop@@;unshift@@,$i;$~=18-length$i;print"\r[","~"x abs,(scalar reverse$i),"~"x($~-abs),"]"and select$good,$day,$mate,1/$~for 0..$~,-$~+1..-1;redo}
어? 동작을
어? 동작을 멈췄습니다. 오늘 해보니까 안되네요.

$Myoungjin_JEON=@@=qw^rekcaH lreP rehtonA tsuJ^;$|++;{$i=$like=pop@@;unshift@@,$i;$~=18-length$i;print"\r[","~"x abs,(scalar reverse$i),"~"x($~-abs),"]"and select$good,$day,$mate,1/$~for 0..$~,-$~+1..-1;redo}
다른 곳에서 새로 발생했습니다.
이 곳입니다. 인증샷 올라갑니다.

스샷 1번 :
스샷 2번:
모두 -1점 상태의 글에 +1을 주었을 때 나오는 모습이었습니다.
웁.. 심각한
웁.. 심각한 버그군요. 저도 60점 드렸습니다. =_=;;

$Myoungjin_JEON=@@=qw^rekcaH lreP rehtonA tsuJ^;$|++;{$i=$like=pop@@;unshift@@,$i;$~=18-length$i;print"\r[","~"x abs,(scalar reverse$i),"~"x($~-abs),"]"and select$good,$day,$mate,1/$~for 0..$~,-$~+1..-1;redo}
흡.. 저런.. ---- Lee
흡.. 저런..
Lee Yeosong(이여송 사도요한)
E-Mail: yeosong@gmail.com
Blog: http://blog.lecl.net:8888/lanet/
Wiki(Read-Only): http://yeosong.lecl.net:8888/wiki/
MSN: ysnglee2000@hotmail.com
웃음... 행복... 평화... (진정한...) 희망... 사랑... 이 세상 모든것이 그렇다면 얼마나 좋을까...(꿈 속의
User wewoori earned 30 points! Total now is 5563 points.
User wewoori earned 100 points! Total now is 5663 points.
User wewoori earned 30 points! Total now is 5693 points.
User wewoori lost 100 points! Total now is 5593 points.
마이너스 플러스을 오르락거리니깐.. 이렇게 되는군요..!!!
근데 지금은 또 안되네요.. 아마 어느때는 되고.. 어느때는 안되고.. 하는 것이
아닌가 싶기는 합니다만....
특정글에서만 되는듯하네요..
User wewoori earned 30 points! Total now is 5705 points.
User wewoori earned 100 points! Total now is 5805 points.
User wewoori earned 30 points! Total now is 5835 points.
User wewoori lost 100 points! Total now is 5735 points.
User wewoori earned 30 points! Total now is 5765 points.
User wewoori earned 100 points! Total now is 5865 points.
User wewoori earned 30 points! Total now is 5895 points.
User wewoori lost 100 points! Total now is 5795 points.
User wewoori earned 30 points! Total now is 5825 points.
User wewoori earned 100 points! Total now is 5925 points.
User wewoori earned 30 points! Total now is 5955 points.
User wewoori lost 100 points! Total now is 5855 points.
User wewoori earned 30 points! Total now is 5885 points.
User wewoori earned 100 points! Total now is 5985 points.
User wewoori earned 30 points! Total now is 6015 points.
User wewoori lost 100 points! Total now is 5915 points.
User wewoori earned 30 points! Total now is 5945 points.
User wewoori earned 100 points! Total now is 6045 points.
User wewoori earned 30 points! Total now is 6075 points.
User wewoori lost 100 points! Total now is 5975 points.
User wewoori earned 30 points! Total now is 6005 points.
User wewoori earned 100 points! Total now is 6105 points.
User wewoori earned 30 points! Total now is 6135 points.
User wewoori lost 100 points! Total now is 6035 points.
http://kldp.org/node/83993 에서는 되는군요.. 근데 다른글들 (제가작성해놓은글)
에서는 안되는 듯합니다.. 이유는 모르겠습니다..참고로 댓글은 올리고 내려도 포인트가
변함이 없는것같군요.. 작은 도움이나마 되셨으면 합니다.!!!
즐거운 한주되세요..!!!
그 글에 평가를 하면
그 글에 평가를 하면 다음과 같이 되는 군요.
* User dragonkun earned 1 points! Total now is 2616 points.
* User wewoori earned 30 points! Total now is 6671 points.
* User wewoori earned 100 points! Total now is 6771 points.
* User wewoori earned 30 points! Total now is 6801 points.
* User wewoori earned 100 points! Total now is 6901 points.
Emerging the World!
Emerging the World!
감사합니다. 포인트... 문제가 해결된줄 알았는데 그게 아니었네요. 혹 다른 증상이 발견되면 계속 글 올려 주세요...
혹 글을 수정할 때
혹 글을 수정할 때 다른 사람에게 포인트가 추가되는 예전 버그 해결을 위한 패치 때문이 아닐까 하여 테스트를 위해 잠시 원래대로 되돌려 놓았습니다. 확인해 보시고 문제가 계속 발생하는지 확인 부탁드립니다...
이제 반대가됐습니다.
테스트한글은 위에 제가 적어놓은 글입니다.
일단 포인트을 올려주면 반응이 없습니다. 하지만 포인트을 내리면 이렇게됩니다...
* User wewoori earned 30 points! Total now is 6661 points.
* User wewoori lost 100 points! Total now is 6561 points.
그동안 저에 글이 마음 안들었던분들.. 가셔서 마이너스...(농담인거 아시죠..!!!)
넘 피곤한 하루였습니다.. 이제 그만 자러갈랍니다..!!! 잠은 별로 안올것같지만....
이놈의 아토피...!!!!! 잠 좀 자자...
내렸다 올렸다 반복시 점점 올라가네요
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 3903 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 4003 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 4033 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 4133 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 4293 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 4393 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 4423 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 4523 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 4683 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 4783 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 4813 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 4913 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 4943 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 5043 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 5073 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 5173 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 5203 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 5303 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 5333 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 5433 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 5463 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 5563 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 5593 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 5693 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 5723 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 5823 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 5853 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 5953 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 30 points! Total now is 5983 points.
* User 에멜무지로 earned 100 points! Total now is 6083 points.
이 댓글(comment)의 수정 및 삭제를 위해 이 글에 답글(reply)을 쓰지 말아 주십시요.
의견이 있으시면 원 글에 댓글(comment)로 써 주세요.
5점 받아서 보너스
5점 받아서 보너스 점수를 얻은 글에 한해서 그런거 아닐까요?

May the F/OSS be with you..
May the F/OSS be with you..
전 제가 쓴 이 글에다
전 제가 쓴 이 글에다 포인트를 올릴 때는 1포인트조차 주지도 않는데, 내리면 130씩이나 주는군요. 블루스크린 님과 같은 증상인가 봅니다.
헉.. 만 포인트까지
헉.. 만 포인트까지 가셨군요. 축하드리기도 뭐하고 =_=;;
개인적으로는 뭔 매트릭스의 한 장면을 보는 듯한..
관리자 분들께서 판단하셔야 할 일이겠지만, 나타나는 현상이 확실하다면
실례가 안된다면 암호를 바꾸고 잠시 아이디를 빌려서 어떤 상황인지
체크하는데 도움이 될지 모르겠습니다.
perl -e's@@JEON Myoung-jin@;sub man{s| _|her e|}
sub see{s;^;Just;;u;s;e ;Perl ;;to;print$_,$/}$uperMan=M;
s=^....=U are not=;s~$uperMan~~;&admitIt;s=U are = A=;s|young|_|;&man;
sub admitIt{say;ye;s!-\w+! Hacker!};see U'
$Myoungjin_JEON=@@=qw^rekcaH lreP rehtonA tsuJ^;$|++;{$i=$like=pop@@;unshift@@,$i;$~=18-length$i;print"\r[","~"x abs,(scalar reverse$i),"~"x($~-abs),"]"and select$good,$day,$mate,1/$~for 0..$~,-$~+1..-1;redo}
동일한 증상이
동일한 증상이 발생하는지 다시한번 확인해봐 주시겠어요?
여전합니다. 아까처럼 130이 아니라 30인 것만 빼고요.
저 처럼 포인트에 신경 쓰지 않고..
전 제 포인트가 뭐에 쓰는지도 모르고, 얼마 있는지도 모르는..
포인트 많아도 돈도 안되는데요...
1t의 생각보다 1g의 실천이 낫다.