Linux kernel Language Maintainer

ganadist의 이미지

리눅스 커널 메일링에 각 언어별 Contact point를 담당할 사람을 Language Maintainer로 정하자는 의견이 진행중입니다.

Language Maintainer는 다음과 같은 역할을 할 모양입니다.


The langauges in which the Linux kernel is developed are C and English.
(Note that Linus Torvalds' native language is Swedish, yet he chose
to hold technical discussions in English.)

The job of a language maintainer is to provide a point of contact for
non-english speaking developers who wish to merge their patches into the
Linux kernel. Each language needs a specific language maintainer, who
accepts non-english patch submissions on behalf of the Linux kernel.

A language maintainer accepts patches to the Linux kernel, written in C, from
authors who do not also speak English. The language maintainer translates the
description of each patch into English, forwards the patches to linux-kernel
and to the appropriate maintainers for inclusion in the Linux kernel, and
translates questions and replies about such patches as part of the
patch review process.

Some language maintainers provide a mailing list as a point of contact, to
distribute the translation work, but the maintainer is still the person who
ultimately forwards the results (to prevent duplicates), and the one to contact
if patches and questions don't get translated and forwarded in a timely fashion.

이 역할이 활성화 된다고 하면 적어도 커널개발에 대해서 언어장벽은 많이 사라질듯 합니다.

익명 사용자의 이미지

이야~~~ 멋지네요. 한국어도 누군가 나서 주시면 좋을 텐데...