해커들이 Safari 브라우저 for window의 보안 문제를 하루만에 찾아냈다고 합니다.

nike984의 이미지


위 사이트를 보면 사파리 윈도 버젼의 보안문제가 해커들에 의해 하루만에 6개가 발견 되었다고
합니다. Thor Larhom이란 사람은 문제점을 찾아내는데 딱 두시간 걸렸다는군요.
물론 베타버젼은 문제점이 있고 보안문제가 많은거긴 하지만 딱 두시간만에 보안문제가 발견되는건
좀 심하자나요 -_-;;;


Hackers Break Apple's Safari for Windows on First Day

Apple (AAPL) may live to regret its claim that Safari for Windows is "secure from day one."

It probably regrets it already. The computer security blogs this morning are lit up like Christmas trees with reports of exploits, vulnerabilities and denial of service (DoS) attacks. Thor Larhom claims that it took him only two hours to find "a fully functional command execution vulnerability." Dave Maynor provides a running commentary of his exploits:

Using publicly available tools we had a DoS in no time...Whoops, sorry, thats not a DoS, its memory corruption.... a new bug. These are popping out like hotcakes....I'd like to note that we found a totl of 6 bugs in an afternoon, 4 DoS and 2 remote code execution bugs. We have weaponized one of those to be reliable and its diffrent that what Thor has found. (link; spelling is original, to say the least)
In Apple's defense, what they have released is a beta version of Safari, and betas are made for bug detection. But by creating a version that runs on Windows, it has left the relatively safe harbor of 5% market share and exposed itself to the winds of malware that blow fierce in the Microsoft (MSFT) Windows environment.