폴더플러스 설치후 실행시..

rocketboys의 이미지

이런 오류 창과 함께

떴다가 2초정도 후에 그냥 사라져버립니다.

터미널에서 본 오류는.,..:

fixme:process:IsWow64Process (0xffffffff 0x34f5c4) stub!
fixme:shdocvw:WebBrowser_QueryInterface (0x17d4c8)->({bd1ae5e0-a6ae-11ce-bd37-504200c10000} 0x34e728) interface not supported
fixme:shdocvw:PersistStreamInit_Load (0x17d4c8)->(0x34e6f4)
fixme:shdocvw:OleControl_FreezeEvents (0x17d4c8)->(1)
fixme:shdocvw:OleControl_FreezeEvents (0x17d4c8)->(0)
err:ole:CoGetClassObject class {4955dd33-b159-11d0-8fcf-00aa006bcc59} not registered
err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {4955dd33-b159-11d0-8fcf-00aa006bcc59} could be created for context 0x1
fixme:shdocvw:ClOleCommandTarget_QueryStatus (0x17d55c)->((null) 1 0x34de74 (nil))
fixme:shdocvw:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec (0x17d55c)->((null) 25 2 0x34de88 (nil))
fixme:shdocvw:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec (0x17d55c)->((null) 26 2 0x34de88 (nil))
fixme:shdocvw:ClientSite_GetContainer (0x17d55c)->(0x34dec4)
fixme:shdocvw:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec (0x17d55c)->({000214d1-0000-0000-c000-000000000046} 37 0 0x34dfe8 (nil))
fixme:shdocvw:HttpNegotiate_BeginningTransaction (0x19cce8)->(L"" L"" 0 0x34dffc)
fixme:shdocvw:BindStatusCallback_GetBindInfo (0x19cce8)->(0x34e000 0x34df24)
fixme:shdocvw:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec (0x17d55c)->((null) 29 2 0x34ccb0 (nil))
fixme:shdocvw:DocHostUIHandler_GetDropTarget (0x17d55c)
wine: Unhandled page fault on write access to 0x00000024 at address 0x60236c72 (thread 0024), starting debugger...
Unhandled exception: page fault on write access to 0x00000024 in 32-bit code (0x60236c72).
Register dump:
CS:0073 SS:007b DS:007b ES:007b FS:0033 GS:003b
EIP:60236c72 ESP:0034003c EBP:00340050 EFLAGS:00210202( - 00 - -RI1)
EAX:00000024 EBX:00110001 ECX:00000001 EDX:00000002
ESI:00853be4 EDI:0034a0d0
Stack dump:
0x0034003c: 0000f842 008444ac 0083c8e8 00001499
0x0034004c: 00110001 0034a0ec 60236268 00001498
0x0034005c: 0000f842 0034a08c 0034a090 00000000
0x0034006c: 00000040 007d1c80 00000000 00000000
0x0034007c: 00340080 01010100 00000101 00000000
0x0034008c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
=>1 0x60236c72 in gkgfxwin (+0x6c72) (0x00340050)
2 0x60236268 in gkgfxwin (+0x6268) (0x0034a0ec)
3 0x60237023 in gkgfxwin (+0x7023) (0x0034a128)
4 0x602382ad in gkgfxwin (+0x82ad) (0x0034a160)
5 0x602395bc in gkgfxwin (+0x95bc) (0x0034a194)
6 0x6023a165 in gkgfxwin (+0xa165) (0x0034a1c8)
7 0x602348b3 in gkgfxwin (+0x48b3) (0x0034a204)
8 0x602aa2af in gklayout (+0x4a2af) (0x0034a4e0)
9 0x602aabbf in gklayout (+0x4abbf) (0x0034a7ec)
10 0x602c7573 in gklayout (+0x67573) (0x0034a944)
11 0x602a1a98 in gklayout (+0x41a98) (0x0034a980)
12 0x602a188b in gklayout (+0x4188b) (0x0034a9cc)
13 0x602a16f0 in gklayout (+0x416f0) (0x0034aa8c)
14 0x602a0813 in gklayout (+0x40813) (0x0034ab38)
15 0x602a0062 in gklayout (+0x40062) (0x0034abe0)
16 0x6029f010 in gklayout (+0x3f010) (0x0034add4)
17 0x602af2f3 in gklayout (+0x4f2f3) (0x0034adfc)
18 0x6031d054 in gklayout (+0xbd054) (0x0034afac)
19 0x602af2f3 in gklayout (+0x4f2f3) (0x0034afd4)
20 0x6031b5e8 in gklayout (+0xbb5e8) (0x0034b2a8)
21 0x6031c17a in gklayout (+0xbc17a) (0x0034b2dc)
22 0x602af2f3 in gklayout (+0x4f2f3) (0x0034b304)
23 0x60317958 in gklayout (+0xb7958) (0x0034b46c)
24 0x60318c09 in gklayout (+0xb8c09) (0x0034b4d4)
25 0x602af2f3 in gklayout (+0x4f2f3) (0x0034b4fc)
26 0x60311100 in gklayout (+0xb1100) (0x0034b770)
27 0x6030f309 in gklayout (+0xaf309) (0x0034b808)
28 0x602af2f3 in gklayout (+0x4f2f3) (0x0034b830)
29 0x6030c1d8 in gklayout (+0xac1d8) (0x0034b95c)
30 0x6030d29a in gklayout (+0xad29a) (0x0034bb88)
31 0x602c67f3 in gklayout (+0x667f3) (0x0034bbbc)
32 0x602a12ad in gklayout (+0x412ad) (0x0034bedc)
33 0x602a05a5 in gklayout (+0x405a5) (0x0034bf80)
34 0x602a0062 in gklayout (+0x40062) (0x0034c028)
35 0x6029f010 in gklayout (+0x3f010) (0x0034c21c)
36 0x602c67f3 in gklayout (+0x667f3) (0x0034c250)
37 0x602a12ad in gklayout (+0x412ad) (0x0034c570)
38 0x602a05a5 in gklayout (+0x405a5) (0x0034c614)
39 0x602a0062 in gklayout (+0x40062) (0x0034c6bc)
40 0x6029f010 in gklayout (+0x3f010) (0x0034c8b0)
41 0x602af2f3 in gklayout (+0x4f2f3) (0x0034c8d8)
42 0x602ae52e in gklayout (+0x4e52e) (0x0034ca24)
43 0x602af2f3 in gklayout (+0x4f2f3) (0x0034ca4c)
44 0x602ba28f in gklayout (+0x5a28f) (0x0034cb4c)
45 0x602ba34a in gklayout (+0x5a34a) (0x0034cc28)
46 0x602ba6a9 in gklayout (+0x5a6a9) (0x0034cd50)
47 0x602af2f3 in gklayout (+0x4f2f3) (0x0034cd78)
48 0x602af919 in gklayout (+0x4f919) (0x0034cf88)
49 0x6027269e in gklayout (+0x1269e) (0x0034d07c)
50 0x602791eb in gklayout (+0x191eb) (0x0034d130)
51 0x60278f70 in gklayout (+0x18f70) (0x0034d160)
52 0x6116e1d0 in xpcom_core (+0x2e1d0) (0x60f741e0)
53 0x778b0c24 (0x7c8b5756)
54 0x00000000 (0x00000000)
0x60236c72: orl %edx,0x0(%eax)
Module Address Debug info Name (154 modules)
PE 400000- 537000 Deferred folderplus browser 4
PE 10000000-1028e000 Deferred folderplusresource
PE 5f400000-5f4f2000 Deferred mfc42
PE 600a0000-600d9000 Deferred appcomps
PE 600e0000-600f0000 Deferred appshell
PE 60120000-6012f000 Deferred caps
PE 60130000-60140000 Deferred chrome
PE 60150000-60159000 Deferred cookie
PE 60160000-6018c000 Deferred docshell
PE 60200000-6021e000 Deferred embedcomponents
PE 60230000-60254000 Export gkgfxwin
PE 60260000-6052d000 Export gklayout
PE 60530000-60568000 Deferred gkparser
PE 605a0000-605c5000 Deferred gkwidget
PE 605d0000-605fe000 Deferred i18n
PE 60610000-60635000 Deferred imglib2
PE 606d0000-606dd000 Deferred jar50
PE 606e0000-606ef000 Deferred jsd3250
PE 60730000-6074a000 Deferred mork
PE 60940000-609bb000 Deferred necko
PE 609e0000-609ec000 Deferred oji
PE 60a00000-60a18000 Deferred palmsync
PE 60a20000-60a27000 Deferred perms
PE 60a30000-60a38000 Deferred pipboot
PE 60a90000-60a9e000 Deferred profile
PE 60aa0000-60aba000 Deferred rdf
PE 60af0000-60af7000 Deferred sroaming
PE 60b40000-60b4c000 Deferred typeaheadfind
PE 60b50000-60c0b000 Deferred uconv
PE 60c70000-60c7e000 Deferred webbrwsr
PE 60cf0000-60d22000 Deferred xpc3250
PE 60d30000-60d37000 Deferred xpcom_compat_c
PE 60d70000-60d7c000 Deferred xppref32
PE 60d80000-60d96000 Deferred gkgfx
PE 60da0000-60e09000 Deferred js3250
PE 60e10000-60e23000 Deferred jsj3250
PE 60ec0000-60ed1000 Deferred mozz
PE 60ee0000-60f14000 Deferred msgbsutl
PE 60f60000-60f87000 Deferred nspr4
PE 60f90000-60fe9000 Deferred nss3
PE 60ff0000-6102a000 Deferred nssckbi
PE 61030000-61037000 Deferred palmsyncproxy
PE 61040000-61047000 Deferred plc4
PE 61050000-61056000 Deferred plds4
PE 61060000-61068000 Deferred npnul32
PE 61070000-6108a000 Deferred smime3
PE 61090000-610ea000 Deferred softokn3
PE 610f0000-6110b000 Deferred ssl3
PE 61110000-61116000 Deferred xpcom
PE 61120000-61134000 Deferred xpcom_compat
PE 61140000-611a5000 Export xpcom_core
PE 611b0000-611b6000 Deferred xpistub
PE 780c0000-78121000 Deferred msvcp60
ELF 7b800000-7b924000 Deferred kernel32
\-PE 7b820000-7b924000 \ kernel32
ELF 7bc00000-7bc96000 Deferred ntdll
\-PE 7bc10000-7bc96000 \ ntdll
ELF 7bf00000-7bf03000 Deferred
ELF 7c868000-7c86e000 Deferred libnss_dns.so.2
ELF 7cdc3000-7ce14000 Deferred libgcrypt.so.11
ELF 7ce14000-7ce29000 Deferred libtasn1.so.3
ELF 7ce29000-7ce57000 Deferred libcrypt.so.1
ELF 7ce61000-7ced1000 Deferred libgnutls.so.13
ELF 7ced1000-7cf02000 Deferred libcups.so.2
ELF 7cf02000-7cfa2000 Deferred comdlg32
\-PE 7cf10000-7cfa2000 \ comdlg32
ELF 7cfa2000-7cfd5000 Deferred winspool
\-PE 7cfb0000-7cfd5000 \ winspool
ELF 7d1f7000-7d26a000 Deferred mshtml
\-PE 7d200000-7d26a000 \ mshtml
ELF 7d26a000-7d2a0000 Deferred urlmon
\-PE 7d270000-7d2a0000 \ urlmon
ELF 7d2a0000-7d2da000 Deferred shdocvw
\-PE 7d2b0000-7d2da000 \ shdocvw
ELF 7d2e8000-7d2eb000 Deferred libnss_mdns4_minimal.so.2
ELF 7d300000-7d304000 Deferred libgpg-error.so.0
ELF 7d331000-7d363000 Deferred uxtheme
\-PE 7d340000-7d363000 \ uxtheme
ELF 7d363000-7d378000 Deferred midimap
\-PE 7d370000-7d378000 \ midimap
ELF 7d378000-7d39e000 Deferred msacm32
\-PE 7d380000-7d39e000 \ msacm32
ELF 7d39e000-7d3b6000 Deferred msacm32
\-PE 7d3a0000-7d3b6000 \ msacm32
ELF 7d610000-7d64c000 Deferred wineoss
\-PE 7d620000-7d64c000 \ wineoss
ELF 7d64e000-7d653000 Deferred libxfixes.so.3
ELF 7d653000-7d65c000 Deferred libxcursor.so.1
ELF 7d65c000-7d662000 Deferred libxrandr.so.2
ELF 7d662000-7d66a000 Deferred libxrender.so.1
ELF 7d993000-7d995000 Deferred libnvidia-tls.so.1
ELF 7d995000-7e21b000 Deferred libglcore.so.1
ELF 7e21b000-7e2a7000 Deferred libgl.so.1
ELF 7e2a7000-7e2ac000 Deferred libxdmcp.so.6
ELF 7e2ac000-7e2af000 Deferred libxau.so.6
ELF 7e2af000-7e3a0000 Deferred libx11.so.6
ELF 7e3a0000-7e3ae000 Deferred libxext.so.6
ELF 7e3ae000-7e3b3000 Deferred libxxf86vm.so.1
ELF 7e3b3000-7e3cb000 Deferred libice.so.6
ELF 7e3cb000-7e3d4000 Deferred libsm.so.6
ELF 7e3d4000-7e463000 Deferred winex11
\-PE 7e3e0000-7e463000 \ winex11
ELF 7e4f8000-7e518000 Deferred libexpat.so.1
ELF 7e518000-7e543000 Deferred libfontconfig.so.1
ELF 7e543000-7e557000 Deferred libz.so.1
ELF 7e557000-7e5c2000 Deferred libfreetype.so.6
ELF 7e5c2000-7e5e1000 Deferred mpr
\-PE 7e5d0000-7e5e1000 \ mpr
ELF 7e5e1000-7e629000 Deferred wininet
\-PE 7e5f0000-7e629000 \ wininet
ELF 7e629000-7e63d000 Deferred lz32
\-PE 7e630000-7e63d000 \ lz32
ELF 7e63d000-7e656000 Deferred version
\-PE 7e640000-7e656000 \ version
ELF 7e656000-7e682000 Deferred ws2_32
\-PE 7e660000-7e682000 \ ws2_32
ELF 7e682000-7e69c000 Deferred wsock32
\-PE 7e690000-7e69c000 \ wsock32
ELF 7e69c000-7e735000 Deferred oleaut32
\-PE 7e6b0000-7e735000 \ oleaut32
ELF 7e735000-7e78a000 Deferred rpcrt4
\-PE 7e740000-7e78a000 \ rpcrt4
ELF 7e78a000-7e826000 Deferred ole32
\-PE 7e7a0000-7e826000 \ ole32
ELF 7e826000-7e8e2000 Deferred comctl32
\-PE 7e830000-7e8e2000 \ comctl32
ELF 7e8e2000-7e93a000 Deferred shlwapi
\-PE 7e8f0000-7e93a000 \ shlwapi
ELF 7e93a000-7ea34000 Deferred shell32
\-PE 7e950000-7ea34000 \ shell32
ELF 7ea34000-7ea99000 Deferred msvcrt
\-PE 7ea40000-7ea99000 \ msvcrt
ELF 7ea99000-7eaac000 Deferred libresolv.so.2
ELF 7eaac000-7eaca000 Deferred iphlpapi
\-PE 7eab0000-7eaca000 \ iphlpapi
ELF 7eaca000-7eb10000 Deferred advapi32
\-PE 7eae0000-7eb10000 \ advapi32
ELF 7eb10000-7eb1c000 Deferred libgcc_s.so.1
ELF 7ec06000-7ecc0000 Deferred gdi32
\-PE 7ec20000-7ecc0000 \ gdi32
ELF 7ecc0000-7edfa000 Deferred user32
\-PE 7ece0000-7edfa000 \ user32
ELF 7edfa000-7ee88000 Deferred winmm
\-PE 7ee10000-7ee88000 \ winmm
ELF 7ee88000-7ee93000 Deferred libnss_files.so.2
ELF 7ee93000-7eeaa000 Deferred libnsl.so.1
ELF 7eeaa000-7eeb3000 Deferred libnss_compat.so.2
ELF 7efcf000-7eff6000 Deferred libm.so.6
ELF 7eff6000-7f000000 Deferred libnss_nis.so.2
ELF b7c98000-b7c9c000 Deferred libdl.so.2
ELF b7c9c000-b7ddd000 Deferred libc.so.6
ELF b7dde000-b7df5000 Deferred libpthread.so.0
ELF b7dff000-b7f10000 Deferred libwine.so.1
ELF b7f12000-b7f2d000 Deferred ld-linux.so.2
process tid prio (all id:s are in hex)
00000023 (D) C:\Program Files\FolderPlus\FolderPlus Browser 4.exe
0000002b 0
00000029 0
00000028 0
00000027 0
00000026 0
00000025 0
00000024 0 <==
0000000c 0
0000000b 0
00000009 0

이러면서 실행이 안되네요.

저는봐도 아무것도 모르겠지만..

어떻게 하면 실행을 할수 있을지..

아시는분들 부탁드리겠습니다...


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