RedHat Enterprise Linux 4.5가 나왔네요!

freelinux의 이미지

4.4버전에 가상머신 등을 강화시킨 것 같습니다. 자세한 내용 아시는 분들은 추가 사항 부탁드립니다.

Red Hat has announced the release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 4.5, the fifth update to RHEL 4 series: "Red Hat is pleased to announce the general availability of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.5 (kernel 2.6.9-55.EL). This update includes the following enhancements: RHEL4 paravirtualized kernel for i686 and x86_64 and installation of paravirt RHEL4.5 guests; updated kernel support for Infiniband; NFS performance metrics; EDAC for Opteron; diskdump support for sata_nv and ibmvscsi drivers; netdump support to 8139cp driver; CIFS updated to 1.45; clustering application support through dm device ioctls.There were several bug fixes in various parts of the kernel." This is the first RHEL release with the new "point" numbering (instead of the old "4 Update X" version numbers). Please read the release announcement for further details. Installable binary and source ISO images are available for download from Red Hat Network (subscribers only).

까나리의 이미지


마찬가지로 CentOS 4.5 가 나올꺼 같네요 ... 음 근데 apache 2.2 는 RHEL 4 용으로 좀 내주지 (쥘쥘)