Groovy 1.0 공개 되었습니다.
2007년 1월 2일자로 공개 되었습니다.
오랜 베타기간이 끝났네요. 정말 축하할 일 같습니다.
몰랐었는데... 한국어 홈페이지도 있네요. : D
Groovy 1.0 is there
Last changed: Jan 02, 2007 18:08 by Guillaume LaforgeThe Groovy developer team and myself are proud and delighted to announce the final release of Groovy 1.0.
Groovy is a dynamic language for the JVM that integrates seamlessly with the Java platform.
It offers a Java-like syntax, with language features inspired by Smalltalk, Python or Ruby, and lets your reuse all your Java libraries and protect the investment you made in Java skills, tools or application servers.
Groovy can be used for various purposes, from adhoc shell scripting leveraging Java APIs, to full-blown web applications built on Spring and Hibernate through the Grails web framework.
It can also be integrated very easily in your applications to externalize business logic, create Domain-Specific Languages, or to provide templating capabilities, and much more.A lot of passion and energy has been put in this new version after two release candidates that have been tested against real-world projects: on a mission-critical insurance application, on the XWiki 2nd generation wiki engine, as well as on the RIFE framework and through the Spring 2.0 scripting integration.
Groovy 1.0's distribution can be downloaded from the usual place: JARs should be in Maven's repositories soon, but in the meantime, you can find them here: hope you will enjoy this release as much as we enjoyed working on it.
Let me thank the whole Groovy team and all the past Groovy committers for their hard work -- too many persons to name everybody!
Big thanks to all our users who have been helping us spot bugs, answer questions on the lists, or contribute documentation and ideas.
It's been a wonderful experience to work with you all to deliver this important milestone of the Groovy project.On behalf of the whole team, I also seize this opportunity to wish you all the best for this new year.
May 2007 be a groovy year! If you haven't used Groovy yet, make sure that learning Groovy is on your list of resolutions for 2007!
And if that's the case, and you wish to learn Groovy or to dive deeper, you should certainly read "Groovy in Action", the Groovy reference book published by Manning.--
Guillaume Laforge
Groovy Project Manager
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이제 자바도
이제 자바도 스크립트 언어가 되는 것인가요^^
스크립트 언어의 강세(?)가 계속되겠군요. ^^
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F/OSS 가 함께하길..
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줏어 듣고 파이썬으로 전향했던 과거가 기억나네요.
귀가 얇아서 탈입니다.
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혹시 구체적인 내용을 말씀해주실 수 있는지요???
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