새로 업그레이드 된 samba 3.0.23 에서 윈도우 Active Directory에 소속된 컴이 리눅스 공유드라이브에 연결을 못합니다.

trip2me의 이미지

윈도우 2003 서버 Active Directory 도메인에 소속된 컴퓨터에서
삼바서버를 운영하는 fedora core 4 리눅스 머신의
공유 드라이브에 연결해 쓰고 있었는데
이번 samba 업데이트 이후 연결이 안됩니다.

public으로 guest가 접근 가능한 삼바 공유는 접근이 되나
user별 연결을 위한 [homes]는 기존 암호와 아이디를 치면
연결을 거부해 버립니다.

workgroup = CE
security = user
server string = SAMBA server
hosts allow = 192.168.1. 192.168.2. 127. 아이피 생략.
load printers = yes
cups options = raw
log file = /usr/local/samba/var/%m.log
max log size = 50
dns proxy = no

comment = Home Directories
browseable = no
writable = yes
valid users = %S
create mask = 0664
directory mask = 0775

comment = All Printers
path = /usr/spool/samba
browseable = no
guest ok = no
writable = no
printable = yes

comment = Public Stuff
path = /home/Multimedia
public = yes
writable = yes
printable = no
write list = @sdr
create mask = 0664
directory mask = 0775

그래서 samba.org 사이트에 가서 이번 버젼의 변경사항을 봤는데

Release Notes for Samba 3.0.23
Jul 10, 2006

This is the latest stable release of Samba. This is the version
that production Samba servers should be running for all current
bug-fixes. Please read the changes in this section for details on
new features and difference in behavior from previous releases.

There has been a substantial amount of cleanup work done during
this development cycle. We would like to thank both Coverity
(http://www.coverity.com/) and Klocwork (http://www.klocwork.com/)
for analyzing the Samba source code. As a result, this release
includes fixes for over 400 defects. The coverage was approximately
even with over 200 defects reported by each tool.

Thanks very much to those people who spent time testing the
release candidates and reported their findings. We would like to
especially thank Thomas Bork for his numerous
reports. We believe that the final release is in much better shape
in large part due to his efforts.

New features in 3.0.23 include:

o Improved 'make test'
o New offline mode in winbindd.
o New Kerberos support for pam_winbind.so.
o New handling of unmapped users and groups.
o New non-root share management tools.
o Improved support for local and BUILTIN groups.
o Winbind IDMAP integration with RFC2307 schema objects supported
by Windows 2003 R2.
o Rewritten 'net ads join' to mimic Windows XP without requiring
administrative rights to join a domain.

User and Group changes

The user and group internal management routines have been
rewritten to prevent overlaps of assigned Relative Identifiers
(RIDs). In the past the has been a potential problem when either
manually mapping Unix groups with the 'net groupmap' command or
when migrating a Windows domain to a Samba domain using 'net rpc

Unmapped users are now assigned a SID in the S-1-22-1 domain and
unmapped groups are assigned a SID in the S-1-22-2 domain.
Previously they were assign a RID within the SAM on the Samba
server. For a DC this would have been under the authority of the
domain SID where as on a member server or standalone host, this
would have been under the authority of the local SAM (hint: net

The result is that any unmapped users or groups on an upgraded
Samba domain controller may be assigned a new SID. Because the
SID rather than a name is stored in Windows security descriptors,
this can cause a user to no longer have access to a resource for
example if a file was copied from a Samba file server to a local
NTFS partition. Any files stored on the Samba server itself will
continue to be accessible because Unix stores the Unix gid and not
the SID for authorization checks.

A further example will help illustrate the change. Assume that a
group named 'developers' exists with a Unix gid of 782 but this
user does not exist in Samba's group mapping table. it would be
perfectly normal for this group to be appear in an ACL editor.
Prior to 3.0.23, the group SID might appear as
S-1-5-21-647511796-4126122067-3123570092-2565. With 3.0.23, the
group SID would be reported as S-1-22-2-782. Any security
descriptors associated with files stored on an NTFS disk partition
would not allow access based on the group permissions if the user
was not a member of the
S-1-5-21-647511796-4126122067-3123570092-2565 group. Because this
group SID not reported in a user's token is S-1-22-2-782, Windows
would fail the authorization check even though both SIDs in some
respect referred to the same Unix group.

The current workaround is to create a manual domain group mapping
entry for the group 'developers' to point at the
S-1-5-21-647511796-4126122067-3123570092-2565 SID.

Passdb Changes

The "passdb backend" parameter no long accepts multiple backends
in a chaining configuration. Also be aware that the SQL and XML
based passdb modules have been removed in this release. More
information of external support for a SQL passdb module can be
found at http://pdbsql.sourceforge.net/.

Group Mapping Changes

The default mapping entries for groups such as "Domain Admins" are
no longer created when using an smbpasswd file or a tdbsam passdb
backend. This means that it is necessary to use 'net groupmap
add' rather than 'net groupmap modify' to set these entries.
This change has no effect on winbindd's IDmap functionality for
domain groups.

LDAP Changes

There has also been a minor update the Samba LDAP schema file. A
substring matching rule has been added to the sambaSID attribute
definition. For OpenLDAP servers, this will require the addition
of 'index sambaSID sub' to the slapd.conf configuration file. It
will be necessary to run slapindex after making this change. There
has been no change to actual data storage schema.


smb.conf changes

Parameter Name Description Default
-------------- ----------- -------
acl group control Deprecated No
add port command New ""
change notify timeout Changed Scope
dmapi support New No
dos filemode Modified No
enable asu support Changed default No
enable core files New Yes
enable privileges Changed default Yes
enable rid algorithm Removed
fam change notify New Yes
hosts equiv Removed
host msdfs Changed default Yes
msdfs root Changed default Yes
open files database hash size New 10007
passdb expand explicit Changed default No
strict locking Changed default auto
usershare allow guests New No
usershare max shares New 0
usershare owner only New Yes
usershare path New ${lockdir}
usershare prefix allow list New ""
usershare prefix deny list New ""
usershare template share New ""
winbind enum users Changed default No
winbind enum groups Changed default No
winbind nested groups Changed default Yes
winbind offline logon New No
winbind refresh tickets New No
winbind max idle children Removed
wins partners Removed

이걸 봐도 잘 모르겠습니다.

Passdb Changes 이부분이 뭔가 연관이 있는듯 한데...

고수분들의 조언 부탁드립니다.

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