마케팅 전문가의 조언 10 가지
글쓴이: sj / 작성시간: 화, 2006/07/04 - 2:59오전
작년에 '보랏빛 소가 온다'를 읽고 세스 고딘을 알게 됨. (인터넷 서점에서 소개하는 세스 고딘은: 컴퓨터 과학과 철학을 공부, 스탠포드 비즈니스 스쿨에서 마케팅 과정 MBA를 취득, 인터넷을 이용한 최초의 다이렉트 마케팅 회사인 요요다인의 설립자이고, 이 회사가 야후와 통합된 이후 2000년 초까지 야후의 마케팅 담당 부사장으로 활동함.)
마케팅 전문가 세스 고딘이 말하는 '프로그래머가 마케팅 담당자에 대해 알아야 하는 10가지'
Ten things programmers might want to know about marketers:
- Marketing is not rational. Programming is. Works the same way every time. Marketing doesn't, almost in a Heisenbergian way. If it worked before, it probably won't work again.
- Marketing is even more difficult to schedule than bug fixes. Marketing expenses are easily timed, of course, but the results are not. That's because there's a human at each end of the equation.
- Most marketers have no clue whatsoever what to do. So we do unoriginal things, or stall, or make promises we can't keep.
- Just because Sergey is both a brilliant programmer and a brilliant marketer doesn't mean that all brilliant programmers are good at marketing.
- People often prefer things that are inelegant, arcane or even broken. Except when they don't.
- Truly brilliant coding is hard to quantify, demand or predict. Same is true with marketing.
- There is no number seven.
- Unlike mediocre programmers, mediocre marketers occasionally get lucky. When they do, they end up with a success they can brag about for a generation. But that doesn't mean they know how to do it again.
- Just because some marketers are dorks doesn't mean your marketer is a dork. Some programmers aren't so great either. Be patient.
- Without marketing, all your great coding is worthless. Push your marketer to be brave and bold and remarkable. Do it every day. Your code is worth it.
...를 일단 퍼다 놓음. (어쭙잖은 번역보다는 원문이 낫지~)
대충 봐서는 프로그래밍과는 달리 마케팅은 비이성적이고, 불확실하고, 운에 맡겨야 한다는 소리를 하는 것 같은데, 10 번째 행의 내용("마케팅이 없다면 아무리 훌륭한 코드라 해도 쓸모없다...")에서 눈길을 떼지 못하네...
*원문 출처: http://sethgodin.typepad.com/seths_blog/2006/06/then_things_pro.html
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