LokiGames Inc. 문닫다.
글쓴이: penguinpow / 작성시간: 화, 2002/01/29 - 4:15오후
리눅스 사용자로서 처음 Loki 사가 세상에 나타났을때 거는 기대는 참으로 컸습니다. 이제 게임 때문에 윈도 안깔아도 되겠다. 이생각이었죠. 근데 안타깝게도 리눅스 시장에 새 영역을 개척해 왔던 개척자중 하나인 Loki Games 가 드디어 문을 닫게 되는 슬픈일이 일어났습니다.
전 그 회사 게임을 5개 가지고 있고 앞으로 더 좋은 게임이 포팅되기를 손꼽아 기다렸는데요. 안타깝게도 이렇게 되고 말았습니다. 개인적으로 slashdot에 올라온 글들 중에 정말 절 가슴아프게 했던 건 리눅스 사용자들이 이 회사 게임을 불법 복사하는 일이 많았다는 거죠. 진정 자유를 외치는 일이 불법 복사가 되어서는 안되겠죠. 모든게 공짜일 수는 없는 것이고 리눅스의 Free는 공짜가 아니라는 걸 다시 깨달아야 할것 같습니다.
여러분들은 이 회사가 리눅스 공동체에 남겨준 것들이 어떤 것이라고 생각하세요. 그리고 앞으로 리눅스 게임시장을 어떻게 보시는지 궁금합니다.
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Loki CVS, FAQ hosted at icculus.org (posted 2002-01-25 07:55:43 by icculus):
Before I get to the important stuff, I want to talk for a moment about Loki's demise.
As some of you know, I used to work for Loki. I had my hands in a lot of projects, but was most well-known for my work on Descent3. I've not left the Linux gaming industry; I'm currently working on a few quieter game-porting projects, and the Linux port of Croteam's Serious Sam.
I left Loki last year for reasons I won't get into here. Feel free to speculate. People love dirty, soap-opera style scandals, which is why people watch Reality TV and fall over themselves to submit news to fuckedcompany.com.
It is sad for the Linux community that Loki is going under, for whatever reason. Again, feel free to speculate as to why this is happening. Most of the speculation I saw on Slashdot's posting was just downright incorrect. Some of it was naive. Much of it just expressed devastation. The rest seemed to ask, "What can we do to help?"
Well, I'm glad you asked.
Don't pirate software. Yes, there is truth to James Sellman's statement. Lots of Linux users want everything for free, and lots of Linux users are filthy pirates when they can't just get software for free. GNU and Linux were never excuses to leech everything. That was never Stallman's point. I should also say, "Don't pirate ANY software, Linux or Windows, or whatever." Realize that every dime you take from Microsoft through piracy is NOTHING in comparison to the hurt that you put on Loki when you burned an ISO.
Support the rest of Linux gaming. There are still commercial companies and indie game shops supporting Linux that need your support. A brief, incomplete list is BlackHoleSun, IllWinter, Linux Game Publishing, iD, Epic, BioWare, Philos Laboratories, Mountain King Studios, Introversion, and PomPom. Do not let these guys down.
Don't buy Windows games. I hear how people can't justify paying full price for an "old game" that Loki ported while they can't stop themselves from running out and buying Quake3 the second it is released at full price for Windows. Dear lord, people. I know that I'm part of this insane industry, but they ARE just games. You can wait for them, and more importantly, you can do without if you really really have to. You need to tell the companies writing the software that you want that you don't want it unless it runs on Linux. The ultimate way to voice your opinion is to vote with your wallet. The sad truth is that this means sacrifice. You aren't going to get Warcraft 3 on Linux, which means that you should never BUY Warcraft 3, even though it will no doubt be a great game.
Pay it forward. If you work at a game company, and like Linux, do the port. It's easier to get forgiveness than permission, and if there's a completely ported game, then there's a possibility that there could be at least unsupported binaries released. If you OWN a game company, I've got a huge pile of extremely qualified developers that will work, under NDA and for mere pennies if not free, to get these games running natively under Linux. I am doing that very thing with Serious Sam (we can learn a lot from Croteam's example, here). If you are an aspiring game coder or artist, work under and release for Linux. If you are looking for a project to help out on, jump onto one of the many open source games, some of which are even hosted here. Help develop the tools and libraries that make these games go. Do not be afraid to strike out and try something, even if it's off the wall. If you are a casual gamer, get in there and report bugs, make suggestions, help improve the quality of everyone's gaming experience.
Stop whining. Loki is going away, and contrary to the image I've painted, it's really not entirely you're fault as a Linux user. There's no denying that Loki made some bad mistakes, and ultimately, Loki might be responsible for her own death. The important thing is this: there were some truly wonderful things that came out of those offices on El Camino Real. Loki's end is not, however, Linux's death knell. The games won't be available from them anymore, but this was never Loki's biggest contribution. As Scott said in his final interview, the goal with all this game porting was to get the tools in place. And in place they are. Which brings us to why I'm saying all this in the first place.
I'm pleased to announce that icculus.org has taken on the weight of hosting much of Loki's open source contributions. We have made available the CVS repositories for much of Loki's projects. Among these are OpenAL, SMPEG, SMJPEG, Loki's Installing and Updating tools, Loki's QAgent, and the Loki's FAQ web interface.
Bear with us as we handle this transition. Some parts are going to click more easily than others. For example, many of these projects now need maintainers. Those interested in taking the helm should contact me, as I will be handling patches and such in the interim.
The CVS repository can be accessed as such:
cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@icculus.org:/cvs/cvsroot login
(the password is "anonymous" without the quotes.)
cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@icculus.org:/cvs/cvsroot co module
module is one of the following:
openal : OpenAL
smpeg : SMPEG
smjpeg : SMJPEG
loki_setup : Loki Setup (installer program)
loki_setupdb : Loki Setup Database (needed with loki_setup)
loki_patch : Loki Patch tool (developers can generate patches)
loki_update : Loki Update tool (end users can apply those patches)
loki_faq : Loki FAQ engine (the PHP that runs faqs.lokigames.com)
loki_qagent : Loki QAgent (experimental code for helping QA teams diagnose user problems)
For those asking, "Where's SDL?": Simple Directmedia Layer has been hosted away from Loki's servers since Sam left his position at Loki. You can find this library at libsdl.org.
We have opted not to host the code to Fenris, since it was a codefork of Bugzilla, and is long out of date. You should use Bugzilla instead.
We have also started work on integrating the content of faqs.lokigames.com with our own Linux Gamers FAQ, in hopes of producing one unified document. This is still work in progress, as we are deciding the best approach to this, so check back regularly.
At this time, we don't have the mailing list and newsgroup archives available, but we're looking at our options for this. If someone else plans on tackling this, please let me know so work isn't duplicated.
Still, mailing lists are important for ongoing development, so we have set some up. To subscribe to one, send a blank email to:
lokisetup-subscribe@icculus.org (this covers the patch and update tools, too)
While I'm advertising, please feel free to visit other projects and parts of icculus.org, maybe request an account here, or make a donation to help cover my bandwidth costs.
You can even just enable the icculus.org Slashbox on your Slashdot account (yes, we've got one).
Of course, everyone should feel free to contact me with any questions.
So, Loki may be dead, but her mission continues. We have the tools; let's make it happen.
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제가 모뎀밖에 안되는 시골에서 리눅스를 쓰는 이유는 게임을 하기 위해서도
제가 모뎀밖에 안되는 시골에서 리눅스를 쓰는 이유는 게임을 하기 위해서도 아니고 마냥 좋아서 이지만 리눅스를 좋아 하는 사람의 입장에서는 유감입니다.
그럼 SDL 계발은 누가 합니까?
혹시 블리자드에서 리눅스 게임이 나올 가능성은 없을 까요? ^.^
SDL 이 뭐죠???(왕 무식 <__> )
SDL 이 뭐죠???(왕 무식 <__> )
하드웨어에 상당히 직접적으로 접근할수 있도록해주는 라이브러리입니다.
하드웨어에 상당히 직접적으로 접근할수 있도록해주는 라이브러리입니다.
조금은 무리가 있지만..
쉽게 말해 DirecX의 리눅스 판? 정도의 개념..입니다
라이브러리 호환을 위해 윈도용 SDL도 있다고 들었습니다.단, win
라이브러리 호환을 위해 윈도용 SDL도 있다고 들었습니다.
단, win32용의 경우는 DirectX의 프론트엔드(?) 정도로만
첨언하자면 DirectX 프론트엔드로 동작하는 모드와GDI를 직접 억
첨언하자면 DirectX 프론트엔드로 동작하는 모드와
GDI를 직접 억세스하는 두가지 방법을 씁니다.
디폴트는 GDI 억세스인듯 하네요..
새로움을 느끼기에 삶은 즐겁다..
모험가 아돌 크리스틴을 꿈꾸며..
slashdot 코멘트 중 다음과 같은 글이 있네요. 어느 정도 공감이
slashdot 코멘트 중 다음과 같은 글이 있네요. 어느 정도 공감이 가는 내용입니다. 특히 Software Piracy 부분...
I think that it can be safe to say that we have a clssic case of Linux Uses shooting themselves in the foot. Why else would he be moved to say:
1. Don't pirate software. Yes, there is truth to James Sellman's statement . Lots of Linux users want everything for free, and lots of Linux users are filthy pirates when they can't just get software for free. GNU and Linux were never excuses to leech everything. That was never Stallman's point. I should also say, "Don't pirate ANY software, Linux or Windows, or whatever." Realize that every dime you take from Microsoft through piracy is NOTHING in comparison to the hurt that you put on Loki when you burned an ISO.
3. Don't buy Windows games. I hear how people can't justify paying full price for an "old game" that Loki ported while they can't stop themselves from running out and buying Quake3 the second it is released at full price for Windows. Dear lord, people. I know that I'm part of this insane industry, but they ARE just games. You can wait for them, and more importantly, you can do without if you really really have to. You need to tell the companies writing the software that you want that you don't want it unless it runs on Linux. The ultimate way to voice your opinion is to vote with your wallet. The sad truth is that this means sacrifice. You aren't going to get Warcraft 3 on Linux, which means that you should never BUY Warcraft 3, even though it will no doubt be a great game.
It is good to note that he does say "Stop whining. Loki is going away, and contrary to the image I've painted, it's really not entirely you're fault as a Linux user. There's no denying that Loki made some bad mistakes, and ultimately, Loki might be responsible for her own death."
But I can't help but think on how some folks helped push them over the edge in a twist on the tradgedy of the commons scenario. Everyone can have some free software only so long as no one gets greedy about taking advantadge of the good will of others, especially when the goodwill is provided by people whose side you are on. sort of. kinda. maybe.
이글의 전문을 읽어 보고 싶습니다.위치를 알려주실수는 없으신지요...
이글의 전문을 읽어 보고 싶습니다.
위치를 알려주실수는 없으신지요....
SDL이 남아도 SDL의 제작자는 이미 Blizzard로 이적했습니다.
SDL이 남아도 SDL의 제작자는 이미 Blizzard로 이적했습니다.
문론 SDL은 계속 업데이트 되겠지만.. Loki일은 정말로 아쉽습니다..
Loki사는 없어지더라도 SDL은 남겠죠. Eazel이 없어졌어도 Nau
Loki사는 없어지더라도 SDL은 남겠죠. Eazel이 없어졌어도 Nautilus가 남았듯이....
SDL이 Loki에서 나온 거였나요?(무식..--;)
SDL이 Loki에서 나온 거였나요?(무식..--;)
'98th student of KW-Univ., Dept of CE.
안녕하세요.. 유령 키다군입니다..^^;SDL은...loki사의
안녕하세요.. 유령 키다군입니다..^^;
SDL은...loki사의 수석디자이너였던..
Sam Lantinga 가 만든 라이브러리로 알고 있습니다..
정작 이분께서는 블리자드로 이동하셨다는 말이있던데..
ps)혹.. 잘못알고 있는거면 어쪄지..-_-;
안경 미소녀가 좋아~!
맞습니다. 2001년 하반기부터는 블리자드에서 일하고 있는 걸로 압니다.
맞습니다. 2001년 하반기부터는 블리자드에서 일하고 있는 걸로 압니다. 그의 개인 홈페이지나, SDL 홈페이지 (http://www.libsdl.org)에 보시면 알수 있죠.