PHP 4.0.3 released

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From Thu Oct 12 02:53:14 2000
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2000 00:42:33 +0200
From: Zeev Suraski
Cc:, PHP Group
Subject: [ANNOUNCE] PHP 4.0.3 released

PHP 4.0.3 has been released. 4.0.3 is mostly a security-oriented
maintenance release, therefore it's *strongly* recommended for all users of
PHP to upgrade to it.


Win32 binaries:
You'd notice that the 4.0.3 Win32 distribution is beefed up with a lot of
loadable modules. The extensive build is courtesy of Daniel Beulshausen -

The full list of changes is enclosed.


11 Oct 2000, Version 4.0.3
- Fixed a possible crash in -a interactive mode (Zeev, Zend Engine)
- Added mysql_escape_string() (Peter A. Savitch and & Brian Wang)
- Fixed many possible crash bugs with improper use of the printf() family of
functions (Andi)
- Fixed a problem that allowed users to override admin_value's and admin_flag's
- Fixed PostgreSQL module to work when the link handle is omitted (Zeev)
- Fixed returning of empty LOB fields in OCI8. (Thies)
- Added Calendar module to default Win32 build (Andi)
- Added FTP module to default Win32 build (Andi)
- Fixed crash in the POSIX getrlimit() function (
- Fixed dirname() under certain conditions (Andi)
- Added --with-imap-ssl to support SSL'ized imap library in RH7 and others
- Fixed possible crash bug in parse_url() (Andi)
- Added support for trans sid under Win32 (Daniel)
- IPv6 support in fopen (Stig Venaas)
- Added the shmop extension. It allows more general ways of shared memory
access. (thanks to Ilia Alshanestky and Slava Poliakov
- Added the ability for CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS to accept an associative array of
HTTP POST variables and values. (Sterling)
- Added the CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER option to curl_setopt(). (Sterling)
- Added the curl_error() and curl_errno() functions. (Sterling)
- Changed ext/db not to be enabled by default (Jani)
- Fixed building Apache SAPI module on SCO UnixWare (Sascha)
- Fixed writing empty session sets to shared memory (
- Added support for BSD/OS make (Sascha)
- Added improved URL rewriter (Sascha)
- Fixed readdir_r() use on Solaris (Sascha)
- Improved HTTP headers for private-caching (, Sascha)
- Added new function session_cache_limiter (, Sascha)
- Added ftp_exec to the ftp functions (thanks to )
- PEAR: add last executed query as debug info in DB errors (Stig)
- PEAR: allow multiple modes in PEAR_Error (Stig)
- Made the Sybase CT module thread safe (Zeev)
- Added second argument to array_reverse() that indicatese whether
the original array keys should be preserved. (Andrei)
- Clean up htmlspecialchars/htmlentities inconsistencies. (Rasmus)
- PEAR: renamed DB_GETMODE_* to DB_FETCHMODE_*, added setFetchMode()
in DB_common to set the default mode, added some MySQL tests (Stig)
- Made eval() and several other runtime-evaluated code portions report the
nature and location of errors more accurately (Stas)
- Added an optional parameter to wordwrap that cuts a string if the length of a
word is longer than the maximum allowed. (Derick)
- Added functions pg_put_line and pg_end_copy (Dirk Elmendorf)
- Added second parameter for parse_str to save result (John Bafford)
- Fixed bug with curl places extra data in the output. (
- Added the pathinfo() function. (Sterling)
- Updated sybase_ct module and its sybase_query to use high performance API.
- Added a more configurable error reporting interface to DB. (Stig)
- Added is_uploaded_file() and move_uploaded_file() (Zeev)
- Added several directives to php.ini - post_max_size, file_uploads,
display_startup_errors - see php.ini-dist for further information (Zeev)
- Worked around a bug in the libc5 implementation of readdir() (Stas)
- Fixed some potential OpenBSD and NetBSD crash bugs when opening files. (Andi)
- Added EscapeShellArg() function (Rasmus)
- Added a php.ini option session.use_trans_sid to enable/disable trans-sid.
- Added the Sablotron extension for XSL parsing. (Sterling)
- Fixed a bug in checkdate() which caused < 1 years to be valid (Jani)
- Added support for an optional output handler function for output
buffering. This enables transparent rendering of XML through XSL,
transparent compression, etc. (Zeev)
- Added support for user defined 'tick' callback functions. This helps
emulate background processing. (Andrei)
- Fixed problem with having $this as the XML parser object. (Andrei)
- Internal opened_path variable now uses the Zend memory manager so that full
paths of files won't leak on unclean shutdown (Andi)
- Removed support of print $obj automatically calling the __string_value()
method. Instead define yourself a method such as toString() and use
print $obj->toString() (Andi, Zend Engine)

Zeev Suraski

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