밤새 lxr을 설치했는데.... 펄스크립트 문제..특정 파일을 보여

shamlock의 이미지

삽질끝에 lxr의 설치를 다했습니다.
lxr-0.9.4를 sf.net에서 다운받아 설치하고
glimpse 도 같이 설치하고
겨우 겨우 설치를 다 했는데............
대부분의 파일이 다 보입니다.

근데.. 몇몇 파일만 내용이 안보이데요 ㅠㅠ 울면서 이것 저것 막 열어봤더니

파일 경로에 마이너스 기호가 있는 파일만 열리지가 않습니다.
예를 들어
/aaa/bbb/ddd.c 는 잘 열리지만

/aaa/bbb/ddd-1.c 는 안열립니다.

웹상에서 lxr에 파일명이 ddd를 포함하고 있는
모든 파일을 검색했더니 아래와 같이 검색이 되는데

상세내용을 보려고 하면
ddd-1.c 파일을 볼수가 없습니다.

디렉토리도 마찬가지로 마이너스 기호가 있으면
서브디렉토리 목록이 안나오네요

스크립트를 보니깐..
디렉토리나 파일 오픈이 실패하면 파일이 없다는 오류를 뿌리는데
웹 페이지 상에 파일이 없다는 오류를 뿌리지 않는거 보면 오픈은 성공하는 것 같은데..

( 제가 5번 정도 설치했는데..환경설정이 잘못되서
실제로 파일경로를 잘못 적은 적도 있엇거든요..
그때는 파일이 없다는 에러를 뿌려주었었습니다
근데 이번엔 파일이 없다는 에러를 뿌리지는 않는군요

아래는 혹시나 하는 마음으로
펄스크립트 파일 두개를 첨부해드립니다.
경로를 파싱하는 펄 스크립트 하나와
그 펄스크립트가 참조하는(라이브러리인가) 스크립트도 첨부해봅니다.

아래의 파일이 
/source/aaa/bbb/ddd-1.c 의 경로명을 파싱해서
실제로 html 형태로 뿌려주는 펄스크립트인데..
문법이 너무 어려워서리..

#!/usr/bin/perl -T
# $Id: source,v 1.44 2004/09/02 15:26:42 brondsem Exp $

# source -- Present sourcecode as html, complete with references
#  the '/icons' images are available in any standard Apache installation
#   Arne Georg Gleditsch <argggh@ifi.uio.no>
#   Per Kristian Gjermshus <pergj@ifi.uio.no>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.


$CVSID = '$Id: source,v 1.44 2004/09/02 15:26:42 brondsem Exp $ ';

use strict;
use lib '.'; # for Local.pm
use lib do { $0 =~ m{(.*)/} ? "$1/lib" : "lib" }; # if LXR modules are in ./lib

use LXR::Common qw(:html);
use Local;

sub diricon {
    my ($templ, $node, $dir) = @_;
    my $img;

    if ($node eq '../') {
        $img = "/icons/back.gif";
    } else {
        $img = "/icons/folder.gif";

    return fileref("<img align=\"bottom\" border=\"0\" src=\"$img\" alt=\"folder\">", "",
        $dir . $node);

sub dirname {
    my ($templ, $node, $dir) = @_;

    if ($node eq '../') {
        return fileref("Parent directory", "dirfolder", $dir . $node);
    } else {
        return fileref($node, "dirfolder", $dir . $node);

sub fileicon {
    my ($templ, $node, $dir) = @_;
    my $img;

    if ($node =~ /^.*\.[ch]$/) {
        $img = "/icons/c.gif";
    } elsif ($node =~ /^.*\.(cpp|cc|java)$/) {

        # TODO: Find a nice icon for c++ files (KDE?)
        $img = "/icons/c.gif";
    } elsif ($node =~ /^.*\.(txt)$/) {
        $img = "/icons/text.gif";
    } elsif ($node =~ /^.*\.(jar|war|ear|zip|tar|gz|tgz|cab)$/) {
        $img = "/icons/compressed.gif";
    } elsif ($node =~ /^.*\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|bmp|png)$/) {
        $img = "/icons/image2.gif";
    } else {
        $img = "/icons/generic.gif";
    return fileref("<img align=\"bottom\" border=\"0\" src=\"$img\" alt=\"\">", "", $dir . $node);

sub filename {
    my ($templ, $node, $dir) = @_;
    return fileref($node, "dirfile", $dir . $node);

sub filesize {
    my ($templ, $node, $dir) = @_;

    my $s = $files->getfilesize($dir . $node, $release);
    my $str;

    if ($s < 1 << 10) {
        $str = "$s";
    } else {

        #      if ($s < 1<<20) {
        $str = ($s >> 10) . "k";

        #      } else {
        #          $str = ($s>>20) . "M";
        #      }
    return expandtemplate(
            'bytes'  => sub { return $str },
            'kbytes' => sub { return $str },
            'mbytes' => sub { return $str }

sub modtime {
    my ($templ, $node, $dir) = @_;

    my $current_time = time;
    my $file_time    = $files->getfiletime($dir . $node, $release);

    return '-' unless defined($file_time);

    my @t = gmtime($file_time);
    my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year) = @t;
      sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", $year + 1900, $mon + 1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec);

sub bgcolor {
    my ($templ, $line) = @_;
    return ((($line - 1) / 3) % 2) ? "#FFFFFF" : "#EEEEEE";

sub rowclass {
    my ($templ, $line) = @_;
    return ((($line - 1) / 3) % 2) ? "dirrow2" : "dirrow1";

sub direxpand {
    my ($templ, $dir) = @_;
    my $direx = '';
    my $line  = 1;
    my %index;
    my @nodes;
    my $node;

    @nodes = $files->getdir($dir, $release);
    unless (@nodes) {
        print(  "<p align=\"center\">\n<i>The directory "
              . $files->toreal($dir, $release)
              . " does not exist.</i>\n");
            "\<p align=\"center\">\n<i>This directory might exist in other versions, try 'Show attic files' or select a different Version.</i>\n"
          if $files->isa("LXR::Files::CVS")
          and !$HTTP->{'param'}->{'showattic'};

        #FIXME what does this do?
        if ($files->toreal($dir, $release) =~ m#(.+[^/])[/]*$#) {
            if (-e $1) {
                warning("Unable to open " . $files->toreal($dir, $release));

    unshift(@nodes, '../') unless $dir eq '/';

    #CSS checked _PH_
    foreach $node (@nodes) {
        if ($node =~ /\/$/) {
            $direx .= expandtemplate(
                    'iconlink' => sub { diricon(@_, $node, $dir) },
                    'namelink' => sub { dirname(@_, $node, $dir) },
                    'filesize' => sub { '-' },
                    'modtime'  => sub { modtime(@_, $node, $dir) },
                    'bgcolor' => sub { bgcolor(@_,  $line++) },
                    'css'     => sub { rowclass(@_, $line++) },
                    'description' => sub { descexpand(@_, $node, $dir, $release) }
        } else {
            next if $node =~ /^.*\.[oa]$|^core$|^00-INDEX$/;
            $direx .= expandtemplate(
                    'iconlink'    => sub { fileicon(@_, $node, $dir) },
                    'namelink'    => sub { filename(@_, $node, $dir) },
                    'filesize'    => sub { filesize(@_, $node, $dir) },
                    'modtime'     => sub { modtime(@_,  $node, $dir) },
                    'bgcolor'     => sub { bgcolor(@_,  $line++) },
                    'css'         => sub { rowclass(@_, $line++) },
                    'description' => sub {
                            $files->toreal($dir . $node, $release) =~ m|/Attic/|
                            ? "<i>In Attic</i>  "
                            : ""
                          . descexpand(@_, $node, $dir, $release);

    return ($direx);

sub printdir {
    my $dir = shift;
    my $templ;

    $templ = "<ul>\n\$files{\n<li>\$iconlink \$namelink\n}</ul>\n";
    if ($config->htmldir) {
        unless (open(TEMPL, $config->htmldir)) {
            warning("Template " . $config->htmldir . " does not exist.");
        } else {
            local ($/) = undef;
            $templ = <TEMPL>;

    # print the description of the current directory
    print dirdesc($dir, $release);

    # print the listing itself
    print(expandtemplate($templ, ('files' => sub { direxpand(@_, $dir) })));

sub printfile {
    my $raw = shift;

    if ($pathname =~ m|/$|) {
    } else {
        my $fileh = $files->getfilehandle($pathname, $release);

        if ($fileh) {
            if ($raw) {
                print($fileh->getlines );
            else {
                if ($config->cvswebprefix) {
                    my $revtarget = "";
                    $revtarget = "#rev$release" if lc($release) ne "head";
                    print "<a href='"
                      . $config->cvswebprefix
                      . $pathname
                      . $config->cvswebpostfix
                      . $revtarget
                      . "'>View CVS Log</a>";
                my @ann = $files->getannotations($pathname, $release);

                if (@ann) {
                    my ($a, $b);
                    foreach $a (@ann) {
                        if ($a eq $b) {
                            $a = ' ' x 16;

                        $b = $a;
                        $a .= ' ' x (6 - length($a)) . $files->getauthor($pathname, $a);
                        $a .= ' ' x (16 - length($a));

                my $l;
                my $outfun = sub {
                    $l = shift;
                    $l =~ s/(\n)/$1.shift(@ann)/ge;
                    print $l;
                &$outfun("<pre class=\"file\">\n");
                markupfile($fileh, $outfun);

        } else {
            print("\<p align=\"center\">\n<i>The file $pathname does not exist.</i>\n");
                "\<p align=\"center\">\n<i>This file might exist in other versions, try 'Show attic files' or select a different Version.</i>\n"
              if $files->isa("LXR::Files::CVS")
              and !$HTTP->{'param'}->{'showattic'};
            if (-f $files->toreal($pathname, $release)) {
                warning("Unable to open " . $files->toreal($pathname, $release));


if ($config->filter && $pathname !~ $config->filter) {
    print("\<p align=\"center\">\n<i>The file $pathname does not exist.</i>\n");

# If the file is html then simply pump it out.
if ($pathname =~ /\.(html)$/ || $HTTP->{'param'}->{'raw'}) {
} else {
    my $type = ($pathname !~ m|/$| ? 'source' : 'sourcedir');



이 파일은 Common.pm 파일입니다.
아마도 위의 펄스크립트에서 참조하는 것 같습니다

# -*- tab-width: 4 -*- ###############################################
# $Id: Common.pm,v 1.51 2005/05/04 23:19:33 mbox Exp $
# FIXME: java doesn't support super() or super.x

# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

package LXR::Common;

$CVSID = '$Id: Common.pm,v 1.51 2005/05/04 23:19:33 mbox Exp $ ';

use strict;

require Exporter;

  $files $index $config $pathname $identifier $release
  $HTTP $wwwdebug $tmpcounter);

@ISA = qw(Exporter);

@EXPORT    = qw($files $index $config &fatal);
@EXPORT_OK = qw($files $index $config $pathname $identifier $release
  &warning &fatal &abortall &fflush &urlargs &fileref
  &idref &incref &htmlquote &freetextmarkup &markupfile
  &markupstring &httpinit &makeheader &makefooter
  &expandtemplate &httpclean);

%EXPORT_TAGS = ('html' => [@EXPORT_OK]);

require Local;
require LXR::SimpleParse;
require LXR::Config;
require LXR::Files;
require LXR::Index;
require LXR::Lang;

$wwwdebug = 0;

$tmpcounter = 23;

sub warning {
	my $c = join(", line ", (caller)[ 0, 2 ]);
	print(STDERR "[", scalar(localtime), "] warning: $c: $_[0]\n");
	print("<h4 align=\"center\"><i>** Warning: $_[0]</i></h4>\n") if $wwwdebug;

sub fatal {
	my $c = join(", line ", (caller)[ 0, 2 ]);
	print(STDERR "[", scalar(localtime), "] fatal: $c: $_[0]\n");
	print(STDERR '[@INC ', join(" ", @INC), ' $0 ', $0, "\n");
	print(STDERR '$config', join(" ", %$config), "\n") if ref($config) eq "HASH";
	print("<h4 align=\"center\"><i>** Fatal: $_[0]</i></h4>\n") if $wwwdebug;

sub abortall {
	my $c = join(", line ", (caller)[ 0, 2 ]);
	print(STDERR "[", scalar(localtime), "] abortall: $c: $_[0]\n");
		"Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\n\n",
		"<b><i>** Aborting: $_[0]</i></b>\n",
	  if $wwwdebug;

sub fflush {
	$| = 1;

sub tmpcounter {
	return $tmpcounter++;

sub urlargs {
	my @args = @_;
	my %args = ();
	my $val;

	foreach (@args) {
		$args{$1} = $2 if /(\S+)=(\S*)/;
	@args = ();

	foreach ($config->allvariables) {
		$val = $args{$_} || $config->variable($_);
		push(@args, "$_=$val") unless ($val eq $config->vardefault($_));

	foreach (keys(%args)) {
		push(@args, "$_=$args{$_}");

	return ($#args < 0 ? '' : '?' . join(';', @args));

sub fileref {
	my ($desc, $css, $path, $line, @args) = @_;

	# jwz: URL-quote any special characters.
	$path =~ s|([^-a-zA-Z0-9.\@/_\r\n])|sprintf("%%%02X", ord($1))|ge;

	if ($line > 0 && length($line) < 3) {
		$line = ('0' x (3 - length($line))) . $line;

	return ("<a class='$css' href=\"$config->{virtroot}/source$path"
		  . &urlargs(@args)
		  . ($line > 0 ? "#$line" : "")
		  . "\"\>$desc</a>");

sub diffref {
	my ($desc, $css, $path, $darg) = @_;
	my $dval;

	($darg, $dval) = $darg =~ /(.*?)=(.*)/;
	return ("<a class='$css' href=\"$config->{virtroot}/diff$path"
		  . &urlargs(($darg ? "diffvar=$darg" : ""), ($dval ? "diffval=$dval" : ""))
		  . "\"\>$desc</a>");

sub idref {
	my ($desc, $css, $id, @args) = @_;
	return ("<a class='$css' href=\"$config->{virtroot}/ident"
		  . &urlargs(($id ? "i=$id" : ""), @args)
		  . "\"\>$desc</a>");

sub incref {
	my ($name, $css, $file, @paths) = @_;
	my ($dir, $path);

	push(@paths, $config->incprefix);

	foreach $dir (@paths) {
		$dir =~ s/\/+$//;
		$path = $config->mappath($dir . "/" . $file);
		return &fileref($name, $css, $path) if $files->isfile($path, $release);


	return $name;

sub http_wash {
	my $t = shift;
	if (!defined($t)) {
		return (undef);

	$t =~ s/\+/ /g;
	$t =~ s/\%([\da-f][\da-f])/pack("C", hex($1))/gie;

	return ($t);

# dme: Smaller version of the markupfile function meant for marking up
# the descriptions in source directory listings.
sub markupstring {
	my ($string, $virtp) = @_;

	# Mark special characters so they don't get processed just yet.
	$string =~ s/([\&\<\>])/\0$1/g;

	# Look for identifiers and create links with identifier search query.
	# TODO: Is there a performance problem with this?
	$string =~ s#(^|\s)([a-zA-Z_~][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\b#
		$1.(is_linkworthy($2) ? &idref($2, "", $2) : $2)#ge;

	# HTMLify the special characters we marked earlier,
	# but not the ones in the recently added xref html links.
	$string =~ s/\0&/&amp;/g;
	$string =~ s/\0</&lt;/g;
	$string =~ s/\0>/&gt;/g;

	# HTMLify email addresses and urls.
	$string =~
	  s#((ftp|http|nntp|snews|news)://(\w|\w\.\w|\~|\-|\/|\#)+(?!\.\b))#<a href=\"$1\">$1</a>#g;

	# htmlify certain addresses which aren't surrounded by <>
	$string =~ s/([\w\-\_]*\@netscape.com)(?!&gt;)/<a href=\"mailto:$1\">$1<\/a>/g;
	$string =~ s/([\w\-\_]*\@mozilla.org)(?!&gt;)/<a href=\"mailto:$1\">$1<\/a>/g;
	$string =~ s/([\w\-\_]*\@gnome.org)(?!&gt;)/<a href=\"mailto:$1\">$1<\/a>/g;
	$string =~ s/([\w\-\_]*\@linux.no)(?!&gt;)/<a href=\"mailto:$1\">$1<\/a>/g;
	$string =~ s/([\w\-\_]*\@sourceforge.net)(?!&gt;)/<a href=\"mailto:$1\">$1<\/a>/g;
	$string =~ s/([\w\-\_]*\@sf.net)(?!&gt;)/<a href=\"mailto:$1\">$1<\/a>/g;
	$string =~ s/(&lt;)(.*@.*)(&gt;)/$1<a href=\"mailto:$2\">$2<\/a>$3/g;

	# HTMLify file names, assuming file is in the current directory.
	$string =~
	  s#\b(([\w\-_\/]+\.(c|h|cc|cp|hpp|cpp|java))|README)\b#<a href=\"$config->{virtroot}/source$virtp$1\">$1</a>#g;

	return ($string);

# dme: Return true if string is in the identifier db and it seems like its
# use in the sentence is as an identifier and its not just some word that
# happens to have been used as a variable name somewhere. We don't want
# words like "of", "to" and "a" to get links. The string must be long
# enough, and  either contain "_" or if some letter besides the first
# is capitalized
sub is_linkworthy {
	my ($string) = @_;

	if (
		$string =~ /....../
		&& ($string =~ /_/ || $string =~ /.[A-Z]/)

		#		&& defined($xref{$string}) FIXME
		return (1);
	} else {
		return (0);

sub markspecials {
	$_[0] =~ s/([\&\<\>])/\0$1/g;

sub htmlquote {
	$_[0] =~ s/\0&/&amp;/g;
	$_[0] =~ s/\0</&lt;/g;
	$_[0] =~ s/\0>/&gt;/g;

sub freetextmarkup {
	$_[0] =~ s{((f|ht)tp://[^\s<>\0]*[^\s<>\0.])}
			  {<a class='offshore' href="$1">$1</a>}g;
	$_[0] =~ s{(\0<([^\s<>\0]+@[^\s<>\0]+)\0>)}
			  {<a class='offshore' href="mailto:$2">$1</a>}g;

sub markupfile {

	#_PH_ supress block is here to avoid the <pre> tag output
	#while called from diff
	my ($fileh, $outfun) = @_;
	my ($dir) = $pathname =~ m|^(.*/)|;

	my $line = '001';
	my @ltag = &fileref(1, "fline", $pathname, 1) =~ /^(<a)(.*\#)001(\">)1(<\/a>)$/;
	$ltag[0] .= ' name=';
	$ltag[3] .= " ";

	my @itag = &idref(1, "fid", 1) =~ /^(.*=)1(\">)1(<\/a>)$/;
	my $lang = new LXR::Lang($pathname, $release, @itag);

	# A source code file
	if ($lang) {
		my $language = $lang->language;    # To get back to the key to lookup the tabwidth.
		&LXR::SimpleParse::init($fileh, $config->filetype->{$language}[3], $lang->parsespec);

		my ($btype, $frag) = &LXR::SimpleParse::nextfrag;

		#&$outfun("<pre class=\"file\">\n");
		&$outfun(join($line++, @ltag)) if defined($frag);

		while (defined($frag)) {

			if ($btype eq 'comment') {

				# Comment
				# Convert mail adresses to mailto:
			} elsif ($btype eq 'string') {

				# String
				$frag = "<span class='string'>$frag</span>";
			} elsif ($btype eq 'include') {

				# Include directive
				$lang->processinclude(\$frag, $dir);
			} else {

				# Code

			my $ofrag = $frag;

			($btype, $frag) = &LXR::SimpleParse::nextfrag;

			$ofrag =~ s/\n$// unless defined($frag);
			$ofrag =~ s/\n/"\n".join($line++, @ltag)/ge;


	} elsif ($pathname =~ /$config->graphicfile/) {
		&$outfun("<ul><table><tr><th valign=\"center\"><b>Image: </b></th>");
		&$outfun("<img src=\"$config->{virtroot}/source"
			  . $pathname
			  . &urlargs("raw=1")
			  . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"$pathname\">\n");
	} elsif ($pathname =~ m|/CREDITS$|) {
		while (defined($_ = $fileh->getline)) {
			s/^(E:\s+)(\S+@\S+)/$1<a href=\"mailto:$2\">$2<\/a>/gm;
			s/^(W:\s+)(.*)/$1<a href=\"$2\">$2<\/a>/gm;

			# &$outfun("<a name=\"L$.\"><\/a>".$_);
			&$outfun(join($line++, @ltag) . $_);
	} else {
		return unless defined($_ = $fileh->getline);

		# If it's not a script or something with an Emacs spec header and
		# the first line is very long or containts control characters...
		if (   !/^\#!/
			&& !/-\*-.*-\*-/i
			&& (length($_) > 132 || /[\000-\010\013\014\016-\037\200-?/))

			# We postulate that it's a binary file.
			&$outfun("<ul><b>Binary File: ");

			# jwz: URL-quote any special characters.
			my $uname = $pathname;
			$uname =~ s|([^-a-zA-Z0-9.\@/_\r\n])|sprintf("%%%02X", ord($1))|ge;

			&$outfun("<a href=\"$config->{virtroot}/source" . $uname . &urlargs("raw=1") . "\">");

		} else {

			#&$outfun("<pre class=\"file\">\n");
			do {

				#		&$outfun("<a name=\"L$.\"><\/a>".$_);
				&$outfun(join($line++, @ltag) . $_);
			} while (defined($_ = $fileh->getline));


sub fixpaths {
	my $node = '/' . shift;

	while ($node =~ s|/[^/]+/\.\./|/|g) { }
	$node =~ s|/\.\./|/|g;

	$node .= '/' if $files->isdir($node);
	$node =~ s|//+|/|g;

	return $node;

sub printhttp {

	# Print out a Last-Modified date that is the larger of: the
	# underlying file that we are presenting; and the "source" script
	# itself (passed in as an argument to this function.)  If we can't
	# stat either of them, don't print out a L-M header.  (Note that this
	# stats lxr/source but not lxr/lib/LXR/Common.pm.  Oh well, I can
	# live with that I guess...)	-- jwz, 16-Jun-98

	# Made it stat all currently loaded modules.  -- agg.

	# Todo: check lxr.conf.

	my $time = $files->getfiletime($pathname, $release);
	my $time2 = (stat($config->confpath))[9];
	$time = $time2 if $time2 > $time;

	# Remove this to see if we get a speed increase by not stating all
	# the modules.  Since for most sites the modules change rarely,
	# this is a big hit for each access.

	# 	my %mods = ('main' => $0, %INC);
	# 	my ($mod, $path);
	# 	while (($mod, $path) = each %mods) {
	# 		$mod  =~ s/.pm$//;
	# 		$mod  =~ s|/|::|g;
	# 		$path =~ s|/+|/|g;

	# 		no strict 'refs';
	# 		next unless $ {$mod.'::CVSID'};

	# 		$time2 = (stat($path))[9];
	# 		$time = $time2 if $time2 > $time;
	# 	}

	if ($time > 0) {
		my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday) = gmtime($time);
		my @days = ("Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun");
		my @months =
		  ("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec");
		$year += 1900;
		$wday = $days[$wday];
		$mon  = $months[$mon];

		# Last-Modified: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 00:55:32 GMT
		printf("Last-Modified: %s, %2d %s %d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT\n",
			$wday, $mday, $mon, $year, $hour, $min, $sec);

	if ($HTTP->{'param'}->{'raw'}) {

		#FIXME - need more types here
		my %type = (
			'gif'  => 'image/gif',
			'html' => 'text/html'

		if ($pathname =~ /\.([^.]+)$/ && $type{$1}) {
			print("Content-type: ", $type{$1}, "\n");
		} else {
			print("Content-Type: text/plain\n");
	} else {
		print("Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\n");

		# print("Content-Type: text/html\n");

	# Close the HTTP header block.

# httpinit - parses and cleans up the URL parameters and sets up the various variables
#            Also prints the HTTP header & sets up the signal handlers
#			This is also where we protect from malicious input
# path_info -
# param		- Array of parameters
# this_url	- The current url
sub httpinit {
	$SIG{__WARN__} = \&warning;
	$SIG{__DIE__}  = \&fatal;

	$HTTP->{'path_info'} = http_wash($ENV{'PATH_INFO'});

	$HTTP->{'path_info'} = clean_path($HTTP->{'path_info'});
	$HTTP->{'this_url'} = 'http://' . $ENV{'SERVER_NAME'};
	$HTTP->{'this_url'} .= ':' . $ENV{'SERVER_PORT'}
	  if $ENV{'SERVER_PORT'} != 80;
	$HTTP->{'this_url'} .= $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'} . $ENV{'PATH_INFO'};
	$HTTP->{'this_url'} .= '?' . $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}

	# We don't clean all the parameters here, as some scripts need extended characters
	# e.g. regexp searching
	$HTTP->{'param'} = { map { http_wash($_) } $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} =~ /([^;&=]+)(?:=([^;&]+)|)/g };

	# But do clean up these
	$HTTP->{'param'}->{'v'} ||= $HTTP->{'param'}->{'version'};
	$HTTP->{'param'}->{'a'} ||= $HTTP->{'param'}->{'arch'};
	$HTTP->{'param'}->{'i'} ||= $HTTP->{'param'}->{'identifier'};

	$identifier = clean_identifier($HTTP->{'param'}->{'i'});
	# remove the param versions to prevent unclean versions being used
	delete $HTTP->{'param'}->{'i'};
	delete $HTTP->{'param'}->{'identifier'};
	$config     = new LXR::Config($HTTP->{'this_url'});
	die "Can't find config for " . $HTTP->{'this_url'} if !defined($config);
	$files = new LXR::Files($config->sourceroot);
	die "Can't create Files for " . $config->sourceroot if !defined($files);
	$index = new LXR::Index($config->dbname);
	die "Can't create Index for " . $config->dbname if !defined($index);

	foreach ($config->allvariables) {
		$config->variable($_, $HTTP->{'param'}->{$_}) if $HTTP->{'param'}->{$_};
		delete $HTTP->{'param'}->{$_};

	$release  = clean_release($config->variable('v'));
	$config->variable('v', $release);  # put back into config obj
	$HTTP->{'param'}->{'file'} = clean_path($HTTP->{'param'}->{'file'});
	$pathname = fixpaths($HTTP->{'path_info'} || $HTTP->{'param'}->{'file'});


sub clean_release {
	my $release = shift;
	my @rels= $config->varrange('v');
	my %test;
	@test{@rels} = undef;
	if(!exists $test{$release}) {
		$release = $config->vardefault('v');
	return $release;

sub clean_identifier {
	my $id = shift;

	$id =~ s/(^[\w`:.,]+).*/$1/ if defined $id;

	return $id;

sub clean_path {
	# Cleans up a string to path
	my $path = shift;
	if(defined $path) {
		# First suppress anything after a dodgy character
		$path =~ s!(^[\w_+-,.%^/]+).*!$1!;
		# Clean out /../
		while ($path =~ m!/../!) {
			$path = s!/\.\./!/!g;
	return $path;
sub httpclean {
	$config = undef;
	$files  = undef;
	$index  = undef;

sub expandtemplate {
	my ($templ, %expfunc) = @_;
	my ($expfun, $exppar);

	while ($templ =~ s/(\{[^\{\}]*)\{([^\{\}]*)\}/$1\01$2\02/s) { }

	$templ =~ s/(\$(\w+)(\{([^\}]*)\}|))/{
		if (defined($expfun = $expfunc{$2})) {
			if ($3 eq '') {
			else {
				$exppar = $4;
				$exppar =~ s#\01#\{#gs;
				$exppar =~ s#\02#\}#gs;
		else {

	$templ =~ s/\01/\{/gs;
	$templ =~ s/\02/\}/gs;
	return ($templ);

# What follows is somewhat less hairy way of expanding nested
# templates than it used to be.  State information is passed via
# function arguments, as God intended.
sub bannerexpand {
	my ($templ, $who) = @_;

	if ($who eq 'source' || $who eq 'sourcedir' || $who eq 'diff') {
		my $fpath = '';
		my $furl  = fileref($config->sourcerootname . '/', "banner", '/');

		foreach ($pathname =~ m|([^/]+/?)|g) {
			$fpath .= $_;

			# jwz: put a space after each / in the banner so that it's
			# possible for the pathnames to wrap.  The <wbr> tag ought
			# to do this, but it is ignored when sizing table cells,
			# so we have to use a real space.  It's somewhat ugly to
			# have these spaces be visible, but not as ugly as getting
			# a horizontal scrollbar...
			$furl .= ' ' . fileref($_, "banner", "/$fpath");
		$furl =~ s|/</a>|</a>/|gi;

		return "<span class=\"banner\">$furl</span>";
	} else {
		return '';

sub pathname {
	return $pathname;

sub titleexpand {
	my ($templ, $who) = @_;

	if ($who eq 'source' || $who eq 'diff' || $who eq 'sourcedir') {
		return $config->sourcerootname . $pathname;
	} elsif ($who eq 'ident') {
		my $i = $HTTP->{'param'}->{'i'};
		return $config->sourcerootname . ' identifier search' . ($i ? ": $i" : '');
	} elsif ($who eq 'search') {
		my $s = $HTTP->{'param'}->{'string'};
		return $config->sourcerootname . ' general search' . ($s ? ": $s" : '');

sub thisurl {
	my $url = $HTTP->{'this_url'};

	$url =~ s/([\?\&\;\=])/sprintf('%%%02x',(unpack('c',$1)))/ge;
	return ($url);

sub baseurl {
	(my $url = $config->baseurl) =~ s|/*$|/|;

	return $url;

sub stylesheet {
	return $config->stylesheet;

sub dotdoturl {
	my $url = $config->baseurl;
	$url =~ s@/$@@;
	$url =~ s@/[^/]*$@@;
	return ($url);

# This one isn't too bad either.  We just expand the "modes" template
# by filling in all the relevant values in the nested "modelink"
# template.
sub modeexpand {
	my ($templ, $who) = @_;
	my $modex = '';
	my @mlist = ();
	my $mode;

	if ($who eq 'source' || $who eq 'sourcedir') {
		push(@mlist, "<span class='modes-sel'>source navigation</span>");
	} else {
		push(@mlist, fileref("source navigation", "modes", $pathname));

	if ($who eq 'diff') {
		push(@mlist, "<span class='modes-sel'>diff markup</span>");
	} elsif ($who eq 'source' && $pathname !~ m|/$|) {
		push(@mlist, diffref("diff markup", "modes", $pathname));

	if ($who eq 'ident') {
		push(@mlist, "<span class='modes-sel'>identifier search</span>");
	} else {
		push(@mlist, idref("identifier search", "modes", ""));

	if ($who eq 'search') {
		push(@mlist, "<span class='modes-sel'>general search</span>");
	} else {
			    "<a class=\"modes\" "
			  . "href=\"$config->{virtroot}/search"
			  . urlargs
			  . "\">general search</a>");

	foreach $mode (@mlist) {
		$modex .= expandtemplate($templ, ('modelink' => sub { return $mode }));

	return ($modex);

# This is where it gets a bit tricky.  varexpand expands the
# "variables" template using varname and varlinks, the latter in turn
# expands the nested "varlinks" template using varval.
sub varlinks {
	my ($templ, $who, $var) = @_;
	my $vlex = '';
	my ($val, $oldval);
	my $vallink;

	$oldval = $config->variable($var);
	foreach $val ($config->varrange($var)) {
		if ($val eq $oldval) {
			$vallink = "<span class=\"var-sel\">$val</span>";
		} else {
			if ($who eq 'source' || $who eq 'sourcedir') {
				$vallink = &fileref($val, "varlink", $config->mappath($pathname, "$var=$val"),
					0, "$var=$val");

			} elsif ($who eq 'diff') {
				$vallink = &diffref($val, "varlink", $pathname, "$var=$val");
			} elsif ($who eq 'ident') {
				$vallink = &idref($val, "varlink", $identifier, "$var=$val");
			} elsif ($who eq 'search') {
				$vallink =
				    "<a class=\"varlink\" href=\"$config->{virtroot}/search"
				  . &urlargs("$var=$val", "string=" . $HTTP->{'param'}->{'string'})
				  . "\">$val</a>";

		$vlex .= expandtemplate($templ, ('varvalue' => sub { return $vallink }));

	return ($vlex);

sub varexpand {
	my ($templ, $who) = @_;
	my $varex = '';
	my $var;

	foreach $var ($config->allvariables) {
		$varex .= expandtemplate(
				'varname'  => sub { $config->vardescription($var) },
				'varlinks' => sub { varlinks(@_, $who, $var) }
	return ($varex);

sub devinfo {
	my ($templ) = @_;
	my (@mods, $mod, $path);
	my %mods = ('main' => $0, %INC);

	while (($mod, $path) = each %mods) {
		$mod  =~ s/.pm$//;
		$mod  =~ s|/|::|g;
		$path =~ s|/+|/|g;

		no strict 'refs';
		next unless ${ $mod . '::CVSID' };

		push(@mods, [ ${ $mod . '::CVSID' }, $path, (stat($path))[9] ]);

	return join(
		map {
					'moduleid' => sub { $$_[0] },
					'modpath'  => sub { $$_[1] },
					'modtime'  => sub { scalar(localtime($$_[2])) }
		  sort {
			$$b[2] <=> $$a[2]
		  } @mods

sub atticlink {
	return "&nbsp;" if !$files->isa("LXR::Files::CVS");
	return "&nbsp;" if $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'} !~ m|/source$|;
	if ($HTTP->{'param'}->{'showattic'}) {
		return ("<a class='modes' href=\"$config->{virtroot}/source"
			  . $HTTP->{'path_info'}
			  . &urlargs("showattic=0")
			  . "\">Hide attic files</a>");
	} else {
		return ("<a class='modes' href=\"$config->{virtroot}/source"
			  . $HTTP->{'path_info'}
			  . &urlargs("showattic=1")
			  . "\">Show attic files</a>");

sub makeheader {
	my $who = shift;
	my $tmplname;
	my $template = "<html><body>\n<hr>\n";

	$tmplname = $who . "head";

	unless ($who ne "sourcedir" || $config->sourcedirhead) {
		$tmplname = "sourcehead";
	unless ($config->value($tmplname)) {
		$tmplname = "htmlhead";

	if ($config->value($tmplname)) {
		if (open(TEMPL, $config->value($tmplname))) {
			local ($/) = undef;
			$template = <TEMPL>;
		} else {
			warning("Template " . $config->value($tmplname) . " does not exist.");

	#CSS checked _PH_
				'title'      => sub { titleexpand(@_,  $who) },
				'banner'     => sub { bannerexpand(@_, $who) },
				'baseurl'    => sub { baseurl(@_) },
				'stylesheet' => sub { stylesheet(@_) },
				'dotdoturl'  => sub { dotdoturl(@_) },
				'thisurl'    => sub { thisurl(@_) },
				'pathname'   => sub { pathname(@_) },
				'modes'      => sub { modeexpand(@_,   $who) },
				'variables'  => sub { varexpand(@_,    $who) },
				'devinfo'    => sub { devinfo(@_) },
				'atticlink'  => sub { atticlink(@_) },

sub makefooter {
	my $who = shift;
	my $tmplname;
	my $template = "<hr>\n</body>\n";

	$tmplname = $who . "tail";

	unless ($who ne "sourcedir" || $config->sourcedirhead) {
		$tmplname = "sourcetail";
	unless ($config->value($tmplname)) {
		$tmplname = "htmltail";

	if ($config->value($tmplname)) {
		if (open(TEMPL, $config->value($tmplname))) {
			local ($/) = undef;
			$template = <TEMPL>;
		} else {
			warning("Template " . $config->value($tmplname) . " does not exist.");

				'banner'    => sub { bannerexpand(@_, $who) },
				'thisurl'   => sub { thisurl(@_) },
				'modes'     => sub { modeexpand(@_,   $who) },
				'variables' => sub { varexpand(@_,    $who) },
				'devinfo'   => sub { devinfo(@_) }


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Filtered HTML

  • 텍스트에 BBCode 태그를 사용할 수 있습니다. URL은 자동으로 링크 됩니다.
  • 사용할 수 있는 HTML 태그: <p><div><span><br><a><em><strong><del><ins><b><i><u><s><pre><code><cite><blockquote><ul><ol><li><dl><dt><dd><table><tr><td><th><thead><tbody><h1><h2><h3><h4><h5><h6><img><embed><object><param><hr>
  • 다음 태그를 이용하여 소스 코드 구문 강조를 할 수 있습니다: <code>, <blockcode>, <apache>, <applescript>, <autoconf>, <awk>, <bash>, <c>, <cpp>, <css>, <diff>, <drupal5>, <drupal6>, <gdb>, <html>, <html5>, <java>, <javascript>, <ldif>, <lua>, <make>, <mysql>, <perl>, <perl6>, <php>, <pgsql>, <proftpd>, <python>, <reg>, <spec>, <ruby>. 지원하는 태그 형식: <foo>, [foo].
  • web 주소와/이메일 주소를 클릭할 수 있는 링크로 자동으로 바꿉니다.


  • 텍스트에 BBCode 태그를 사용할 수 있습니다. URL은 자동으로 링크 됩니다.
  • 다음 태그를 이용하여 소스 코드 구문 강조를 할 수 있습니다: <code>, <blockcode>, <apache>, <applescript>, <autoconf>, <awk>, <bash>, <c>, <cpp>, <css>, <diff>, <drupal5>, <drupal6>, <gdb>, <html>, <html5>, <java>, <javascript>, <ldif>, <lua>, <make>, <mysql>, <perl>, <perl6>, <php>, <pgsql>, <proftpd>, <python>, <reg>, <spec>, <ruby>. 지원하는 태그 형식: <foo>, [foo].
  • 사용할 수 있는 HTML 태그: <p><div><span><br><a><em><strong><del><ins><b><i><u><s><pre><code><cite><blockquote><ul><ol><li><dl><dt><dd><table><tr><td><th><thead><tbody><h1><h2><h3><h4><h5><h6><img><embed><object><param>
  • web 주소와/이메일 주소를 클릭할 수 있는 링크로 자동으로 바꿉니다.


  • 다음 태그를 이용하여 소스 코드 구문 강조를 할 수 있습니다: <code>, <blockcode>, <apache>, <applescript>, <autoconf>, <awk>, <bash>, <c>, <cpp>, <css>, <diff>, <drupal5>, <drupal6>, <gdb>, <html>, <html5>, <java>, <javascript>, <ldif>, <lua>, <make>, <mysql>, <perl>, <perl6>, <php>, <pgsql>, <proftpd>, <python>, <reg>, <spec>, <ruby>. 지원하는 태그 형식: <foo>, [foo].
  • You can use Textile markup to format text.
  • 사용할 수 있는 HTML 태그: <p><div><span><br><a><em><strong><del><ins><b><i><u><s><pre><code><cite><blockquote><ul><ol><li><dl><dt><dd><table><tr><td><th><thead><tbody><h1><h2><h3><h4><h5><h6><img><embed><object><param><hr>


  • 다음 태그를 이용하여 소스 코드 구문 강조를 할 수 있습니다: <code>, <blockcode>, <apache>, <applescript>, <autoconf>, <awk>, <bash>, <c>, <cpp>, <css>, <diff>, <drupal5>, <drupal6>, <gdb>, <html>, <html5>, <java>, <javascript>, <ldif>, <lua>, <make>, <mysql>, <perl>, <perl6>, <php>, <pgsql>, <proftpd>, <python>, <reg>, <spec>, <ruby>. 지원하는 태그 형식: <foo>, [foo].
  • Quick Tips:
    • Two or more spaces at a line's end = Line break
    • Double returns = Paragraph
    • *Single asterisks* or _single underscores_ = Emphasis
    • **Double** or __double__ = Strong
    • This is [a link](http://the.link.example.com "The optional title text")
    For complete details on the Markdown syntax, see the Markdown documentation and Markdown Extra documentation for tables, footnotes, and more.
  • web 주소와/이메일 주소를 클릭할 수 있는 링크로 자동으로 바꿉니다.
  • 사용할 수 있는 HTML 태그: <p><div><span><br><a><em><strong><del><ins><b><i><u><s><pre><code><cite><blockquote><ul><ol><li><dl><dt><dd><table><tr><td><th><thead><tbody><h1><h2><h3><h4><h5><h6><img><embed><object><param><hr>

Plain text

  • HTML 태그를 사용할 수 없습니다.
  • web 주소와/이메일 주소를 클릭할 수 있는 링크로 자동으로 바꿉니다.
  • 줄과 단락은 자동으로 분리됩니다.
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