NetBSD 2.0 Released

권순선의 이미지

NetBSD 2.0이 릴리즈되었네요. 커널에 대한 주요 변경 사항은 다음과 같군요.

# Ports to new platforms including: amd64, evbsh5, and xen.
# Native thread support has been added, based on Scheduler Activations. Applications which support native threads can now take full advantage of the high-performance NetBSD POSIX threads implementation.
# The i386 port now supports SMP and has a new ACPI and power management framework which takes advantage of Intel's ACPI implementation.
# The amd64 port now supports SMP and hardware support has been enhanced.
# The macppc port now supports SMP and hardware support for newer G4 models has been added.
# SMP support has been added to the sparc port.
# Improvements have been made to NetBSD's Linux emulation to support the latest Sun JDK/JRE for Linux. Testing has shown that it now runs as well as it does on Linux natively.
# Kernel events notification framework - kqueue. kqueue(2) provides a stateful and efficient event notification framework. Currently supported events include socket, file, directory, fifo, pipe, tty and device changes, and monitoring of processes and signals. kqueue is supported by all writable filesystems in the NetBSD tree (with the exception of Coda) and all device drivers supporting poll(2).
# NetBSD 2.0 enforces non-executable mappings on many platforms. This means that the process stack and heap mappings are non-executable by default, making exploitation of potential buffer overflows harder. NetBSD 2.0 supports PROT_EXEC permission via mmap(2) for all platforms where the hardware differentiates execute access from data access, though not necessarily with single-page granularity. When the hardware has a larger granularity, the rule is that if any page in the larger unit is executable, then the entire larger unit is executable, otherwise the entire larger unit is not executable.
# New generic i2c framework, supporting bit bang mode and “intelligent” controllers.
# sysctl(9) was switched from a static binding to a dynamic implementation.
# A new driver, satalink(4), has been added, and SATA support from other drivers has been moved into this along with the addition of support for new controllers.
# Innumerable fixes and enhancements have been made to our existing device drivers, and several new device drivers have been added.

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