무선랜 드라이버를 까는중....
make config 해서 설정을 하니...
아래 말이 나오는군요. PRISM II 칩을 쓴 무선랜카드입니다.
FC 2 를 사용
The default responses are correct for most users.
Build Prism2.x PCMCIA Card Services (_cs) driver? (y/n) [y]: y
Build Prism2 PLX9052 based PCI (_plx) adapter driver? (y/n) [n]: n
Build Prism2.5 native PCI (_pci) driver? (y/n) [n]: n
Build Prism2.5 USB (_usb) driver? (y/n) [n]: n
Linux source directory [/usr/src/linux]: /usr/src/linux-2.6.5-1.358/
Linux source tree /usr/src/linux-2.6.5-1.358/ is incomplete or missing!
The kernel header files are present, but not the full source code.
See the HOWTO for a list of FTP sites for current kernel sources.
Configuration failed
왜그럴까요?? 소스도 깔았는데... 있는데 풀 소스코드가 아니라...
래드햇 FTP에서도 못찾고... 도움 부탁드립니다..
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