vmnetnat.conf 파일
# Windows NAT configuration file
# NAT gateway address
ip =
hostMac = 00:50:56:C0:00:08
# enable configuration; disabled by default for security reasons
#configport = 33445
# VMnet device if not specified on command line
device = VMnet8
# Allow PORT/EPRT FTP commands (they need incoming TCP stream...)
activeFTP = 1
# Allows the source to have any OUI. Turn this one if you change the OUI
# in the MAC address of your virtual machines.
#allowAnyOUI = 1
# Timeout in seconds, 0 = no timeout, default = 60; real value might
# be up to 100% longer
timeout = 30
# This section applies only to Windows.
# Policy to use for DNS forwarding. Accepted values include order,
# rotate, burst.
# order: send one DNS request at a time in order of the name servers
# rotate: send one DNS request at a time, rotate through the DNS servers
# burst: send to three servers and wait for the first one to respond
policy = order;
# Timeout in seconds before retrying DNS request.
timeout = 2
# Retries before giving up on DNS request
retries = 3
# Automatically detect the DNS servers (not supported in Windows NT)
autodetect = 1
# List of DNS servers to use. Up to three may be specified
#nameserver1 =
#nameserver2 =
#nameserver3 =
# Use these with care - anyone can enter into your virtual machine through these...
# FTP (both active and passive FTP is always enabled)
# ftp localhost 8887
#8887 =
# WEB (make sure that if you are using named webhosting, names point to
# your host, not to guest... And if you are forwarding port other
# than 80 make sure that your server copes with mismatched port
# number in Host: header)
# lynx http://localhost:8888
#8888 =
# ssh -p 8889 root@localhost
#8889 =
xp 환경에 vm안에 redhat 7.3을설치했습니다
내부에선 외부로 ping이 되는데 역시나 외부에서 내부로는
불가능하더군요 그래서 여러가지로 검색끝에 저부분을 고치면
된다고 하는거같던데.. 도무질 어디를 고쳐야하는지 모르겠습니다
텔넷, ssh 설치할려구..
검색능력 부족함 죄송합니다 가르침을주십시요 (__)
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