Test Your Linux Skills and Get a FREE Red Hat?Cap!

boyish의 이미지

Test your Linux skills in less than 10 minutes and pinpoint the Red Hat Authorized training course that's right for you. Take Global Knowledge's new, fully automated pre-assessment tests. They're completely free, with no obligations and you can even forward your results to your boss and colleagues.

Test YOUR Linux skills and pre-assess for Linux success!

The first 300 IT professionals to assess will get a FREE Red Hat cap!

Free Red Hat Cap Terms & Conditions

Open only to legal residents of the United States who are Business-to-Business MIS/IT managers, staff, and training decision makers at valid business addresses.
Only the first 300 IT professionals who complete the Red Hat training assessment and meet the above criteria will receive a free cap.
Offer valid only for assessments taken after July 28th, 2004.
Assessment must be completed in full. Incomplete assessments will not qualify.
Limit one cap per individual. One size fits all.
Please allow 8-12 weeks for delivery.
While supplies last.
Void where prohibited.
Offer subject to change or cancellation.


globalknowledge와 redhat이 레드햇 스킬 테스트 및 모자를 주는 행사를 합니다.

권순선의 이미지

자세히 보시면 아시겠지만, 미국에 거주하고 있는 사람들이 대상이고, 선착순 300명까지만이라는군요.... :roll:

boyish의 이미지

아.. 그러네요. 미국거주자 대상이네요.
자세히 읽어보지 않아, 맘만 설레게 할뻔 했습니다. 내용 정정하겠습니다.

linux is not software, it's lifestyle